Gamertags/PSN IDs/Origin&Steam IDs



  • My Gamertag is TheWalmartDeli.

    I play MW3 right now.
  • Steam: Ice-Valkyrie
    PSVita ID: GundamBanshee
    3DS Friend Code: 3179-6168-1939

    Add me, ya'll. I'm an RPG addict. If anyone here plays RaiderZ my name is Banshee, Crawler server. Considering getting Guild Wars 2 when it comes out, still undecided.
  • MsHolly731
    MsHolly731 Posts: 54 Member
    Xbox Live: oIntoTheVoido :glasses:
  • AndrewXB9
    AndrewXB9 Posts: 114
    Xbox Gamertag - XB92AI
    Steam ID - Rfcabd

    Raptr - XB92AI

    I will be getting a PS3 soon for some exclusives, and i will post it on here!
    If you are adding me, please let me know via Xbox Message/Steam Message and on MFP! Add me and mail me with your gamertag please :P

    I warn you now.... I'm good at Halo ;)
  • PS3: FerretCatcher
    Steam ID: Sharky1964
  • xxmangexx
    xxmangexx Posts: 13 Member
    xbox: xxmangexx

    ps3: usernamestolen

    apparently mange is not allowed on psn, go figure. add away.
  • XBL/PSN: DeviImite (the L is an i)
  • XBL: Enigma IT

    Don't do a lot of multiplayer, but feel free to add me- especially if you're playing the Fable series!
  • xbox: jessers237
    steam: upsidedown8079
  • Xbox Live: Malicent

    Love fighting games.. Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter
    Love RPGs.. Fable, Skyrim (want to get it soon), Borderlands, Final Fantasy
    Love Kinect... Just Dance and Dance Central. I use it as fun alternative to swimming and treadmill/elliptical!
  • Origin: esonnie (for Sims 3)
    Steam: ericalg (Skyrim)
    Battletag: Tak#1462 (Diablo 3)
    Xbox Gamer Tag: Rashenbo

    Feel free to add me up!
  • Middangeard
    Middangeard Posts: 47 Member
    PSN: FrumiousBoojum
    Xbox: Midangeard
    Steam: Middangeard

    I'm mostly on the PS3/Vita... Rarely get on the Xbox.
  • Xbox gamertag and PSN: galaxiadragon

    Currently playing Borderlands 2 on Xbox. Would be willing to pick up Team Fortress 2 again if anybody wanted to play.
  • Xbox is SuicidalxDolly (i got my name from the Suicide Girls) and i mostly play Modern Warfare 2 or 3
  • madpaddyjack
    madpaddyjack Posts: 45 Member
    XBL: MadPaddyJack
    PSN: madpaddyjack13
    Steam: MadPaddyJack

    Feel free to add me, especially if you want to do some co-op or squad up in Battlefield 3 (PS3). If we have any RTS gamers out there, I'm always looking for a friendly game of Napoleon: Total War over Steam.
  • Puggy33
    Puggy33 Posts: 300
    LOL - IamPugz
    Xbox - i Pugz i

    Always on League of legends and Playing Mw3 and madden for the Xbox. Feel free to add me on either of these or on MFP as well, I don't bite often so I mean it's worth the risk of adding :P
  • her4g63
    her4g63 Posts: 284 Member
    PSN : xTacticalJOEx (it's my ex's old username... I don't know how to change it, haha)

    I <3 me some BF3
  • Kisuke30
    Kisuke30 Posts: 668 Member
    steamid : kensugu
    xfire : omgwtfbs
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    GT: PMS Anex
    My account is silver at the moment due to complications of living overseas & having a US XBL account along with generally being poor :x

    xfire: Mithrandiria

    steam: AnexRavensong

    I'm not really playing anything on PC at the moment (getting impatient for Elder Scrolls Online).

  • ptjolsen
    ptjolsen Posts: 365 Member
    Xbox: fightinsiouxfan

    generally a sports gamer, some MW3 mixed in