Anyone else with sloooooooow progress!

SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
Does anyone else feel that things are just going a little bit too slowly for them, and wondering why?

I started here in January at around 174, having previously lost 15lbs with Weight Watchers in between October and December 2011. Since then I have only lost another 10lbs or so. I feel this is very slow progress. In total from my highest weight (189) to my goal weight (133) I intended to lose 56lbs. I still have around 34lbs to go. Even though I had comparatively better progress on Weight Watchers, I left because I wanted to have more knowledge the calories, nutrients, etc, in what I was eating - rather than just counting their points.

I have got rid of all the bad eating habits that caused me to put on weight in the first place. I exercise regularly. (Body Pump class, heavy lifting (legs only), treadmill, elliptical and now Spinning). Looking back I can see that my exercise regime was sporadic with long gaps in between workouts sometimes, but for the past month or so I have been more consistent. This has shown in my weight loss. However every single month around TOM, I put on around 6lbs, then spend a fortnight getting rid of that, only to be back where I started!

So why oh why won't the weight loss fairy grant me my wish to get rid of this 34lbs? Why is is so sloooooooooooooooow for me when others seem to drop 60lbs in three months?


  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    you are doing great and have changed your life forever!!! It is sooooo slllooooooowwwww for me too, as you know. Keep trying new things to find what works. You have not found your groove yet, obviously. Keep experimenting and you will. We are older too Lydia. Not much we can do about our age and our bodies are slowing down. Once I get to where I want to be, I for sure will never, ever, be fat again. It is tooooo much of a pain in the *kitten* (literally) to get it off again!! Your perserverence inspires me and you are doing it the right way!!! Just keep going and it will come off eventually. Look at how far you have come every time you get down!!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    woops just erased you comment by mistake. Haha, your welcome. So happy to be sharing this journey with you. We have to make a plan to meet up once we get down to our goal weights!!! A major celebration will be in order ;)!!!
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    I am in the same boat....I have been having a couple weeks of going up 2-4 lbs down 2-4 lbs however not getting back to the 8+ lbs I lost when I started. Slow and steady wins the race, however it would be nice to be the hare instead of the tortoise. LOL
    At this point I have stepped up my workouts and have invested in a HRM to see if I am just not getting my heart rate up where it should be. Thanks for sharing, it is nice to know that others face the same challenges and have gotten thru them!
  • karaklj
    karaklj Posts: 26
    Things our not happening for me as quick as I'd like,I'm trying to find what works for me as well!
    I have changed what I eat so that's huge progress
    And being active is progress..

    I think your doing good,and you will find what works,and all your changes our progress and you will get to where your going on your healthy journey! Another plus is that your not giving up :)

    I have heard good things about weight watchers...I haven't tried that,I have heard of others with hypothyroidism like myself, have lost weight doing weight watchers...but I have seen some ppl loosing here on MFP too,just a little slower.not having a thyroid is hard but Im not giving up.

    I understand the up and down as well I just now have got to where I'm steady, I'm trying to get through a plateau at this time.

    Keep up all your good work.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Thank you, and the same to you. it is a long hard journey. Probably slowly does "win the race". Even though my weight fluctuates, it has never gone back as high as my starting weight. So that at least is a bonus and shows that something is working!
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    I go in spurts. I'll be losing steadily for a few weeks and then nothing for weeks. Sometimes it's my own fault and sometimes I'm just stalled. I started losing weight in July 2011 and really thought I'd be at my UGW by now but I'm still about 25 pounds away. It can be very frustrating! I try to stay motivated and positive by reminding myself that I'm not GAINING either. That is a huge accomplishment for me. So many times in the past 10 years, I'd get to a certain point - usually right around where I am now - and then I'd get lazy. I'd relax my standards. I'd start slipping more often, weighing myself less often and generally just going back to my old bad habits. Before I knew it, I'd gain it all back... plus some! This time, I'm not relaxing anything! I'm keeping up with my life changes and it's working! I may be stuck but that's a lot better than going in the WRONG direction! Ultimately, it doesn't matter how long it takes to get to the finish line... it only matters that you are continuing to do what you eed to do to get there one day.

    I reminded a friend today that it was the tortoise that won the race. It may appear that you're moving too slow but in the end, you will be the victor in this "race" against fat!!
  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    It's slow going for me, too, but I know why. I have not been doing weight bearing exercises. I need to build up muscle so that I can boost my metabolism. I KNOW all this, but am I doing it? Nah. I need a kick in the pants.

    Eight years ago, I was going to Jazzercise regularly. I was at my best healthwise. The instructors incorporated weight bearing exercises in every session. Maybe I just need to put on my ankle weights all day until I get my butt in gear. Hmm, gotta go find those weights for real.
  • HashtagTraci
    I was trying to lose weight last year, and the progress was so slow that I kept giving up. I told my doctor about it, had some blood tests and found out I had a vitamin D deficiency (which she said is very common for women in their 40's). She reccomended a high daily dose of vit D3 and told me that it would increase my metabolism, and it must have because I finally started losing weight. I also started taking B-Complex & fish oil. My weight loss seems to come in waves though... nothing for weeks, and then all of a sudden I lose 5 lbs in a week, and then nothing for weeks again. weird. I'm a strong believer that vitamins really work :)
  • lucy2021
    I am a newbie here and saw the scale move the first cpl weeks, then NOTHING! I was very frustrated and then I talked to a personal trainer that told me I was getting to few calories. I was getting about 1400/day. He asked me to up my calories to around 1800, but I needed to cut out bread, pasta, dairy (aka cheese) and fruit. Also no carbs after 3pm.
    I was very sceptical, but told him I would try it for a month. I'm only one week in but the scale started moving! Down! :)
    I'm not completely sold yet, the first few days were hard, but I have more energy and I feel better now.
    I'm not saying upping your calories is for everyone, but that seems to be working for me.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    Me too, I was on a roll there for a minute then all of a sudden...pause... I'm still at 194 for the past week or so :huh: the upside is some of my clothes that should fit is starting to slide off :drinker: