Day 19-September 1st

wow hope everyone is having fun

did a preview weigh in this morning and very disappointed to discover I'm up a bit so frustrated will have to work hard to get it off for Monday

Diet will be good school starts and so the routine meals will too and there will not be snacks hanging around


  • JennyDuffy
    JennyDuffy Posts: 45 Member
    Looking forward to the same in a way when school starts. Although i love the benefits of the school holidays being a teacher, it does make it harder to stick to a routine.

    Done well today though. Went for another run, moved up to week 2 of C25K. Feel good now I've rekindled my love of exercise. Kept under calorie goal in a healthy way. weigh in tomorrow, fingers crossed for a shift in the right direction!

    Jenny :bigsmile:
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    Major house cleaning today for me today we are having a bunch of friends over tomorrow. Lots of food and drinks will be present. I will try and stay away from the bad stuff.
