Trying to live primal

zynx1234 Posts: 73 Member
Ughh... dang I am struggling. I have not lost a dang thing and have been eating primal for like three week. Ok so maybe on more than one Sat I indulged in non-primal foods... but still... I also have trouble say under the Cals MFP give me. Ugh.. I swear I am starving some days. Fairly certain it was a carb flu..
I read the Primal Blue print and somehow got the eat all I want idea but obviously that is not the case. I need to drop my carbs a bit as I am roughly around 80. Any advice?


  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    "All you can eat" anything isn't going to really cut it, unfortunately :)

    I think calories do count on some level, just not as much as some people obsess about.

    That sort of dates back to the first Atkins book where it was suggested that infinite portions of steak were OK.

    Too much protein, for instance, isn't good for you (dangerous in REALLY high doses and it will stall weight loss in excess).

    I can stay below 50g of carbs a day and could comfortably keep to around 1600 calories if I had to (as a 5ft 10in fairly active bloke I need more than this though :)).

    I would say focus more on getting the fat up (65% is my ideal), the protein moderate (20 to 25%) and the carbs low (15 to 10%).

    If you eat whole, natural, nutrient -dense foods (i.e. not processed) then the fat and protein should satisfy the hunger.

    Plenty of leafy veg will help fill you up and won't hit the calories too hard.

    80g carbs could work for you, it depends on how dependant you were on carbs/sugar before.

    If you are eating grains (whole or otherwise, bread, pasta, rice, etc) then this could stimulate your appetite and you may still be hungry even if you are below your carb limit.

    I haven't had a slice of bread or any pasta, rice, etc in months ... Can't say I miss it and I am a lot less snacky these days.

    Primal Blueprint ... Good book, I like that one. I don't entirely believe his 'carbohydrate curve' but most of what he says rings true with me. Especially the bits on exercising less, I like that, makes more sense than killing yourself with Chronic Cardio :)

    And you say you haven't lost weight but how about measurements? Worth tracking these too ...
  • zynx1234
    zynx1234 Posts: 73 Member
    so if I take yesterday as an example I had 1800 cals with 60cabst/118 fat/129protien.

    I guess I need to lower the protien and get more fat ... ugh..... how do you calculate the percents?
  • celebrity328
    celebrity328 Posts: 377 Member
    When I up my fat intake the hunger went away Im around 1600 calories a day with 60-70% fat.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I eat high fat, moderate protein and very low carb. It's easy for me to be very low carb because I don't eat grain, legumes, starchy veggies, and limit fruit (usually just berries). I stick to mostly natural foods; as much as anything from the store is "natural"! I feel great and all food addiction/binging issues are gone. My weight loss is slowing but is still consistent at 1-2 pounds per week. I don't struggle with being hungry and I don't need to eat lots of food to be satisfied.

    For me, eating this way is not an on and off thing. If I go off, even one meal, I am back to food addiction/binging and uncontollable hunger and it can be months before I get myself back on track. It's not worth it.

    I'm not "suffering" when I eat this way, but I sure do suffer when I don't.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    so if I take yesterday as an example I had 1800 cals with 60cabst/118 fat/129protien.

    I guess I need to lower the protien and get more fat ... ugh..... how do you calculate the percents?

    You are not far off, you need to consider that you are showing grams and the percentage is one of Calories so we have to adjust for the fact that Fat has more Calories per gram than Carbs or Protein.

    (Carbohydrate - 4 Calories per gram, Fats - 9 Calories per gram and Protein - 4 Calories per gram). All of this is a very rough estimate but widely used.

    My iPhone/iPad app does the percentages automatically, I can't find it on the website but I'll try to do it manually ...

    Carbs - 60g multiplied by 4 Calories = 120 Calories
    Fats - 118g multiplied by 9 Calories = 1062 Calories
    Protein = 129g multiplied by 4 Calories = 516 Calories

    I make that 1698 Calories total ... Not sure where the 1800 comes from (I'm sure someone will tell me soon enough ;)) but I'll push on ...

    By percentages of Calories that makes it:

    Carbs - 8%
    Fats - 62%
    Protein - 30%

    Pretty much my ideal profile too.

    I may well have made a huge mistake here somewhere too, it's early ;)
  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    You can adjust your MFP to go with these percentages, too - within the settings. I eat around 50 g (net) carbs a day or less, with around 100 g protein and then 120ish on fat. But I made sure that if I was hungry, I ate!! I was eating about 1600 cals a day on a lower fat diet plan and I lost nothing and felt deprived. I've been on HFLC for 3 months and have dropped 11 lbs and never felt deprives... AND eat 2000-2300 calories a day, and workout about 3-5 hours a week. When I try to "sttay under" my cals, I fail everytime... and I lose weight. Each body is different, but if you are really eating HFLC - your body will tell you when it's full. (I get nauseated.)

    Are you working out a lot? If so, eat. Even if not - if you're hungry, eat. Also, the cheating will just keep you miserable. Once you convert o HFLC and do it for a few weeks and resist your want to eat carbs, those feelings of wanting to eat them go away. I had three days in that three months I indulged in either cake or ice cream. I felt like crap, the glucose grabbed a ton of water and I was heavier (and had to wait again for the HF LC to take it back off), and I wanted more and more carbs. Now I know I am not going to bother. Even on a birthday, I asked for a cup of coffee as everyone ate cake. It doesn't tempt me at all... and I was a culver's addict! :)

    Keep asking questions - we're here to support you! :)
  • kabirmasto
    Hi, I'm new to this, been eating primal for about ten days now, but I think I have been low carb/high protein, rather than low carb/high fat. So, I am very keen to try these percentages and see how it goes. The first 5 or so days I was amazed that my hunger/cravings seemed to have disappeared completely, but this second week I have had glimpses of them again. I haven't eaten any grains or dairy or sugar, but a piece of fruit every day. So i am ready to cut that out, and increase my fat intake without eating too much protein. So, the question is, what foods are best for this? I'm guessing avocado, coconut (in all it's guises - I live in tropical India so that's easy), oily fish... any other suggestions? I don't have much weight to lose (I want to lean up) but my main intention is to get rid of the cravings that lead to binge eating. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • zynx1234
    zynx1234 Posts: 73 Member
    I did alot of internet searching for paleo/primal. And I found Marks daily apple and that forum. It had a lot of information but it wasn't as friendly as here. As to what to choice gas just been real food with very little processed food. I also have been extremely unsuccessful in my weightloss journey so I probably not the one to ask. I also had some serious carbon withdraw the second and third weeks...last week as ok...and we shall see how this week goes.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Been primal since the start of August. Was just low carb through July. Starting using MFP July 26.
    I've lost 23 lbs so far. I have found it much easier since I went primal and stopped all grains and legumes. I think I'm now "fat-burning" instead of "sugar-burning" as my hunger has really abated and I can do IF (intermittent fasting). I have lots of energy. My blood pressure has dropped quite a bit also, and my arthritis is much improved.

    However, without MFP I think it would be too easy to overdo my calorie count. There are a lot of ideas on Marks site that might not agree with traditional diet advice, but so far its working for me and my husband. Thing is, I think you have to embrace it as a way of life and not just a temporary thing to drop weight. With the health benefits I've seen so far, it definitely worth a try. I hope to keep it up through the winter and maybe by then it will have become a good habit. Mark says aim for 80/20 so you can slip occasionally, but for now I'm really trying not to.

    PS. I just watched a hydrocut commercial and went - "crap", if you don't lose the weight through diet modification its just bound to come back.

    Primal does allow dairy, so I like to have Oikos 2% plain yogurt with a few berries. You could skip the berries and add some almonds or walnuts. Why are you restricting protein? The goal for quick weight loss would be carbs below 30 grams but proteins and fat are important to get your calories and maintain your muscles.

    Also Primal is more than just a eating plan. Check out Mark's resources.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I would re-read the section in Primal Blueprint that's specific to weight loss (I have it on e-book so I don't know what page it might in a regular book copy). Mark put a section in the book specially about where you should keep your carbs and cals to lose weight on primal (I don't think he gives specific cal amounts but a range to keep within). He also mentions if you're struggling to lose, try cutting back on your dairy and fruit consumption
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Dairy and fruit is overrated for weight management IMO.

    Since I cut back on the cheese and upped the healthy fats I think I have made better progress.

    I've never been a fan of fruit anyway, I stick to the home-grown strawberries with some cream ... nice.

    I find it amusing that "fruit and vegetables" are constantly mentioned in the same breath when they are completely different things from a weight management point of view.

    But that's the food pyramid and the bogus "5 a day" (marketing) message for ya ...
  • kabirmasto
    Thanks. Think I'm ready to order the Primal Blueprint....
  • praxisproject
    praxisproject Posts: 154 Member
    if you want to keep the fruit, try the lower carb berries