Newbie here...I need some serious support.

In the last year I have become an emotional eater. I used to be 130 lbs and food was fuel and that was it. Life threw me 4 family member deaths in a year, plus some other stuff and ever since then I have become a stress eater.
I posted my day on my blog if anyone is interested.
What I didn't put (because it happened after I posted) was that I wanted something sweet so bad that I was on my kitchen cabinets looking on top to see if I threw something up there that I forgot about.
I ended up eating a piece of toast with butter and jelly on it. This of course in in addition to all the other insane things I ate today.

Mega stress day and my food diary shows it.

Sorry for the vent, but I need to get it out before I go nuts.


  • pseel42
    pseel42 Posts: 82 Member

    it's good to vent and get it out.

    i'm an emotional eater as well. i have so much going on and get seem to get through the day without thinking of food.

    i'm here to help if you want/need. feel free to add me
  • ASH0424
    ASH0424 Posts: 49 Member
    It is a good thing to let it out.
    I am sorry so much is going on in your life.
    I am a very emotional eater, so I totally undersand.
    Please feel free to add me, I am always looking for support and people to support....or even just listen too!!