


  • turntechBiologist
    turntechBiologist Posts: 374 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Jessica and I'm 23 years old. For the longest time that I could remember I was always overweight since childhood. So I've always been made fun of and called all the names in the book from Elementary to High School (possibly college too, but I didn't care). My highest weight was in 2009 when I had a horrible anxiety attack and thought I was dying. The next day I went to the doctors office for a follow-up appointment after the ER and found out I was at 371lbs. I could not believe it when I saw that number, since I was roughly around 330 when I graduated from High School. I think one of the main reasons I had gained so much was because I was upset and stressed since my grandpa had passed away in December '08, so I didn't care about what I was eating or my education.

    But I managed to get back down after working at a warehouse in 2010 which I went back down to about 330 or so. But I had gained it back a year later, only going to 350. So my weight loss has been up and down and it was almost creeping back up on me again, but not this time! I'm currently down to 322.4lbs, and hoping to keep going down since this is where I was always stuck at since February this year. My mom is also trying to lose weight with me, but we can't do the same things together since she has arthritis and I like doing fast paced things while she can only do slow/mild paced things.

    I wish everyone luck with all of their journeys and if you'd like to friend me go right ahead! I'm try to log onto this site everyday that I can to keep track with everyone and log all of my stuff!

  • Mechelle1967
    Mechelle1967 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey Everyone!!

    My name is Misty and I have been suing MFP for over a year now. I previously lost 35 lbs fairly quickly and then the last 10 have been a struggle, and I still have 20 to go!! 25 if I wanna be what the docs would say is healthy, that'd put me at 145 and I just don't see me being comfortable at that weight, but anyway...

    I've never joined a group on MFP, but I like the idea the accountability. My weight was creeping back up, so it's time that I get back to businesS!!!

    I know what you mean about not being comfortable at that weight. When I was at my smallest my senior year of high school, I was 140-145 and my parents were starting to worry that I was anorexic because I had so many bones sticking out. For my body frame, my doc said he would be thrilled if I reached 170, but I am going to try to do him 10 lbs better and reach 160 by the end of this challenge.

    Good luck to you! You can do it!
  • Mechelle1967
    Mechelle1967 Posts: 24 Member
    :smile: Hi all!

    Glad that this group was started! I have to say that I love the extreme makeover weight loss edition! I acutally am reading Chris Powell's 7 day carb cycling solution. I have tried many different diets before and did well on the low carbs but i missed my fruits and veggies. Love this plan. I am planning on walking everyday as I have issues with my back and cannot do many dfferent workouts. Walking 20 min to start and then i will add on from there.
    Good luck with the challenge! I know that we will all succeed!!

    If you can find a way to do water aerobics or exercises in the water, it is easier on the joints and body. Just a thought to help you get started!
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 234 Member
    Hello all. I am so looking forward to this group!
    I am 31 years old, have been overweight/obese for most of my life. I have tried WW in the past: got fed up, stopped working and cost too much.
    I have been on MFP for about 6 months, did not lose any weight though. My fault: I was not very accountable.
    Today is a new start: tracking, using the community for support and getting back into my exercise routine.

    @ Jess (Winterbreeze): You should be proud to change your lifestyle at your age. You're still very young and those new habits will stay forever!
  • first day wearing it I was pretty sedentary....sitting around online trying to figure it all out and just logged a few hundred steps. So yesterday, I was excited to see how many steps I would ramp up at work, where for 10 to 11 hrs I walk from exam room to exam room all day . Surely, I thought I will be CLOSE to the recommended 10,000 steps. I dragged my tired body home and to my shock...I had only walked about 2,000 steps :noway: .... not even CLOSE!! Is 10,000 possible??? And daily at that? Just wondering how and if you do it! GOOD LUCK on the challenge :smile:
  • :smile: Thought it funny you were "suing" MFP ! haha Hey, good luck on the challenge! PS...that's something that I would write...just teasing you.
  • Hello everyone, my name is Stef

    I am looking forward to being part of this group. I have been on MFP since June of this year and I have a challenge set for myself. It is a 1 year goal to be down to 185 pounds. I started out at 314 and I am looking forward to being HEALTHY, SLIM AND SEXY. LOL


    Starting weight Monday September 3. TBD
    Favorite workouts and/or activities: Walking out doors, Long walks on the treadmill, Wii Fit. and Water Aerobics.
    Phase 1 goal- 15lbs at least.

    Feel free to add me as a friend or just support. I have a fit bit also.

  • 28604458_194_thumb Libby407 Selector

    Joined Aug 2012

    Posts: 4

    Sat 09/01/12 11:19 PM first day wearing it I was pretty sedentary....sitting around online trying to figure it all out and just logged a few hundred steps. So yesterday, I was excited to see how many steps I would ramp up at work, where for 10 to 11 hrs I walk from exam room to exam room all day . Surely, I thought I will be CLOSE to the recommended 10,000 steps. I dragged my tired body home and to my shock...I had only walked about 2,000 steps noway .... not even CLOSE!! Is 10,000 possible??? And daily at that? Just wondering how and if you do it! GOOD LUCK on the challenge smile
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    Hello :)
    Im Lottie, im 23, and live in Worcestershire (England). Iv nev:er really "tried" to loose weight before, i lost a lot of weight my first year of uni purely through a change in diet (i dont like raw meat so went veggie) and walking everywhere, unfortunately i then put it all back on and more in the following years.Now finished uni and living back at home too far from anywhere to get walking again and eating meat again now my mum cooks it 0:) lol

    Im actually starting 2 challenges right now this one and the Sept - Dec (1st-31st) challenge. Im really excited to get going and feeling really motivated right now. I wasnt sure what to set my goals as so a visit to google whats a safe rate to loose at what goals to set going mid range of their suggestion (4-8 lbs a month iv gone for 6 but hopefully more months will be 8 rather than 4 :)) and i can be in sight of the light at the end of the tunnel in a year...i never imagined it was doable !safely! in that kind of time frame... so lets do this!! :D

    start weight 244
    goal 1 -1st Dec- 220
    mini goal - 31st Dec - 214 - september - december challenge goal
    goal 2 - 1st March - 202
    mini goal - 1st May - 190 - my bday's 4th so want to be able to eat and drink without worrying too much
    goal 3 - 1st June - 182
    end goal - 1st Sept - 155

    Im hoping to do the c25k but will have to see about getting some better trainers mine murder my ankles :( wii fit and just dance and zumba are my current exercise plans and such fun too :D

    Good luck everyone :)
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,323 Member
    Hello, my name is Kathy. I've struggled with weight my entire life and now suffer from high blood pressure and recently diabetes. Diabetes does not run in my family and I truly believe this type 2 is totally because of my weight gain in the last 10 years. I joined MFP a little over 2 months ago and have found the support, motivation and information on health in the forums to be very helpful.

    Ready for this challenge and the journey. Please feel free to add me. I'm ready...let's do this!
  • FedUpFatGirl75
    FedUpFatGirl75 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! Getting a late start but I think my sis Motivated/Melissa has kinda introduced me. I have been stuck in a rut for months! I'm ready to kick this weight out the door!! I'm going to aim for 15lbs every time we weigh in...we'll see how it goes!! I'm ready! =)
  • cehall422
    cehall422 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I'm Carrie and I have always had a weight problem. I've tried losing weight before but I've never really got that into it so I would always gain it back. However since May of this year I have been taking this seriously and have lost a good amount of weight. While recently (this week) I have been slacking, and the scale has shown that, I am getting back on track. I like these kinds of challenges because I feel the support and it keeps me motivated knowing that currently there are other people doing what I have to do! So let's do it!
  • Hi, my name is Peeso and I am determined to change my life and get healthy. I have lost and gain in the past but I want this to be different. I want it to be a life long change. When I saw this challenge on here I was so excited. This is exactly what I need. I am aiming for 15-20 lbs at each interval. Feel free to add me. Lets do this !!!!!!
  • luciousone
    luciousone Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all, joined up but have been away from my PC for a while.
    Since May I've lost 69lb, but I've a long way to go.
    A few years ago I followed slimming world and lost 5 stone in 6 months, but though I was doing well, I ended up with gallstones and had to have an emergency op to have gallbladder removed. Sadly this kicked off an annoying IBS problem that persisted for 2 years, until I found out I was lactose and gluten intolerant, after 40 years!
    So having reached a weight I was ashamed of, I decided to start on MyFitnessPal, and be honest with myself.
    Now I've lost most of the weight I put back on and am swimming 3 hours a week and walking 2 hours a week, in addition to what I would normally do, and this seems to be getting me results.
    My goal for 1st December is to have lost a total of 100lb, so fingers crossed I get there.:happy: