TDEE, BMR and Macros help

SonicaBE Posts: 151 Member
Hello there,

Up until a week ago, I had no idea what a TDEE was. I was looking through some posts when that was when I had my aha moment. Belive me, I sat and I cried. I had deprived myslef for so long. I guess eating low cal was stuck in my had. I had succeeded losing huge amounts of weight before I got married, and even after I had my sone, I was able to lose the 85lbs I gained. But I had my daughter in Aug of 2012 and gained 50 this time. I have only been able to come down from 212-188. I stand at 188.

So, I plugged in my numbers into the scooby calculator...I am 5 ft 6.5 so 66.5 in. I work out 3-5 times a week and am 33yrs old. My goal weight is 150. I feel like this is mission impossible. I have been eating about 1800 cal for the past 4 days...OMG I love eating.

So my particulars are BMR 1624 and TDEE 2518. So to lose they say eat 2014?

Can I be safe if I eat around 1800. I dont know if I can mentally go to 2000. Eating VLC for solong go me now where and I am having a hard time breaking the mental roadblock.

Also for Macors- what should I set it to 40 protein, 30 fat and 30 carb?

KInda lost on these 2 issues-- help !!!!:sad: :sad:


  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member

    Welcome to the group. I am glad you found it. However, be prepared for a battle with yourself mentally. This is a tough road to go initially., but very rewarding if you stick to it.

    Coming for a VLCD, most of us recommend doing a 6-8 week Metabolism reset. That is, eating at full TDEE for the duration.

    Once that is done, you would drop to your cut target. This re-acclimates your body to eating normal amounts of food.

    However, do the mental hurdle, you could start bumping your calories 100 or so a week until you reach your target as well.

    I would also read the beginner stickies on what to expect during the beginnings of this process, just so you know what to expect and are not shocked in the short term :)
