Other new runners?

loril13 Posts: 320 Member
I am about to begin the C25k program.

I have never been a fan of running. Okay, I should say I have always HATED running. I ran in school because in order to pass gym, you had to run. I have never willingly run since then. My line is the only reason to run is if zombies are chasing me.

Well, I guess there must be zombies. Actually, there is runDisney. Hubby & I are huge Disney fans and we are always looking for something new to keep our annual pilgrimages to mecca fresh. We have decided to do the runDisney Tower of Terror 10 miler late September 2013. (It is a Halloween themed event so there might be zombies! :laugh: ) I figure if we start training now, we might end up with a decent time without being tired afterward. There is a Disney Villian Bash afterparty.

Anyway, I was wondering if there are any other brand new runners here to share successes and frustrations with?


  • Hi!! I am a new runner!! I am on week 5 of C25K program. I am also using the Zombies, Run! App and that is fun!!

    Would love to share successes and frustrations with you!!

    I can run about a mile and a half at a time now before I have to slow to a brisk walk for a bit...that is HUGE for me because I too HATED running! Can't wait to get to know you!
  • babydoll315
    babydoll315 Posts: 30 Member
    I am also a new runner. I can barely run a quarter of a mile without stopping but I will get there! My motivation is the "Run for your lives Zombie Horde" I am doing in October. Guess I should have started sooner! It is a 5k obstacle course while being chased by zombies!

    Good luck and I would love to share stories!
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    I'm hoping to do some sort of start for C25k this weekend. Then officially start next week to try and keep to he three day a week schedule. The local Susan G Komen Race for a Cure 5k is the end of October. Id like to register for that to get a benchmark for how we are doing. My long term goal is to finish the runDisneyToT in under 2 hours. That is 12 minute miles. With 13 months to train, I think that is doable.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all and cheering each other on!
  • CVAK
    CVAK Posts: 2
    Hi everyone,

    the only pounds I've lost so far are of the monetary kind with the hundreds of pounds I've wasted at various gyms! I've now purchased a pair of running shoes and I've downloaded the C25K podcast with the aim of starting tomorrow. I've never been a runner but I'm hoping all of this will change in 2 months time.

    Looking forward to read about everyone's success stories and I'll keep you posted on how I go :happy:
  • Today was week 5 day 1 of my c25k program...2 five minute runs and 2 three minute runs...it was tough in 99% humidity but....I DID IT!!! I am starting to see how people start to enjoy running.... Great run and I did 3.1 miles in 32 minutes :)
  • babydoll315
    babydoll315 Posts: 30 Member
    Today was week 5 day 1 of my c25k program...2 five minute runs and 2 three minute runs...it was tough in 99% humidity but....I DID IT!!! I am starting to see how people start to enjoy running.... Great run and I did 3.1 miles in 32 minutes :)

    I have that book also and was going to try it a while back. How do you time yourself? I couldn't find an interval timer.
  • I have an app on my iPhone...all I have to do is listen and run...the program gives you vocal cues on when to run walk etc...in between cues your own music selections play...the program also tracks your distance and miles or kilometers per hour.
  • BBailey_35
    BBailey_35 Posts: 1 Member
    I have an app on my phone that is called MapMyRun. It is wonderful for knowing distance/pace. It doesn't give you clues if you are training but if you just want to know how far you are going/pace of a mile its great! And you can listen to your music in between.
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    I use the Couch-to-5k app for my Android. Just remember to turn your GPS on your phone so it will calculate distance and pace for your report. I also have Endomodo for non C25k walks or bike rides for distance and pace. My husband is a bike commuter and loves this app.
  • jgjansma
    jgjansma Posts: 16 Member
    Hey there!
    i have also used the couch25k app. It definitely is a good starting point for someone who has never run before! I believe they also have other programs for running a 10k, 1/2 and full marathon on their website. My only problem with the program was that after a few weeks I got bored with it and didn't finish :/ now i still do interval training but I do it according to my music! I run for a song then walk for a song :) doing this has been better for me because when you put your ipod/mp3 player on shuffle you'll never have the same exact songs for your run..sometimes you get longer songs for your run interval so that helps with endurance and once you can do that no problem try running for 2 songs/walking for 1. Hope this helped, and good luck!!
  • babydoll315
    babydoll315 Posts: 30 Member
    I have an app on my iPhone...all I have to do is listen and run...the program gives you vocal cues on when to run walk etc...in between cues your own music selections play...the program also tracks your distance and miles or kilometers per hour.

    Oh that's great! I have an app called maymyrun.com . What is yours called?
  • babydoll315
    babydoll315 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey there!
    i have also used the couch25k app. It definitely is a good starting point for someone who has never run before! I believe they also have other programs for running a 10k, 1/2 and full marathon on their website. My only problem with the program was that after a few weeks I got bored with it and didn't finish :/ now i still do interval training but I do it according to my music! I run for a song then walk for a song :) doing this has been better for me because when you put your ipod/mp3 player on shuffle you'll never have the same exact songs for your run..sometimes you get longer songs for your run interval so that helps with endurance and once you can do that no problem try running for 2 songs/walking for 1. Hope this helped, and good luck!!

    Great idea! I was judging by blocks. Run for a couple blocks, walk for a half block. That seemed to work.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Same as you I used HATE running, and only did it when I was forced. I did my first 10k in May, but took a little break during the heat of the summer. I've worked up to 2-3 mile runs, and can run for about 15 minutes before I have to walk now. I'd really like to improve my endurance so any tips are welcome! I have a 5k coming up in October and a half-marathon in December with my Mom.
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    always hated running too, then something got into me and I signed up for a half marathon! Have since done Disney Princess Half and doing Tower of Terror THIS MONTH! Can't wait! My best advice is to start slow, def do the walk/jog thing, sometimes I still need to do that just depending on weather, my mood, energy, humidity, etc. But most of all HAVE FUN!
  • I am also a new runner. I can barely run a quarter of a mile without stopping but I will get there! My motivation is the "Run for your lives Zombie Horde" I am doing in October. Guess I should have started sooner! It is a 5k obstacle course while being chased by zombies!

    Good luck and I would love to share stories!

    That is SO COOL!!!
  • jooonesy
    jooonesy Posts: 86 Member
    I'm using Endomondo Pro for interval running practice. Although you all are slowly but surely convincing me to try couch25k app. :smile:
    JIGGLYbellyPUFF Posts: 81 Member
    Hey ladies, since the majority of you are about to start c25k I urge you to bust out the measuring tape before you begin. I didn't lose any pounds during the first 5 weeks but I DID lose inches! Seeing that progress is always fun. :)
  • Summersadiva
    Summersadiva Posts: 111 Member
    I'm a new runner as well. I started back in March with C25K but found that the app wouldn't work well on my Windows Phone. I abandoned that and just started pushing myself to run until I got tired.

    After suffering a stress fracture from running AND doing Insanity, I've recovered and am back to running at least 3 times a week. The first few minutes I wonder WHY I'm running. LOL. By the end of the run, I feel such a sense of accomplishment.