Just Beginning but Impatient...

Hi My name is Gloria and I've been on MFP for about 3 weeks. I'm doing okay recording the food - it's just the eating good food part that I need help with! :)

Diagnosed in 2006 - 1 cataract surgery, appendectomy, and gall bladder removal later - here I am at A1c of 7.6. Need to lose about 50 pounds total not only for health but just so I like how I look again.

I haven't lost any weight yet, but I think a couple of inches have been lost in out of the way places. It's just very hard to stay motivated. I know academically that weight doesn't magically drop off in a few weeks but I secretly want to weigh 10 pounds less right now! :)

Does anyone out there have any tips for things that nudge the weight off quicker?


  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Gloria, the frustration you feel is something which we all recognise. You say that you feel lighter and better even though the scale is not moving as quickly as you would like. The whole basis of the MFP programme is to lose weight in a controlled manner. Doing it slowly and regularly means that you are moire likely to keep it off than you would if you used one of these quick fix methods where weight is regained so easily. MFP is about changing lifestyle. This means self education in terms of food choices and discipline in terms of portion control. Both of these are achieveable without feeling deprived. The programme also needs patience and persistence. Take your time to look at the various boards and when you're ready to ask questions you will find lots of supportive people in this group willing to share whatever level of knowledge they have. As a four year veteran of diabetes I'm assuming that you have been on a diabetes education course which should have given you at least a basic working knowledge of things to avoid. The really good news is that the programme works if used honestly and in the way it was designed. I wish you well in your journey to a fit and active life.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Try limiting your carbs to between 50-100 grams per day. You will lose faster more towards 50, slower more towards 100.
  • sableq52
    Thanks for the support and info. I'm going to keep on keeping on. And trying to remember that one bad day doesn't mean that you should give up the whole deal.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I can't help admitting I am impatient, too. But impatience is what made me a yo-yo dieter and a failure at weight loss. This time I am taking my time...about a pound a week. And its working. So hang in there....the time will pass and, before you know it, you will reach your goal...good luck!!