New Member!

Hi everyone!

I am Dee. I found out the hard way that I am gluten Intolerant. I did so much weaning of gluten from my diet before I talked to my doctor, that It was too late for me to test for Celiac. I find that now, ( its been over a year ) I am susceptible to other intolerances and have to make a mental list of them. For example I'm not intolerant of Dairy, just certain foods i.e.. I can't have Gorgonzola cheese, but Feta does just fine. ( probably a processing thing...) I can do a little bit of half and half but can't go overboard. I have been eating well since before the GF thing hit, but gained weight once I realized that I could eat a cookie without feeling like I'd just eaten a bowl of razor blades.

I love coming up with and finding new recipes that fit in with my favorite foods list. And would love to share. I have to admit though, that for the time being , my recipes may be a bit boring. ........

Nice to meet you all!



  • cheriskidsrock
    cheriskidsrock Posts: 1 Member
    gluten, dairy, soy, msg, sodium nitrates and nitrites are out for me. Dont miss any of it. My 12 year old was deathly ill and then diagnosed with Celiac disease 3 years ago and turned our world upside down how sick she got. So I went gluten free with her and I felt more energy and all these health issues I was having improved.......There is a test that checks for the genetic marker and being gluten free does not impact the test. You have to go to someone who specializes is celiac to have the test. They check for the HLA DQ2 and HLA DQ8. most drs dont know the code to do this test....... I had every symptom for celiac but the biopsy says neg and so far blood test says neg BUT THE GENETIC TEST CAME BACK HIGH RISK FOR CELIAC because I had both markers. So at this time I dont get the damage done to the intestine because I dont have Celiac BUT knowing I have the genetic markers means I can develop it. If you dont have the genetic markers you wont ever get celiac BUT you can be sensitive to gluten and other foods. Its confusing...... I like the idea that I know that I can or cant get it and will have my twin boys tested soon for the genetic markers so they can be watched. I wont have them go on a gluten free diet if they are not symptomatic but if their health changes we know why and they will go gluten free. Also if they dont have the markers I cans stop worrying about them getting as sick as their little sister did. Hope this info helped and did not confuse you.
  • ohDeeDeeBehave
    ohDeeDeeBehave Posts: 30 Member
    Not confused :wink: . Thanks for responding!