
Please Introduce yourself, how many kids do you have and how much time you don't have.... Object of this group is to hopefully come up with efficient ways to manage our time, our nutrition and our lives.


  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    Hi I'm Shalea 21 yrs young. (Birthday dec 11th) Married for almost 4 yrs (anniversary dec 15th) and have a daughter that will be 3 at the end of the month. I go to school full time online going for ultrasound tech. I am currently at 245 and want to be 130 and at least 180 by next summer. I'm always looking for fun and exciting ways to exercise and look forwar come up withd to all the ideas people will
  • MommyRobin
    MommyRobin Posts: 584 Member
    Hi! I'm Robin. I'm a 38 yr. old mom of 4 boys, ages 19, 15, 7, and 4. Whew! lol! I am a stay at home mom, but have worked as a photographer on the weekends on and off over the years, and done in home day care for others. In the last year I have lost 88 lbs. I had let myself go through miscarriages, depression, and 4 pregnancies with 9 lb. babies. I finally decided I needed to be healthier for not only myself, but for my family. I can now keep up with my kids and enjoy doing it. I try to exercise every day, even if I have to do it before the kids wake up or after they go to sleep. I have to make time for myself. I'm so glad to have found this group. I hope we get a few great people in here to bounce ideas and issues off of. Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm Heather... full time Mom to two school age kiddos, full time wife to a full time worker and a full time student. Time is one of those things I never have... and don't need to list the things everyone does everyday to say even finding 30 minutes is tough. I am lucky enough (this semester) to have time before classes each day to hit the gym for 30 minutes. I'm always looking for more outside support (family ALWAYS supports me) as I keep on track to my fitness goals!!!

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  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hi! I'm Nicole. SAHM to a DD (5) and DS (3.5). I joined MFP nearly two years ago, went good guns for a bit, then slacked off and stopped counting calories. I've gained all the weight, plus 20 pounds back. My husband, Paul, was recently diagnosed with a hernia, which was a big wake up call for both of us. I'm back, and with him on board, more determined than ever. He commutes 49 miles each way to work, so we wake up at 4:30am to go to the basement to exercise for 30 minutes, and we do another 30 minutes once we put the kids to bed.
  • Heather23NZ
    Heather23NZ Posts: 19 Member
    Thats fantastic that you're in it together!
  • Heather23NZ
    Heather23NZ Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm Heather, stay at home mum to a 14month old boy. My partner works away so its just me most of the time. I find that at the end of the day I just want to sit and watch t.v and pig out! Lookng forward to sharing success with you all :happy:
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi, ive been on mfp for almost 12mtsh now. my biggest issue is with my abs - or lack there of. i am a working mother of 5 children aged 2, 6, 7, 10, and just turned teen 13. i work from home running my hubbys farming buisness so this is normally done after hours when the kids are in bed. at least once a week i am up until about 2am to catch up on all the book work! i had to cut my exercise time about 4-5mths ago as it just dosent fit in with my family. Mornings ususlly dont work as i am up so late, i am not a morning person. i use the local gym and run. mon/wed/fri are heavy lifting days, tue/thur/sun cardio. each session takes 1-1.5hrs. i currently weigh 132lb. im not a scales person so i cant tell you how much i would like to lose - i just want my abs and to look fit - visiable muscle without flexing!! this has always been my goal. i tore my abdo muscles with my second baby and they have still not repaired. 9 pregnancies in 10 years will do that to you! I'd love to hear from others on time management and any ab exercises that might help :)
  • hey guys! i'm a mom to a 21 month old boy. my husband and i workout together (crossfit type), and i recently joined a body bootcamp (at 5:30am since i'm with the kiddo all day).

    we eat paleo/clean and try hard to avoid refined sugars and processed foods. health and fitness is a priority in our family.

    awesome to see a group that's focused on healthy parenting!

    feel free to add me!
  • Hello, my name is Dorothy and I am the mother of three girls ages 8, 4 and 2. They definitely keep me busy to say the least! My husband has a demanding schedule and while he helps me when he is home I am the primary housekeeper and all other things.. I was able to find my sanity by joining the gym!! I can leave the kids at the daycare and have an hour or two to myself!! It took me so long to realize that I am aloud to have time to myself. I now try to make it a priority because it makes me happy, and if I am happy I can be a better mom and wife :-)
  • monicamcisaac
    monicamcisaac Posts: 35 Member
    Hi all
    I'm Monica, stay at home mum to a 2.5 yr old boy and 8 month old girl. It is FULL ON! I'm new to MFP, I managed to lose 9kg on my own since I had my baby but joined MFP to rev me up a bit more to get rid of the dreaded last 5kg or so. I really want to get fitter so that I can keep up with my children! At the end of the day I'm so exhausted I just want to lie on the couch and watch TV. I've started swimming two nights a week and try to go for walks pretty often. My biggest worry is how much weight I'm going to gain when I stop breastfeeding! I'm sure that's the only thing that's made me lose weight so far.
    Looking forward to hearing some tips from you busy mums and dads.
  • Heather23NZ
    Heather23NZ Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, you sound to be in a similar situation to me. I actually lost quite a lot of weight after giving birth but my boy is 14months now and the weight is creeping back on. He self weened at 13 months so no more breastfeeding to help me use the calories! I'm around 85kgs at the minute and would love to get down to 70kgs. Did you actively try to lose the 9kg through diet and exercize or was it just day to day being a mum that helped you?
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Hi. I'm Gina and I'm an at-home mom in Iowa.

    Tim and I have been married for 22 years (23 in Dec.) and we have three living children.

    My boys are Conrad who is 11, Alexander (Alex) who is 10, and Nikolas (Niko) who will be 4 next week. One was a surprise, guess which one?

    I'm an older mom, at 46 and I've been fat for quite some time. It has taken me 20 years to reach the weight I'm at right now, so hopefully, it will take less time to get down to something more reasonable.

    I've found time to work out by going to the gym at 5 am. That way, I'm back before any of the rugrats are up and just in time to get everyone ready for schoo. The gym is a block from our home and my oldest will deal with it if the little one gets up. Six months in and it has never happened!

    Trying to get the kids to eat better foods and not having a lot of success. Still, I do make the effort.

    So, looking forward to seeing what other parents are doing and how they get through the day, week, etc.
  • raetonycass
    raetonycass Posts: 58 Member
    I am Rae and a 39 yr old mom to an 11 yr old, 4 yr old and 3 yr old. I also babysit for 15 mo old twins and their 10 day old sister as well as another 4yr old. Though my husband and I are not in the weight loss battle together we are definitely in the kid life together! We even serve together with jr. high ministry at church. I have fibromyalgia which is why I babysit instead of work outside of the home. I hit my all time high of 217. I was only 206 the day I delivered my last child after being on full, strict bedrest for 29 weeks! This is insane for me. I look forward to chatting with you all.
  • carlydevi
    carlydevi Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Carly, 20 years old and mom to an almost 3 year old son. I work in an Office.

    My goal is to lose 28 lbs until Christmas.. Let's see if it works.
    Nice to meet everyone. :)
  • Hello, I am a father of 3 but only one (the most active one) lives with me.
    I am a full-time Soldier, and I need to stay fit for my job, but I want to stay fit for myself and my family. My life is crazy and my schedule is inconveniently flexible. In 2005 I had right ankle ligament reconstruction and since then working out always gets interrupted by pain. Now I understand the no pain no gain aspect, but I need the community motivation. I need the peer pressure to get fit.
    Soon enough I will start on a new career path that demands me to be even more physically fit than the average Soldier.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm also in the "heavier now than while I was pregnant" boat.

    P2dLo-Which branch of military are you in? My sister just finished Navy boot camp.

    Heather-My two self weaned at 16 and 18 months. I remember gaining more weight then too with DS. I was already 4 months pregnant when DD did so I was expecting to gain weight anyway. LOL!!

    It is nice having my husband on board this time. He also gained sympathy pounds while I was pregnant. :)
  • I am in The Army. Been in for 11 years now.
    Tell your sister to make sure the juice is worth the squeeze and to get as much juice as she can regardless of how long she stays in.
    Everyone need encouragement once in a while.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks, I will. I think she only plans to stay for four years. She joined for the GI bill. She'd like to go to culinary school and open a bakery one day.
  • That is awesome. LOL I am trying to stay away from an amazing German bakery in town....
  • kbresso
    kbresso Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm a mom of a 3 year old girl and a 7 year old boy. I'm married to a wonderful guy who makes it possible for me to work out 6 days a week. I work full time (and so does he) so my workouts during the week are early in the morning (at the gym by 4:30 home by 6 am) before the kids are up, usually.
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