help with BMR / TDEE & calorie consumption please

Can somebody please help with BMR / TDEE and how many calories I should be eating?ood the day before back to work!) and I wondered if I could ask for some help please.

My stats are:
Height: 5ft 6 inches
Current weight: 137.2lbs
Goal weight: 130lbs

I have taken up spinning (quite addicted) so do that 2-3 times a week, and then at least once a week I'll do my normal gym workout which is weights followed by 20mins of interval cardio.

MFP had me on 1260 calories per day. Last week I felt so hungry all the time after exercising so much. So I figured that I wasn't eating enough to fuel my body. Ive also stalled on weight loss (think I must have lost half a stone by eating healthier).

After doing research all weekend and talking to a lady on here, I was introduced to BMR and TDEE.

Could somebody please tell me how many calories I should be eating each day please? And should I be eating back calories or just aim to eat my BMR or TDEE calories (depending on the answer) even when I exercise?

According to (it was the first one that came up in google!) my BMR and TDEE are as follows:

BMR 1429
TDEE 2214

I'm confused how much I should be eating how I should be recording this on MFP.

Any help, in as basic terms as possible would be so much appreciated!
Thanks in advance,


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I plugged your numbers into this site: and basically came up with the same as yours.
    TDEE is 2214 and BMR is 1428

    What it means is to maintain your current weight, you would need to eat about 2200 cals a day. Your body actually needs 1400 cals just to do its bodily finctions, move blood, breathe, keep your organs in check, etc..
    So in order to lose weight in a healthy manner, you would want to cut your TDEE number by about 15%, which gives you about 1880 cals a day to eat. this INCLUDES your exercise cals, so you do not eat them back, UNLESS your burn takes you below 1400 (BMR)

    So say you eat 1900 cals and you did a spin class which earned you a burn of 600 cals.. 1900-600= 1300.. That means you would want to eat back at least 100 cals of those to make sure your NET cals eaten, is over your BMR number.
    If you burn 500 cals or less in a day, then you would not have to eat back any of the cals, Unless you wanted to for an extra bit.

    Hope this helps
  • santa_nethy
    thank you so much!!

    That does make sense now and I'm going to give it a try and see what happens!

    I'm going to cut my TDEE by 20% which gives me 1771 calories per day. But when I exercise, if I go below my BMR I need to eat something to my consumption up to that.

    Got it!

    Thank you!! I'll report back soon
  • santa_nethy
    sorry just to double check, so I have to eat 1771 calories, regardless of whether I do any exercise?

    So at the moment MFP would say - I've eaten 1800 calories, and I've burnt 200 calories which would give me an allowance of 2000 (an extra 200 to eat). So I wouldn't eat the 200 here.

    But if I've eaten 1800 calories, did spin and burnt 500 calories, I'd have to eat an extra 100.

    Does that make sense?
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Yes and yes - good luck :-D
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    You are so close to your goal weight, I think you want to try a smaller cut. Like 5-10%
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    You can check your numbers by following this thread, take the time to take your measurements and do the BF% it does effect your BMR. You TDEE will be modified by your activity level - take you cut from which ever level you fit best. If you are within 10 pounds of your goal weight then you cut should be 10-15% of the appropriate TDEE.

    Eat more than your BMR and less your TDEE

    If you include the activity in your TDEE then you do not need to eat back your exercise since it is built in. It makes planning your meals a lot easier. You will have a smaller deficit on rest/recovery days and a larger one on workout days.

    Another thing to consider is using a BF% as your goal rather than a weight!
  • santa_nethy
    Thanks, I think our scales at home tell me body fat and water and all of that, so I'll start recording my body fat percentage.

    Thanks everyone this has been really helpful and today I'm on my first EMTWL - I'll hopefully eat 1771 calories, and I have spin later too.

    Finger's crossed this works for me!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Just know that there are a lot of quirks with scale type BF% methods.

    There are good online calculators that use your measurements - the military ones are reasonably reliable.

    Just pick one method and track the trend rather than focusing so much on the number since ther can be as much as a 3-10% difference between methods.
  • santa_nethy
    Thanks guys.

    Today was my first day doing EMTWL and I'm afraid I haven't reached the 1771 calorie consumption, even though I feel like I've been eating all day.

    I've eaten 1637 calories and burnt 365 doing spin.

    It does make me a bit scared that I'm going to be eating more food... and weighing more not less!!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    If you have been severely calorie restricting for a while it may take a bit of time for your hormones and metabolism to catch up to the higher intake. Don't be afraid if the scale drifts up a bit at first. It will come down - have you ever seen your weight drop the day or two after a splurge day - same thing will happen.
    If you were restricted you can try adding 200 cals a week to your net until you get up to your target intake.

    give it at least a month at your full target before you reevaluate.

    Think about adding in heavy lifting - look at strong lifts 5 x 5, starting strength or any of the new rules of lifting books.
  • santa_nethy
    Thanks I'll keep you updated on my progress!

    Does anybody put their MFP calorie goal setting at their TDEE so you know you can eat up to this and below in order to lose weight?

    At the moment my dashboard is quite confusing because I've exercised it's added those calories onto my allowance.

    This is all quite exciting - is that sad? I'm just hopeful!
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    You can customize your dashboard and set your calorie target to your TDEE - 20%. You can also zero out the calories when you log your exercise so it doesn't add back in and confuse you.
  • SaintsGal
    Hi guys,

    I am now trying to EMTWL but I am struggling with TDEE and exercise calories.

    I have just worked out how many calories I need to lose weight according to my TDEE on the following website:

    The details I entered were:
    Gender: Female
    Weight: 175 lbs
    Height: 161 cm
    Activity Level: Moderate (I work out 4/5 times a week for about 30 - 40 mins - average burn of 300 - 400 calories)
    First Aim: To lose 1kg in 2 weeks (will keep redoing this regularly if, and when, my goal is achieved)

    The website came back with:
    (I'm guessing maintenance calories) of: 2331 and my weight currently as 79.38kg
    Week 1: my calories should be 1779 and my weight would be 173.53lbs
    Week 2: my calories should be 1773 and my weight would be 172.43

    So would my calories be 1779 before or after exercise as TDEE includes exercise? So should I not log my exercise or should I log it and eat extra calories? If I burned 400 calories would I have to eat these back or are these calories included in my 1779?

    So confused
    Hope my question makes sense
  • santa_nethy

    If I were you I would ignore that website and work it out manually.

    In this thread there is a link to calculators on a site called scooby something. Work out your TDEe and then take away 20% to work out how many calories you should eat each day. Then change your mfp calorie goal to this number. You don't have to eat calories back unless you burn enough to take you in total under your BMR.

    At least that's what I've learnt from this thread from very helpful people :)
  • santa_nethy
    Think I best keep the exercise in because I've just realised my net intake is around 150 cals below my BMR. Not a great start, need to consume more which is weird