How is everyone doing??!!

dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
Hi everyone......just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing?? It has been a quiet week here this week!

I am on day 4 and the last day of the attack phase and have been STUNNED with how easy it has been so far. I am not a big meat or egg eater.......but thank god for the dairy and has been pretty much pain free.

I am wondering though if you can tell me if it is okay to use fat free half and half? And if it is not what do you all use in your coffee? I hate skim milk........but guess will learn to like it if there are no other options :tongue:

Have a great weekend and I hope to see some posts from some of you who have been doing this longer! It is so helpful to hear from you..........the good the bad and the ugly :wink:

hugs to all, Dyanna:flowerforyou:


  • janebink
    janebink Posts: 40 Member
    Hi Dyanna

    Glad to hear that you're doing so well. This really is a great diet once your head's around it isn't it? I lost around 28lbs on the diet around 18 months ago and I've managed to stabilise that quite well with a few ups and downs. Now I've begun my second phase and I want to lose another 28lbs or so by Christmas!
    I started on Monday and apart from a disastrous cream puff on Monday evening which I don't normally eat but couldn't resist, I'm doing quite well. I haven't remembered to get everything I need though so I had to have a slice of wholemeal bread with my poached eggs yesterday morning as I didn't have the fromage frais to make the gallettes with!
    I drink my coffee black so the milk isnt a problem for me but I think you should be ok with semi skimmed as long as you don't have more that half a pint a day.
    One thing I will say is that I sent for the pancake mix from the online Dukan shop and it's been a disaster. I have tried 3 different pans and its just sticks like mad to all of them. Even with a little oil which we're not supposed to use. So in case you're tempted I would say dont bother with that!

    Keep at it Dyanna and let me know any tips you might have.

    Big Hug
    Jane :smile:
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hey Dyanna,

    I am doing great on the stabilization phase of Dukan - working on increasing my activity levels beyond the minimums!

    I drank fat free half and half in my coffee every morning while on all phases of dukan. I use two tablespoons. I sent the question to the dukan people (I belong to the on line dukan coaching) and they said it was fine.

    Still haven't been able to eat any 'taters, rice, pasta or bread -- I feel too good with them out of my eating plan. Don't even want to start.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Hi Dyanna

    Glad to hear that you're doing so well. This really is a great diet once your head's around it isn't it? I lost around 28lbs on the diet around 18 months ago and I've managed to stabilise that quite well with a few ups and downs. Now I've begun my second phase and I want to lose another 28lbs or so by Christmas!
    I started on Monday and apart from a disastrous cream puff on Monday evening which I don't normally eat but couldn't resist, I'm doing quite well. I haven't remembered to get everything I need though so I had to have a slice of wholemeal bread with my poached eggs yesterday morning as I didn't have the fromage frais to make the gallettes with!
    I drink my coffee black so the milk isnt a problem for me but I think you should be ok with semi skimmed as long as you don't have more that half a pint a day.
    One thing I will say is that I sent for the pancake mix from the online Dukan shop and it's been a disaster. I have tried 3 different pans and its just sticks like mad to all of them. Even with a little oil which we're not supposed to use. So in case you're tempted I would say dont bother with that!

    Keep at it Dyanna and let me know any tips you might have.

    Big Hug
    Jane :smile:

    WOW 28 lbs! That is amazing Jane! And even more amazing to keep it off! WELL DONE!! I think that is one of the things I like most........while it is certainly hard enough to take it off..........keeping it off is the real trick isn't it? I have losts thousands of pounds over the years........but they always seem to find their way back.....and I am very tired of that!

    I too want to lose about 30 by Christmas which should put me pretty close to my goal weight. I lost the first 20 just counting calories.........but it really has not worked very well.......and has been soooooooo SLOW. I have been doing this since February and that is all I have lost and I have been yoyoing with these last 5 lbs for way to long! So it is time to try something different.

    I was very nervous about trying Dukan as I am not a big meat or egg eater.........but have surprisingly found the attack phase quite easy. I had my 4th day yeasterday and today am down 4 lbs. And that is good as long as I keep moving that direction. And today I get to have my veggies :laugh:

    I look forward to hearing more about your journey and thank you for the tips on the coffee and the pancake mix. I do think the oatbran is a lifesaver! My *treat* every day:happy: Take gentle care friend, Dyanna
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Hey Dyanna,

    I am doing great on the stabilization phase of Dukan - working on increasing my activity levels beyond the minimums!

    I drank fat free half and half in my coffee every morning while on all phases of dukan. I use two tablespoons. I sent the question to the dukan people (I belong to the on line dukan coaching) and they said it was fine.

    Still haven't been able to eat any 'taters, rice, pasta or bread -- I feel too good with them out of my eating plan. Don't even want to start.

    Wow you ARE doing great to be on stabilization!! Did your loss follow what Dr. Dukan said it would? What helped you be so successful! I am glad to hear you have been using the FF half and half hard for me to drink coffee black. I am also so thankful that while we is about doing it consistently and building slowly as we go. Thanks again friend for all your help! Take gentle care, Dyanna
  • llsand
    Hi !

    So i'm at 95 or 100 days of diet and i've lost 30lbs. I'm getting close to my goal and can't wait to start stabilization.

    Haven’t had any major issue with the food, I’m always on the lookout for good ideas but so far so good I’m on a roll and hope to keep going until I finally reach my goal :)
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Hi !

    So i'm at 95 or 100 days of diet and i've lost 30lbs. I'm getting close to my goal and can't wait to start stabilization.

    Haven’t had any major issue with the food, I’m always on the lookout for good ideas but so far so good I’m on a roll and hope to keep going until I finally reach my goal :)

    WOW you are doing soooooooo well! Congratulations! I too am finding this to be the *easiest* (if there is such a thing LOL) plan I have ever found. It is one week for me today and I have lost 5.5 lbs and I do not feel like I will have a difficult time staying with this. Each day i feel stronger in my resolve. I don't like all the artificial sweetener I am using....but I want to get the weight off and then I will start *tweaking* to get this more healthy. I figure 4 months of eating whatever it takes will not harm me in the long run right?

    I am also finding this group to be not real active and have actuallly found a website that I LOVE (and has great recipes) just for those of us following Dukan.. It is

    Continued good luck with your WOE! :flowerforyou:
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hey Dyanna,

    I am doing great on the stabilization phase of Dukan - working on increasing my activity levels beyond the minimums!

    I drank fat free half and half in my coffee every morning while on all phases of dukan. I use two tablespoons. I sent the question to the dukan people (I belong to the on line dukan coaching) and they said it was fine.

    Still haven't been able to eat any 'taters, rice, pasta or bread -- I feel too good with them out of my eating plan. Don't even want to start.

    Wow you ARE doing great to be on stabilization!! Did your loss follow what Dr. Dukan said it would? What helped you be so successful! I am glad to hear you have been using the FF half and half hard for me to drink coffee black. I am also so thankful that while we is about doing it consistently and building slowly as we go. Thanks again friend for all your help! Take gentle care, Dyanna

    Hey just saw your question... It took about 5 days longer to get to consolidation BUT... My true weight ended up about six pounds i would say the weight came off just fine and on schedule. I think dukan plus counting calories and making SURE i did the minimum activity everday is really what got me on this better lifestyle path... That and just hitting the site and dukan books to get creative with cooking.

    Have a healthy week!
  • blondepsychobrat
    blondepsychobrat Posts: 55 Member
    I am on Dukan since June 20th, but since I sort of cheated a little during my 3 weeks of holiday where I had plenty of fatty foods and wines, I have "rebooted" my diet now and won't be counting those 3 weeks. I didn't gain weight during that time and I worked out well and often, but I also didn't lose weight although I dropped one clothes size!!!
    Having 3 pure protein days and then I will be back on the Cruise until beginning-mid October.
    I find it easier to stick to the diet when at work, simply because then all I can eat are the foods I have prepared and brought along. ItÇs a lot easier to eat "naughty" things when you are home, bored and your fridge is stocked. Ha!
  • shelmag
    shelmag Posts: 23 Member
    I started Dukan on August 3rd - did really well the first week - then went to a conference for 5 days and had a hard time following the diet - but I only gained 2 lbs and they came off right away the next week. Last weekend was a Dukan disaster - too much going on. I am finding it a little more difficult now that I have to cook for the family as well as me - but I am so excited to be down 12 lbs, especially given that during that 30 days I was off Dukan for about 9 days - Still hoping (no - not hoping that's way too fuzzy a word) I will be down another 15 lbs by November 3rd. I will go to Mexico feeling good about myself and my accomplishments. I am determined.
  • reannont
    reannont Posts: 9 Member
    Hey guys! I am also on the dukan diet. I also agree it is harder at home. so i had an inpulse moment and through out anything that wasnt on dukan. Now, my boyfriend almost died seeing no fruit or bread be he eventually got over it. I love this diet. I almost dont feel like im dieting. Also i feel like the key to this diet is variety. You really have to mix it up. I know when u think about protien its just chicken and eggs tuna.. But there are so many things you can do! Good Luck on your journey! Feel free to add me and we can be dukan buddies!
  • ikoiko33
    Started Attack on June 8th -

    Down 35 pounds and still going strong!! Best part is, I got my husband on board, so meal planning and dining is much easier!!

    Best of luck!!
  • shelmag
    shelmag Posts: 23 Member
    I know - last night I had scrambled eggs (3 egg whites and 1 egg yolk) with smoked salmon and was so gourmet I didn't fel like I was dieting at all.
  • Keepinggoing
    I think the greatest challenge for me has been cooking for the family as well as me also. I have not always been religious about the diet, but I adopt the major principles most of the time and it seems to works.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I know - last night I had scrambled eggs (3 egg whites and 1 egg yolk) with smoked salmon and was so gourmet I didn't fel like I was dieting at all.

    Salmon! I love salmon! Honestly, I find it so easy to stay on target with cruise and one pure protein day a week, it is like I am treating my self super special rather than "being on a diet". On stabilization, I choose my additional foods wisely. My fruits so far (and general no more than 2-3 servings a day) have been my favorites - strawberries, blueberries, or a peach. I try to treat myself to half an avocado a day as well. I went so many months without fruits that I think through them carefully now that they are back on my dukan phase.

    This morning I had my own version of a pumpkin bake … basically pureed pumpkin, fat free cream cheese and egg beaters with my favorite seasonings. (there is a receipe on the forum here for it, I modify it to my taste and baking pan) .

    Keep on dukan-ing!!
  • shelmag
    shelmag Posts: 23 Member
    that recipe sounds amazing - I had an off Dukan day today...but I will back on track tomorrow - its the wine with supper and beer at football games that are killing me
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Fell off the wagon, too many parties and weddings in the last 6 weeks. Started slowly gaining back weight. So my husband sat me down, said we had to have “the talk”. He told me I’m throwing away all my hard work for a couple of yummy snacks and drinks, reminded me about my goals etc. So now I am back on… last 6 or 7 Kg’s to go!
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I am still going strong and I am down 21.6 pounds so far. I am more than half-way to goal and it is amazing how many people are noticing it and asking about what my strategies are. The people at work know that I am eating more than before and are naturally curious as to how I am so successful! There have been four people join me in my Dukan strategy and they walk everyday on their lunch. It is so nice to inspire and motivate others :)

    Keep strong ladies and keep Dukaning it out!
  • julieuz
    This Thursday is my two month mark and so far I'm down 21 pounds. My goal is to lose 45-50 which I hope to accomplish by the end of the year. I can't believe that so much has come off so quickly, I already feel like a different person (more energy, I'm sleeping better at night, etc). Woo hoo!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am almost to my first month of stabilization and keeping it "stabilized"! Working on more activity levels!