Today's the DAY!!!! Day 1

Are you ready???? I'm doing the lean version so today is Core Synergistics for me. I watched it last night so I would know what I had to look forward to this morning. I'm headed to Get It Done! Make sure you Push Play today, peeps!

P.S. I can't post pics in here, but I got my E&E, R&R and P90X protein bars in the mail Saturday morning, just in time to start today. I'm a happy girl!

Happy Labor Day!


  • SheilaBradshaw
    Take a look at this video from Tony for Week 1!
  • SheilaBradshaw
    Day 1 is in the books. I did it! I made it all the way through Core Synergistics. I ate a P90X protein bar about 30 minutes before I started and drank my E&E about 15 minutes before I started. I put my R&R in my water bottle and sipped on it while working out and finished it after my workout. I am pooped but so proud of myself for getting all the way through it.

    P90X has been my Goliath. I have wanted to do it for 2 years but wouldn't do it because I didn't think I could. Now I know I can do anything I want to do.

    Now, since there are a bunch of us in this group, I am hoping to hear everyone else's stories today. It's no fun posting all by myself.
  • Eafears
    Eafears Posts: 135 Member
    Your not in it by yourself! I will get this done today. I woke up with a killer migraine. It is now 2 and I'm just getting out of bed while it's still lingering. So I will be hammering this out in a few hours. I'm doing the Classic version so for me it will be Chest and Back and then the Ab Ripper. I will re-post tonight after I get it done. BTW you can post pics but you have to use a service like imgur to put them online first. There is a great post about it here.
    Great job busting out Core today! Hope everybody else is getting it done!
  • SheilaBradshaw
    Thanks for the info on posting pictures! I hope your migraine disappears soon. As someone who suffers from them, although less frequently lately, I can sympathize. Feel better soon!!
  • Eafears
    Eafears Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks! My mom suggested a ;piece of dark chocolate and it really did work. Not completely but good enought to get moving. I did get through my workout and while i feel like a weakling compared to them I feel awesome that I got through it all. On to tomorrow!
  • SheilaBradshaw
    Thanks! My mom suggested a ;piece of dark chocolate and it really did work. Not completely but good enought to get moving. I did get through my workout and while i feel like a weakling compared to them I feel awesome that I got through it all. On to tomorrow!

    Great job getting it done! So proud of you for not using the headache to not get started.
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    I have another group that I'm in, and it starts tomorrow. I thought this one did too! My mistake :(

    I will start with CardioX tonight, and get all of my measurements together today. Good Luck to all!
  • SheilaBradshaw
    I have another group that I'm in, and it starts tomorrow. I thought this one did too! My mistake :(

    I will start with CardioX tonight, and get all of my measurements together today. Good Luck to all!

    I was originally going to start on Tuesday, but I wanted my rest day to be on Sunday so changed it to start on Monday. Glad to have you on board!
  • jetabear10
    jetabear10 Posts: 375 Member
    I'm in too but just got logged on today. (long weekend here in Canada).

    I'll be doing the P90X as well but will be adding it in to my existing workout schedule so it will not be everyday and not in order of the recommended schedule. (but it will still be painful and hard....THAT I am sure of!)

    I'm ready to Bring It! Are you?

    We've got this!
  • HydroTerra
    Hello all, I'm actually on day 58 of the Classic version of P90X but joined this group for the extra accountability and motivation. Thanks again for the invite. For those of you just starting out, I would like to say congratulations and and that you can do this. It may seem overwhelming at first but it does get better (not easier, but better). When I started, I would get winded during the warmup! Now I can almost keep up with the videos. I have lost almost twenty pounds and feel great. I'm by no means an expert but I don't mind trying to answer any questions regarding P90X anyone might have. Have a great day.

  • SheilaBradshaw
    Thanks, Jason!
  • harrywilliams
    I'm starting the classic version today. I will be doing it in the evenings when I get home from work. Somehow doing P90X at 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning doesn't really appeal to me. :) I'll post my first days workout tonight after I pick myself up off the floor and drag myself to the computer.
  • SheilaBradshaw
    You can do it! See me here with my cheerleader pom-poms cheering you on??? Now BRING IT!
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I live in a 100 year old house. The room I do P90X in, has no power. I had an electrician out Friday and he pulled the fuse box - said I'm lucky it didn't burn down the house - and put in a breaker box. But he hasn't found the short that is leaving part of the hosue with out power. So until then, I do not have a place to do P90X. I have a fitbit, and my goal is to walk a minimum 10,000 steps per day. And one day this week I will hit 15,000, and then on the weekend I will do a 20,000 day. The electrician won't be back till later this week or early next week, so I'll be a bit behind everyone.
  • SheilaBradshaw
    I live in a 100 year old house. The room I do P90X in, has no power. I had an electrician out Friday and he pulled the fuse box - said I'm lucky it didn't burn down the house - and put in a breaker box. But he hasn't found the short that is leaving part of the hosue with out power. So until then, I do not have a place to do P90X. I have a fitbit, and my goal is to walk a minimum 10,000 steps per day. And one day this week I will hit 15,000, and then on the weekend I will do a 20,000 day. The electrician won't be back till later this week or early next week, so I'll be a bit behind everyone.

    The most important thing is that you are safe and didn't burn down the house. The next most important thing is that at least you are doing something - which is much better than those who are sitting around doing nothing. Just start when you can. We'll be here :)
  • SheilaBradshaw
    I burned 678 doing Core Synergistics. What about you?
  • harrywilliams
    Well Day 1 of P90X is done. I did the Chest & Back + Ab Ripper X. The heart rate monitor says I burned 1260 calories in the 68 mins it took to do the workout. I do believe Tony Horton has lost his mind. I have done some pretty tough workouts when I played football, but this is by far the toughest one yet. I made it through the Chest and Back but was dead by the time I got to Ab Ripper X. Tomorrow is Plyometrics. Looking forward to it.
  • SheilaBradshaw
    Well Day 1 of P90X is done. I did the Chest & Back + Ab Ripper X. The heart rate monitor says I burned 1260 calories in the 68 mins it took to do the workout. I do believe Tony Horton has lost his mind. I have done some pretty tough workouts when I played football, but this is by far the toughest one yet. I made it through the Chest and Back but was dead by the time I got to Ab Ripper X. Tomorrow is Plyometrics. Looking forward to it.

    1260 calories burned!!!! You are THE man!!!! I'm so proud of you for getting it done!