Not sure if this matters...

RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
I did one week of reset. Then I got a really bad cold and couldn't/didn't exercise or eat at my TDEE for about 3 days. I had one good day of eating, then my husband came home from hunting. We just spent 2 LONG days processing the venison he brought home and we barely took time to eat (not to mention, butchering tends to make me the opposite of hungry. Yuck!). Anyways, that makes 1 out of the last 6 days eating at TDEE, the other 5 really far below it. Should I just start my reset "count" over or just keep plugging along since it's not really a specific amount of time, anyways? What would YOU do?? :) Thanks!


  • lkcostello
    lkcostello Posts: 49 Member
    I would probably keep moving forward. If you come out at the other end and need to add a week then you can. I'm certainly no expert, but I hope it helps.
  • RJ74
    RJ74 Posts: 37 Member
    That was kind of my thinking, too. Just wanted to double check my reasoning. Thanks! :)