Due April 2013



  • keyalus
    keyalus Posts: 40 Member
    @Jennie - Congrats! I'm really trying to keep my eating habits the same during pregnancy this time. It is so much harder to lose the pregnancy weight if you develop 9 months of bad habits and that "I can eat whatever I want mentality."

    @DoubleT - I've shared the news even though it is early and it could bite me in the rear. For one, I have a blog and I have several big ultramarathons I was due to run in August. I felt like I couldn't just NOT discuss why I was bailing on these races until late- September when it was all I've talked about and trained for months. Also, I have a lot of running friends who would wonder why I wasn't running races with them...we are a small running community.

    We told family as well. If the worst happens (God forbid), then I will have another announcement to make. I don't feel like a miscarriage is anything to be ashamed of and it happens so much more than people let on. I think I would honestly appreciate the support.

    I haven't shared anything on Facebook in a bold status. I have too many "friends" up there. My good friends know and that is enough. I will wait until 2nd trimester for that.
  • kapzilla
    kapzilla Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm pregnant with our third, and due April 19th!

    Congratulations everyone!
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    Hi, I'm currently 6w5d based on LMP which puts my due date at April 18th. This is my first pregnancy so like other newbies I'm really anxious and nervous and just praying that it "sticks". I have my first appointment this Friday and I can't wait. I'm not even sure what will happen at the appointment or whether they will do any tests/ultrasound.

    So far, I'm very queasy all the time and the only thing that makes me feel better is eating. Because of this, I feel like I'm gaining weight so quickly. My goal is not to gain more than 25 lbs. but at the rate I'm gaining, I will far exceed that. I started this pregnancy 20 lbs. over my ideal weight so I'm nervous to gain even more. Anyone have any tips on how to help nausea without eating all the time or without gaining a ton of weight?

    Good luck to all of you.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I have my first "real" ultrasound today! i can't wait! :)

    We already told most people, there have been some complications and my thought is that by not telling people I'm depriving myself of prayer as well as support should something go wrong. It's not facebook official yet, but that will probably come soon. I think I'm going to show pretty soon. Somehow the server at the diner near our house knew without us saying anything. Also I had surgery scheduled for yesterday so all the guys at work know now because they were asking why I didn't get surgery.
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    I've recently thrown caution to the wind and have been eating whatever I want to. UGH!! This happened with my first baby and I ended up gaining over 50 pounds. I think my emotions are telling me "do whatever the F*** you want, you have a great excuse".

    I'm hoping I'm just in a funk right now and get back to making healthier decisions. I've added mayo back into my sandwiches, i'm eating fast food and not always choosing from the healthy menu anymore, I'm craving starches, so lots of pasta and potatoes = lots of calories.

    Anyone else lost a little self control in regards to food?

    I'm 9 weeks today... seems a bit early to be getting' all crazy
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi! Im so excited about this page and looking foward to getting to know you all. I'm due April 7th with our third child. We have a 16-month-old and a 2.5-year-old.

    I'm 42 and will be 42 still when this baby is due. I'm super, super tired. I have no energy to put on makeup or fix my hair or to do anything else. I can't wait until the 1st trimester fatigue eases up.

    My appetite/ food aversions/ food cravings are out of control. I've already gained between 6 and 8.5 lbs (at 9.5 weeks). I can't remember, but u don't think I gained this much this early on with my other 2. I know I'm making bad food choices but I'm just eating what sounds appetizing at the time. It's strange, I'll think I'm so hungry, then I eat and it's not a whole lot , but then I end up being stuffed and feeling nauseated. I gained about 30 to 35 lbs during each pregnancy and lost it quickly after. With my last pregnancy and thanks to MFP, I also lost another 27 on top if that putting me right in the middle range for a normal BMI.

    I went to the doctor Friday and all is good so far. He did tell me no running. I don't know why because he let me last time. I'm disappointed about that and have trouble motivating myself for "light walking". I plan to do bodypump, yoga, walking, and other classes at my gym as long as I can. I just need to get the energy to actually go do it.

    I plan on eating better as soon as this queasiness eases. I normally love to cook but I can't even look at a recipe right now without it repulsing me.

    Oh, I told lots if people early on. For one, I am an RN in a hospital. Generally, we look out for our pregnant coworkers when we can and try not to let them take violent patients or patients with radiation treatment or those with some kind of harmful bacteria. Also, I've got to have some kind of explanation for randomly gagging. And if this pregnancy weren't going to make it, I feel like I would want support from people and not to have to secretly go through such pain by myself. Knowing how I am, I'd probably end up talking about it and that would be doubly hard because then I'd have to explain that I had been pregnant.
  • Jelybe
    Jelybe Posts: 266 Member
    Welcome everyone! I apologize for being MIA - I was traveling last week.

    How is everyone feeling?

    I am 6 weeks, 3 days today (according to my own calculations - my first OB appt. is next week), and I am nauseous quite often. Also, I could happily sleep the days away! I wish I had a schedule that could permit a sleep-in once in awhile.

    Early last week I remember thinking that it doesn't feel "real" because my only symptom was sore breasts. But now - the soreness, the nausea, the fatique.... I'm regretting that I complained!

    How is everyone else doing?

    ETA: Also, I've gained 1.2 pounds so far. Mostly due to traveling. So airport food and my sis-in-laws "decadent" cooking.
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    I am now 7 weeks and have my first appt tomorrow afternoon. I think I have every symptom known to man now (nausea, food aversions, joints ache, exhaustion, and as of yesterday a really strong nose). I have been slacking on tracking my food because I like to preplan what I am going to eat and i end up having to redo everything and it is making too much work for me.

    I am excited to go to my OB tomorrow. My husband and i decided that for this one we will be finding out if it is a boy or girl, but will be putting it in a sealed envelope and giving it to my sister to make a gender reveal cake or cupcakes. Our first was a surprise and we feel like since we've done that it would be fun to find out this one.

    I am starting to gain some weight despite my food aversions and nausea. Probably because of all the carbs I have been eating to help my nausea. I am up 2 pounds this week, but only 1 pound over my prepregnancy weight.

    I hope everyone else is doing okay.
  • keyalus
    keyalus Posts: 40 Member
    VegasMarie - I totally understand about the carb cravings. It hit me out of nowhere. I ate a big bowl of white rice for dinner one night! Baked potatoes sound like the best things in the world to me.

    Aside from some slight food aversions, I've just been having daily headaches/low-grade fevers and some light "morning sickness" in the evening. I feel bad even calling it morning sickness because I know there are women who vomit and stuff and it isn't that bad. I just feel kind of constantly icky. I have to resist the temptation to eat to quell the feelings because that doesn't really help me.

    I've been having occasional aversions to meat and veggies which is disappointing. I hope it goes away. I have to remind myself that I can't always go by "what sounds good" to me. What sounds good to me is usually not the best thing for me LOL!

    I think I've gain 1.5 pounds with the majority of it going into my bra. My pants fit the same.
  • AEC50
    AEC50 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm new to the group, but not MFP - it helped me get to my goal weight literally the week before I got the positive pregnancy test :) I'm due with my husband's and my first April 25. Looking forward to seeing how all you ladies are keeping in shape while dealing with the fatigue and serious food aversions of the first trimester!
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    First appt done! Everything going okay so far. My due date is still April 23rd based on my lMP. I will have my first ultrasound on October 3rd (I will be 11 weeks then). I did get all my labs done too (4 tubes of blood and a urine test).
  • phoebe2488
    phoebe2488 Posts: 106 Member
    Hello! Just had my first appt. today and I am due on April 14th, but will probably be the week before due to having a c-section my first time around.
    Looking to see how people are keeping active and all that fun stuff. :-)
  • workerbee2011
    workerbee2011 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi guys,

    Thanks for this thread! I'm new to tise group but not MFP, although I'd reached my goal weight a while ago and so wasn't really tracking for the last few months. But now that I am pregnant I've started again - though this time to make sure I'm eating enough, which feels weird! I'm pretty nauseous every afternoon and evening, so it's a challenge. But I've not lost any weight so it's clearly not so bad. I'm due March 31 which is pretty much April! And I think was just put at March 31 cos the gynae wanted to avoid April Fools jokes ;)
    This is my first pregnancy, and I'm totally thrown by how exhausted and sick I am so far, but I'm close to 11 weeks so am just hanging in there and hoping once I'm clear of the first trimester things will improve. My husband travels a lot for work and is away at the moment which means I get to go to bed at 8 pm if I want to, and eat cereal for dinner without getting any strange looks!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all :happy:
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome everyone!!! I've been sticking to 2,000 calories a day and haven't gained much weight yet. Off to a houseboat this weekend with a barbecue and someone is bringing 4 lbs of brownies and chocolate chip cookies. So hard to say no when you're pregnant, or it's just my excuse.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
  • Jelybe
    Jelybe Posts: 266 Member
    Hello April Mommies! How is everyone doing? I've gained 2.6 pounds so far - but it looks like a lot more! And I am trying not to over eat but being exhausted and nauseous just lends itself to cheating with comfort food! Argh! I am trying...

    My first Dr's appt is this Thusday - FINALLY! I am really looking forward to hearing little one's heartbeat!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined the group; got my positive test a week ago at 6 weeks (based on lmp) so now I'm 7 weeks along. This is pregnancy #3, baby #4. I have a 2.5 year old daughter and b/g twins who will be 1 year old tomorrow. So they'll be 20 months when this little one arrives, which is how old my first was when the twins were born. My first appt is this Monday; I'm hoping for an ultrasound to verify there's only ONE (please, oh please!) in there. I'm pretty sure it's only 1 because my symptoms aren't as bad as they were with the twins; they're about on par with my first pregnancy. Just some tiredness so far (I try for a nap when my 3 are napping) and nausea, same as my other pregnancies. I gained about 50 lbs with my oldest (!), lost it all just in time to get pregnant with the twins, gained 50 again (the appropriate amount that time!), lost it all and more and currently weigh the lowest I have in my adulthood (I'm 29). I haven't gained any weight so far; I'm eating at maintenance, which is 2150. I'll increase by 300/day later in the pregnancy. Anyway, that's me! We haven't announced to anyone yet, so while I'm happy to add you as a friend, I'd appreciate no baby mentioning on my wall since I have RL friends in my list. :-)

    *edited to add: my profile pic is from yesterday; a pic of me at 36 weeks with the twins compared to now
  • keyalus
    keyalus Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I had my official "New OB Patient" visit yesterday even though I've been twice already (once to confirm, one for dating ultrasound). I didn't have a lot of symptoms the first time around and so far the same with this one. The past few weeks, I've been feeling even more normal than usual so I was nervous going in. Even though my doc warned me in advance that it could take a while to find the HB with her dobbler since the baby was small, that was the most nerve-wrecking 3 minutes or so of my life! But she found it again - in the high 160s. Relief! There is still a baby in there! I feel much more confident now about making it out of the first trimester OK. HB at 7w3d, HB again at 11w.

    On Wed, were doing the Nuchal Translucency Screening. Another thing to be nervous about...sigh. I swear, I'm way more paranoid this time around that I ever was with my first pregnancy!

    On the health front, I've been doing alright. I'm still exercising almost daily and I feel great. I'm finding myself a bit averse to eating green veggies which makes me feel bad. I crave carbs and I think I've been giving in a little too much. ;) At doc apt, I was up a total of 2lbs. At 11 weeks, I'm fine with that. I know I gained 10lbs in my first tri last time. And while my nutrition is not up to my pre-pregnancy standards, it is nowhere near as awful as it was back then.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Congratulations Jess! I hope for the sake of your sanity that there is only one baby in there. You have your hands full already!
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    Oh, I want to join in! I'm Caroline! I have a 3.5 year old son and am due April 9th. I'm 32 years old. I have my 2nd prenatal appt tomorrow. I bought a Doppler a few weeks ago so I listen to baby regularly and it seems ok to me. I gained about 40 pounds with my son and remained overweight yet very active. I workout hard and used to run a lot but have terrible eating habits. We have been trying to bring home baby #2 since my son was 1 year old but have lost a few babies along the way. The TTC & pregnancies have had a terrible affect on my weight. I said screw TTC and being fat after my last MC and lost 8 pounds in 8 weeks then got my BFP. I upped my cals but was still eating healthy and losing weight. I'm finally very slowly gaining a tiny bit here and there. I'm overweight still and my goal is to just gain 20 pounds. Since about week 8 though my eating habits have gone down the toilet. I ate 2 whole snickers bars after lunch today!! Oh boy. I guess that's dinner.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Hello Everyone, just here to check in! it's great reading everyone's stories. I'd like to respond to everyone individually but just don't have the focus ;) Looks like lots of you have been doing well with not really gaining weight. i have gained 10 pounds already (I'm 11 weeks) but I'm hoping that will start to level out. I haven't been able to work out because I've had some bleeding so the doc said nothing but walking, I also had a death in the family so between those things I've been eating a lot and not getting workouts. Food other than carbs are starting to appeal to me so I'm hoping that I will soon be back to my healthy eating ways :)

    I tried to go for a walk today and got about 1/2 a mile out before getting real sharp pain in my lower abdomen so I decided I should head back and take it easy. i wasn't happy about that because I was really looking forward to the walk but I figure, better safe than sorry and I'll talk to my doc about it at my appt Wed.

    has anyone else had problems with bleeding? The babies heartbeat is strong and everything looks healthy other than the bleeding so the doctor isn't too concerned but said to go easy on the working out and no sex for at least the first trimester. i'm really hoping that at this next appt he allows me to up my activity level!
  • workerbee2011
    workerbee2011 Posts: 47 Member
    I totally understand, EmilyRanae22! I had some spotting at 8 weeks, and then a bleed followed by a day of spotting at 11 weeks (now at 13 weeks) and everything is totally fine - baby heartbeat grand, and growing on schedule ( had a scan yesterday). Bleeding is terrifying - but my gynae said v. common and not always explicable. It does make exercise scary though - I've just been doing some daily stretches and walking and that seems to be working out okay. I'm waiting for it to warm up ( I'm in asfrica so coming into spring) so that I can start swimming. I've only gained 2 pounds so far which is a little bit scary too, but I've had constant nausea and food aversions which are just beginning to lessen so that's why. Amazing how veggies become so unappealing and glad I'm not the only one who's mad about carbs all the time. Hopefully soon will put on a bit of weight - now that's a thing I'm not used to saying!