Newbie question, be gentle! :)

RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
Ok- a little background. I am at a 5 month plateau with my weight loss. I am 37 (almost 38), 5'4" and 153.5lbs. In March, I started P90X with hubby. Loved the routine, only lost 2 lbs by the end eating 1800 calories per day. Started Insanity after that. I am 2 1/2 weeks from completing that, trying not to eat over 1500 calories each day (per the nutrition guide). Again, no weight change. I HAVE lost a total of 15 inches all over (yay!) and I can totally see a difference, but even the tape measure has stopped moving. (I know the scale should not be an issue. I did Weight Watchers for SOOOOOO long that I can't seem to break it's hold! I'm working on it.) Anyways, all that to say I am currently starving and looking for a shake-up. I think this eat more thing makes a lot of sense (it may just be my stomach talking, though). I guess I just want to know 2 things: 1. What type of foods do you eat to get to 2240 calories (my TDEE) without eating processed stuff? and 2. I absolutely can not do any type of protein powder/bar. I have tried all different types/brands/etc. and they ALL give me horrible stomach cramps. So, is it possible to get the recommended protein without supplements? How??? Sorry for the length of this and thanks in advance for your help!


  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    First off, awesome job on losing 15 inches. That is amazing! I have done a lot of WW as well. But I'm over it because as the stickies read in the Upping calories what to expect- if it was successful you wouldn't have gained it back. :) 1500 cals sounds like your body is hanging on to every calorie like its gold. You have to feed your body for regular muscle catabolic activity and even more for workouts like Insanity! Even if you don't want to do a complete reset (which everyone recommends and what I'm doing), you should be at least eating your TDEE -15% every day.

    I am drinking more milk, eating more meat and having more...protein shakes. I don't have any other ideas other than what others have mentioned on here. Avocado, nuts, healthy oils, greek yogurt, cottage cheese and even a bit of cheese. Eggs (especially egg whites) are also a staple. Quinoa is a way to meet your carb intake and also get protein and fiber. Keeping fat intake too low is also not advantageous because your body needs the fat metabolize specific vitamins and for hormone production.

    My friend is having success on soy protein shakes. Visalus has those I think. I am doing well on my whey shakes with probiotics. Not a single cramp now but on the cheaper Costco protein I would get bad cramps.

    You will get much more specific advice I'm sure. Good luck. Don't rule out a reset. I believe it will change the way you live. ;)
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey RJ,

    Fantastic work to date! Don't be disheartened at the lack of (scale) progress, it's probably time for something new.

    I agree with the above poster that you should consider a reset. I'm also an ex-WWer, so I totally understand the scale obsession, and the concept that eating less and exercising more might mean another kilo lost next week. Ridiculous in hindsight! I'm finishing my final week of an 8-week reset, and have been pretty much maintaining my weight at about 2500 calories a day. That's about DOUBLE what I ate on WW. So I definitely think you should give EM2WL a shot and try a healthy, sustainable way to get the body you want.

    I don't do protein shakes personally, and in order to get my 120g or so of protein a day, I have high protein bread, cheese, high protein chocolate milk, peanut butter, lean meat (all kinds, beef, lamb, chicken, fish) - tuna is also great, and so are nuts (cashews, YUM!), oh and of course, eggs!

    Sending you a friend request now in case you'd like a new friend for support :)

    Ok- a little background. I am at a 5 month plateau with my weight loss. I am 37 (almost 38), 5'4" and 153.5lbs. In March, I started P90X with hubby. Loved the routine, only lost 2 lbs by the end eating 1800 calories per day. Started Insanity after that. I am 2 1/2 weeks from completing that, trying not to eat over 1500 calories each day (per the nutrition guide). Again, no weight change. I HAVE lost a total of 15 inches all over (yay!) and I can totally see a difference, but even the tape measure has stopped moving. (I know the scale should not be an issue. I did Weight Watchers for SOOOOOO long that I can't seem to break it's hold! I'm working on it.) Anyways, all that to say I am currently starving and looking for a shake-up. I think this eat more thing makes a lot of sense (it may just be my stomach talking, though). I guess I just want to know 2 things: 1. What type of foods do you eat to get to 2240 calories (my TDEE) without eating processed stuff? and 2. I absolutely can not do any type of protein powder/bar. I have tried all different types/brands/etc. and they ALL give me horrible stomach cramps. So, is it possible to get the recommended protein without supplements? How??? Sorry for the length of this and thanks in advance for your help!
  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the encouragment and advice! I'm curious, since you both did WW, have you been able to "throw out" the scale number and not let it bother you? If so, how long did it take you to get to that point? My husband hid the scale during P90X because I would get so frusturated. Maybe that would be a good thing to do during my reset. :) Thanks again! I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow, so plan to begin my reset on Saturday. Very excited!
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks for the encouragment and advice! I'm curious, since you both did WW, have you been able to "throw out" the scale number and not let it bother you? If so, how long did it take you to get to that point? My husband hid the scale during P90X because I would get so frusturated. Maybe that would be a good thing to do during my reset. :) Thanks again! I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow, so plan to begin my reset on Saturday. Very excited!

    Honestly, WW made me depedent on the scale for whether or not I'd have a good day or a bad day. Even if I had a great workout that day, it didn't matter if I gained 0.2lbs. :( I also wore the EXACT same clothes every time so that I could be sure I wasn't weighing heavier because of my clothes. That is ridiculous looking back. I was focused on the completely wrong thing! I believe from reading and researching here and on bodybuilding sites (have their own problems with bodyfat% that are super low) that the scale is just a number, but it does not define me anymore. I'm sure you've felt the adrenaline high after a workout (especially with P90X or the Insanity) and then the DOMS after...THAT is my measure now. Feeling good during and after workouts. Knowing I'm carving a new body with each rep is making me confident that it's about HOW I'm working toward something new. A new "me" so to speak, which is why I'm prepared to be patient and put in the work because it's sustainable and something I can do (eat over 2000cals a day? For sure!!) over the long haul. This is why the scale has lost its power over me. :) I'll use it as a measure, but only that from now on. I'll send you a friend request. I'll only be slightly a week ahead in reset. We can work on this together.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Tina and RJ~ OMG I should be getting profit sharing checks from WW!!!! :explode: :explode:

    I did ALL of those things that you guys did in WW and I lived and died by weigh in day!!!

    RJ~ I broke my "addiction" to the scale when I joined EM2WL. I just REFUSED to get on that thing until at least 6-8 weeks in.
    It worked and it made me realize that it was really just a habit and that I just had to BREAK it instead of it BREAKING ME!!!:drinker:

    The sense of freedom from the control it had over me is very powerful and I cannot thank the fine ladies here for opening my eyes to a new way ot thinking!:love:

    As for food, peanut butter is a biggie as well as almonds, Kashi Bars and I found a YUMMY Fat Free Chocolate Milk fortified with Omega- 3 (whatever that means). I do yogurt and Pure Protein Bars too.

    And don't forget a little ice cream, pizza and whatever else you THOUGHT you'd never have again!!:flowerforyou:
  • nothingwithoutHim
    nothingwithoutHim Posts: 140 Member
    Hey there! I'm sort of a newbie myself, but been doing EM2WL for a couple of weeks now. I highly recommend it, it's amazing and gives so much energy BACK to you, it's empowering!

    For food, I usually get 2300 pretty easily:blushing: , although mostly through peanut butter, avocados, LOTS of organic eggs and chicken, etc. My motto is if I don't have enough cals, just eat more peanut butter. LOL

    I just wanted to encourage you to JUMP for it, you will not regret making the choice to EM2LW. I'm about your same height and weight and I can't wait to see where this journey takes me!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm currently a newbie myself at this whole EM2WL philosophy. I don't have a lot to lose (on the last few pounds) but I'm more interested in a) being able to eat more (I was a 1200 cal/day gal at one point) and b) changing my shape (more muscle!!!).

    Apparently a 40%carb + 30% protein + 30% fats works well so I really try to stick to that. Check out my food diary which is public.

    I shoot for 1700/day MINIMUM but am trying to work up to more, especially on workout days now. Feel free to friend me if you're looking for someone to chat with. Good for you on the P90X and Insanity!
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    I never thought I could, but I think I can safely say that I'm now at a point where, while I do keep tabs on what the scale says, I don't let it make or break my day, and can usually ignore the number. I'm much more interested in progress photos, and measurements with a measuring tape. That's when you can actually physically SEE a difference and it is so much more motivating.

    Thanks for the encouragment and advice! I'm curious, since you both did WW, have you been able to "throw out" the scale number and not let it bother you? If so, how long did it take you to get to that point? My husband hid the scale during P90X because I would get so frusturated. Maybe that would be a good thing to do during my reset. :) Thanks again! I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow, so plan to begin my reset on Saturday. Very excited!
  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks, ladies. You all rock! Yesterday I tried to eat my TDEE just to see how much food it was. I have it figured for 2230, does that sound right? Also, I DON'T eat back exercise calories because they are already figured in there, correct? So, anyways, it was not so difficult to eat all those calories (YAY Peanut Butter!!!!). I was a little short on protein and a little over on sodium, but that's because we had this chicken stuff for dinner that uses canned soup. I was actually full when I finished dinner, instead of staring longingly at my kids' plate. :) I think I'm gonna like this. I am totally going to get over this scale thing!
  • quickfeet101
    quickfeet101 Posts: 8 Member

    You're right about not eating back exercise calories, EXCEPT when calories eaten - calories burned by exercise (your "net") takes you below your BMR.

    It took me a few days to figure this out, so I was still netting below BMR for the first week I thought I was doing reset. :) It takes a while to figure this all out. (And I think I have that right by now).

    I'm such a positivity dork that I am finding all sorts of things to love about reset. Taking time to figure out what will work for me to meet my macros and what I'm going to do for exercise and all this stuff is one of the positives.

    :) Welcome!
  • Cylindad
    Cylindad Posts: 18
    Just so I am clear. A RESET is eating your TDEE?
    A CUT is TDEE-15%?

    So when you are just starting out do a RESET? Then after 6 weeks or so, include the CUT?

    New to this concept, sick of eating 1200 plus exercise calories and not seeing results.
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Just so I am clear. A RESET is eating your TDEE?
    A CUT is TDEE-15%?

    So when you are just starting out do a RESET? Then after 6 weeks or so, include the CUT?

    New to this concept, sick of eating 1200 plus exercise calories and not seeing results.

    Right on. Also, you have to eat your TDEE every day. Account for your exercise in your TDEE and don't eat EXERCISE CALORIES back unless they are greater than [TDEE (-15%) - BMR] and then you only eat back the difference

    Eg. Let's say I do a long run for an 800 calorie burn
    BMR = 1450
    TDEE (-15%) = 2000

    So, 2000 -1450 = 550 cals accounted for but I burned 800 cals so 800 - 550 = 250 cals that I would have to eat back.
    Hope that makes sense. I don't teach math... ;)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Thanks, ladies. You all rock! Yesterday I tried to eat my TDEE just to see how much food it was. I have it figured for 2230, does that sound right? Also, I DON'T eat back exercise calories because they are already figured in there, correct? So, anyways, it was not so difficult to eat all those calories (YAY Peanut Butter!!!!). I was a little short on protein and a little over on sodium, but that's because we had this chicken stuff for dinner that uses canned soup. I was actually full when I finished dinner, instead of staring longingly at my kids' plate. :) I think I'm gonna like this. I am totally going to get over this scale thing!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Thanks for the encouragment and advice! I'm curious, since you both did WW, have you been able to "throw out" the scale number and not let it bother you? If so, how long did it take you to get to that point? My husband hid the scale during P90X because I would get so frusturated. Maybe that would be a good thing to do during my reset. :) Thanks again! I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow, so plan to begin my reset on Saturday. Very excited!

    Well done on your excellent achievement so far. I'm also an ex WW (I was even a leader for 2yrs) and also tried SW when WW didn't give me enough food to exercise efficiently. I'm now finding the scales less of a draw I was finding my weight up & down like a yoyo & reading many threads on here I finally understand that you can't put 3lb on in a single day so it's water weight. I'm now only recording my weight monthly. I'm still hopping on the scales most days which I'm actually able to not be concerned by what I see so I'm making progress.

    One thing is for sure I will never do a VLCD again having fuel to run/cycle is great and once my shoulder is fixed I'm going to work on weights. Good luck in kicking the scales habit it's not easy but the freedom is great :-)
  • Thank you all for your help.

    BMR: 1355
    TDEE: 2100
    -15% = 1785

    I am sticking to this magic number of 1785 right now, (up from 1200 plus eating exercise cals).
    I am going on about 2 weeks and love that I am never hungry.
    I can tell the difference after this long weekend of not tracking or really worrying about planning for food. There were
    several times that I started to feel hungry at the times I had normally been eating. So I know my body is expecting food now at those certain times.
  • DestineeTrue
    DestineeTrue Posts: 16 Member
    Just so I am clear. A RESET is eating your TDEE?
    A CUT is TDEE-15%?

    So when you are just starting out do a RESET? Then after 6 weeks or so, include the CUT?

    New to this concept, sick of eating 1200 plus exercise calories and not seeing results.

    Right on. Also, you have to eat your TDEE every day. Account for your exercise in your TDEE and don't eat EXERCISE CALORIES back unless they are greater than [TDEE (-15%) - BMR] and then you only eat back the difference

    Eg. Let's say I do a long run for an 800 calorie burn
    BMR = 1450
    TDEE (-15%) = 2000

    So, 2000 -1450 = 550 cals accounted for but I burned 800 cals so 800 - 550 = 250 cals that I would have to eat back.
    Hope that makes sense. I don't teach math... ;)

    What number do you set mfp to?
  • riouxt
    riouxt Posts: 104 Member
    Right now I'm finishing week 3 of reset. So I'm eating my TDEE value. Once I'm at the end of reset, I'll set my MFP daily cal goal to my cut value (15%) at 1950 cals. Regardless of my workout I will eat at that value or even a bit above. Unless I end up below my BMR after activity, I won't care about the NET value. Will only worry if the net is BELOW BMR, in which case I eat enough back to make BMR. The last thing I want to do after all the hard lifting is go into starvation mode and eat up precious muscle!!