Check in. How is everyone feeling so far?

ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
I had a pretty good first week last week but yesterday I was exhausted and didn't feel well so I didn't work out at all. Today I was really hungry all day so I went over my calorie limit...not too crazy but still not good. So just like that, I'm feeling kind of blah. Gotta get back on track tomorrow morning. :-P


  • GodsyGirl
    GodsyGirl Posts: 32 Member
    Im actually feeling good. Had a pretty good week. Really pumped for my weigh in on Wednesday. (Hoping to hit my first goal that I set for my self) Didn't exercise much this wk, but stayed below my calories. I also started logging my meals before I eat them and it seems to work so much better for me. I don't feel guilty when I eat things because I know that they are already accounted for and I am within my calorie allotment.
  • jniece55
    jniece55 Posts: 181 Member
    Last week I did great, over the weekend though I went out for the first time in forever and I thought at first it was fine because when I weighed in Sunday morning I had lost weight........nope yesterday and today i've been up :( I've been doing good yesterday and today hopefully it goes back down.
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Ugh, the weekends are killers. I'm sure you'll get right back on track, but I know it sucks to feel like you're catching up again instead of making more progress.

    And godsygirl, great job! That's the best feeling :-) Good luck on Wednesday!
  • babyann79
    babyann79 Posts: 49 Member
    Im doing alright!! I started Jillian's 30 day shred yesterday....yea lol. She is something lol but I got through it!! Im trying to stay off the scale until im finished with the program. I also need to get a measuring tape because I know Ive been losing inches. I can tell in the way my clothes fit and everything is baggy. But of course that number on the scale refuses to move...that's why Im gonna put it away for a while...well at least for 29
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    I'm doing the 30DS as well. That is so tough! I've never done a really tough workout before. I just finished level 1, day 3 and it was noticeably easier than day 2. Good luck!
  • 91King
    91King Posts: 12 Member
    I struggled with the weekend as well - we went to a bbq/potluck with some friends. It was so hard not to eat some of the bad stuff, but I'm back on track again now. I have only lost one pound so far though. Frustrating - you would think 5 days of eating really healthfully and running 5k each of those days would result in more than that! This site is really helping me stay on track with the eating. I'm finding drinking the water really tough though!
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm sick with a double ear infection and had a fever until about 1pm today. Been to the doctor got antibiotics and hoping to get back up on my 100% feet very soon. I've been doing so good and I'm really bummed I'm not out hitting the pavement... but there's no way with how low my energy levels are. It was all I could do to get a shower and drive myself to the doctor's office.

    I think I have changed mentally though, because before when sick I loved the excuse to not work out. Yesterday and today I'm super anxious about not having had any exercise.

    So glad to have this group though... I know in a couple days I'll be back at it!!!

    Glad to hear the rest of you are doing so well!
  • irisheyes7177
    irisheyes7177 Posts: 40 Member
    Eating well under my calorie goal and working out all the time - and the scale won't budge. :( But I think I am losing inches and that bloaty feeling all the time. Good luck guys!
  • sporterfield5083
    I weighed in today and lost another 1.2 lbs :-)!! A key note is to eat the calories and adjust with exercise. Eating under my calories did not help but actually held on or gained weight. The other key is NOT to weigh daily. The body fluxuates with water and could vary by 1-5 lbs. Thursdays are my Jenny Craig weigh in days at noon, and its working :-)
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Eating well under my calorie goal and working out all the time - and the scale won't budge. :( But I think I am losing inches and that bloaty feeling all the time. Good luck guys!

    Hey there! If you're far enough under your daily calorie goal, you're metabolism will slow down. Try adding a bit more calories to your day if you think that might be happening. Good luck!
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    I weighed in today and lost another 1.2 lbs :-)!! A key note is to eat the calories and adjust with exercise. Eating under my calories did not help but actually held on or gained weight. The other key is NOT to weigh daily. The body fluxuates with water and could vary by 1-5 lbs. Thursdays are my Jenny Craig weigh in days at noon, and its working :-)

    awesome! :-)
  • kolraw
    kolraw Posts: 42 Member
    I haven't made any progress yet myself but I just started StrongLifts 5x5 so hoping to see movement soon.