
ruralgirl Posts: 86 Member
I am having a moan now. My 2 yo TB x welsh D (only just used to picking feet up) was hopping lame this morning and as luck would have it the farrier came this evening and diagnosed a septic foot which means the dreaded poultice.

Does anyone else dread these? Husband trying to distract the filly by feeding her while I hang on to one foot for grim death applying very slippery animalintex followed by one handed unwrapping and starting the vetwrap - sigh of relief as I realise the thing is held on but then the dreaded tape to make it waterproof - noisy stuff which sticks to itself more than the hoof so has the dual purpose of frighteniing the filly and tying me in knots lol Oh so now Ive got the tape in one hand and the hoof in the other - how to cut the tape with the scissors?? Teeth maybe?? Oh Tawny solves the problem by finally putting her foot down (literally) and jumping across the yard so all I have to do is go up and cut the tape on the ground. Apart from having used up twices as much vetwrap and tape as I actually needed tying it all in knots (will I have enough for the next few days?) in another 12 hours Ill have to repeat the performance all over again!! Yey:-)


  • grumpers
    grumpers Posts: 46 Member
    My sympathies! My mare hates standing with her foot in an epsom salts bath and that can get exciting. A trick I found for poulticing hooves is to use a disposable diaper--put your poultice or drawing agent in the "seat" of it then use the diapers adhensive tapes to secure over the hoof around the fetlock. That way you can have two hands to find the end of the vet wrap without having to hold up the poultice... and you can wrap as high as you like to keep it in place. good luck!
  • ruralgirl
    ruralgirl Posts: 86 Member
    Hey thanks - with baby twins we have plenty of those around lol Have to continue another 2 days cause the hole had closed over so nothing was drainng - agggah!
  • grumpers
    grumpers Posts: 46 Member
    TB x welsh D--bet she's going to be gorgeous! is she a gray?
  • 2nd the use of disposable diapers as padding when poulticing. That's what I do here. Makes it much easier to get things done, and you can set down the foot between layers if you need to.

    Also, pre-cut your duct tape into 18' sections, so no ripping sound to scare a nervous filly. This only works if you have a helper to hand you the strips though.
  • ruralgirl
    ruralgirl Posts: 86 Member
    Ah yes have tried the strips but Hubby is too bust hanging onto the horse and stuffing food down it lol Had to swap this morning to some new tape - less noisy but undid too fast and not enough stick which made it almost impossible to aply. Still she is much better today so after a swift consultation with my vet friend after chapple today I have lost the opoultice and gone on to some lovely purple spray this evening - yey!!

    Grumpers she is a Dun (buckskin) just like her sire the Welsh D. She is VERY pretty - little dished araby head but had a rotation on her front foot so it remains to be seen once she is old enough to be started and shod properly, whether or not she will be able to be ridden. The farrier is confident and he is very good:-)

    Thanks again. RG xx
  • Who's the sire? I have 1-1/2 D's in my little herd!

    My 2012 filly is sired by Goldhill's Brandysnap and also have a 22yo gelding sired by Kentchurch Chime.
  • ruralgirl
    ruralgirl Posts: 86 Member
    Not a well known Stallion - Kalistalodge the Eliminater (lovely looking!) but he is from a well known line of light Duns - great grandsire Trevallion Flash Jack. Mum also had good Irish TB breeding with half brother to Shergar on one side and Be My Native on the other. Doesn't all mean a lot though unless she turns out fit to ride - we love her tho:-)
  • You can always try and heal from the inside out. I have treated stuff like this with silverlining herbs. I have a foot/bone suppliment and infection fighter, etc. and have had wonderful success. Wouldn't do it any other way :)
  • SMCLosesIt
    SMCLosesIt Posts: 45 Member
    Old tyre innertubes are great for poulticing too - just pull over the hoof then fold up and tape.