Age Difference

I'd like to gather some opinions on age difference in relationships.

Do May-December relationships work? How many years of difference should there be maximum, or should there be no limit? Should the concern of how life will be in the "golden" years be legitimate enough to say 'no' to any relationship/marriage?

Let's say a man and woman meet, but the man is 23 years older than her. They get along pretty well and are attracted to one another. Should they not pursue a relationship because of the inevitable young widow she will become if they marry, assuming nature takes its course at the expected time? If they meet when she is in her 30s and the man in his 50s, she will likely become a widow in her 60s. Is this something they should steer away from? Or does love conquer any and all boundaries?? lol

I am trying to open my mind a little more to the idea, mainly to expand my pool of potential suitors, so I wanted to gather more data on the topic...


  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    I'm actually headed the other direction as I age. I preferred men much older than me (10-15 years) in my twenties and early thirties. Now, to be quite frank, the average man over 40 seems to act like his life is over, so I'm struggling to find common interest and activity levels with guys much older than my own 36 years. I'm actually starting to notice men younger than me, haha, which I avoided like the PLAGUE before. Still not comfortable below 30 at this point, but at the rate I'm going, who knows, HA!

    I don't think there is anything wrong with it in general. Each person is unique, so a 30 year old female may work best with that particular 50 year old man. I've never crossed the 19 year difference myself though :bigsmile: So open yourself up to the possibilities and see what works for you!
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    It all depends what you're comfortable with. When I go out on Miami Beach or Fort Lauderdale, I constantly see young women (early-mid 20's) with men in their late 40's and early 50's. Of course, the men most likely have a ton of cash and charm to win them over. It's a VERY common sight here in south Florida.

    The last woman I dated seriously (Erin) had 2 roommates that signed up for These women were bonafide 9-9.5's but loved rich older men. The one ended up shacking up with a 48 yr old finance guy who drove an S-Class Benz and had a beachfront condo.

    Only you can really determine whether you want to date significantly older or not.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Im currently going with someone who is 6 years older. at first it bugged be but i was seriously putting the cart before the thinking about him retiring before me dying before me etc...... lol

    thus far its not bothered me. I do find myself cracking "ol man" jokes I ought to knock that off..
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Im currently going with someone who is 6 years older. at first it bugged be but i was seriously putting the cart before the thinking about him retiring before me dying before me etc...... lol

    thus far its not bothered me. I do find myself cracking "ol man" jokes I ought to knock that off..

    This post made me LOL!! :laugh:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I'm 33. I prefer guys that are in the 28-31 age range. Usually guys my age or older act too serious for my taste. I'm a goofball and I don't think I look my age as I'm always told I look like I'm 26/27. So it all works out.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    As long as both parties are over 21 I don't think it SHOULD matter, however, I know it DOES matter depending on the individuals. Personally, I would prefer to be with someone + or - 5 years of my own age, but am also open to expanding that for the right person. Besides, what does it say that most of the guys who end up asking me out are younger? Is that about me or the guys themselves?
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Besides, what does it say that most of the guys who end up asking me out are younger? Is that about me or the guys themselves?

    That is a good question. I've wondered the same about older men showing more interest in me than men closer to my age. I have been told that I act very mature for my age (I am 32 so I should hope so by, so maybe that's why.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I have zero interest in dating a much older man. I'm 42 and I just started my faculty job 4 years ago and I see at least 25 years ahead of me still working. I have no interest in having a relationship with someone near retirement. They are in a completely different phase of their lives. I want to have children still as well. I generally kept my search range around 2 years younger than me up to 5 years older. This last year, I expanded that up to 7 years older than me (but still under 50!!!) and actually have seriously considered someone younger than me, which I hadn't really done before even though I kept that in the age range I was specifying in searches. My date from this last weekend who has some potential is two years younger than me.

    I got messaged from a guy on POF last week who was 60. He looked old. A lot of people tell me I look quite a bit younger than I am (maybe 36) and I feel so full of energy and committed to being active. Why would I want to hook up with someone who is 18 years older than me and looks like he hasn't taken care of himself for those 60 years? I want to find someone who is in a similar phase of their life and who has the energy to match mine.
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    I actually typically get much older men messaging me online. Tonight actually I got a message from a 55 year old. I'm SO not intending to be mean, but he looked like death warmed over. I'm not saying all men that age do, but I seem to attract all the ones that look like my grandfather....maybe that's why I'm noticing younger men now?!
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm 41 and the guy I'm currently seeing is 60, I wouldn't have ever dreamed of that much of an age difference years ago, but now I can't imagine life without him, just taking things one day at a time...guess its just a matter of what you are comfortable with
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Every person answers this individually. What is important to each person varies.

    If a woman in her 30s is okay with the very real possibility of being a widow around age 60, she can proceed. Otherwise, I would think some serious hesitation is in order.
    It all depends what you're comfortable with. When I go out on Miami Beach or Fort Lauderdale, I constantly see young women (early-mid 20's) with men in their late 40's and early 50's. Of course, the men most likely have a ton of cash and charm to win them over. It's a VERY common sight here in south Florida.

    The last woman I dated seriously (Erin) had 2 roommates that signed up for These women were bonafide 9-9.5's but loved rich older men. The one ended up shacking up with a 48 yr old finance guy who drove an S-Class Benz and had a beachfront condo.

    Mike, all I have to say is MIAMI. MIAMI = Money is a Major Issue. Money talks. A 48 year old man usually has to have a good sum of cash or the illusion of cash financed with debt up to their eyeballs to have a pretty young thing around. To me, money is bull poop. People should be attracted to each other based on who they are, not because of the number of perceived or real digits in a bank account.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I'm 41 and the guy I'm currently seeing is 60, I wouldn't have ever dreamed of that much of an age difference years ago, but now I can't imagine life without him, just taking things one day at a time...guess its just a matter of what you are comfortable with
    Your post just made me think that I hope mine didn't sound judgmental. I don't judge other people for finding love and/or companionship where ever they will. I was just stating what would work for me and didn't mean to offend anyone else who has made different choices.
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    I'm 41 and the guy I'm currently seeing is 60, I wouldn't have ever dreamed of that much of an age difference years ago, but now I can't imagine life without him, just taking things one day at a time...guess its just a matter of what you are comfortable with
    Your post just made me think that I hope mine didn't sound judgmental. I don't judge other people for finding love and/or companionship where ever they will. I was just stating what would work for me and didn't mean to offend anyone else who has made different choices.

    oh not at all it didn't sound jugmental, I was just meaning a huge age difference could work if it's what the couple is interested in for others it may not, which is what i thought the first post was asking about how people felt about a really big age difference
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I've always been into older guys...I'm 29 and I like em between 30-40
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I haven't been out on many dates in the past six months, for a variety of reasons. However, I'm 45, and my last three dates were 47, 29, and 24 years old. I dated the 29 year old semi-seriously for a few months. The others were just 2-3 dates. So I don't necessarily think I'm typically dating older or younger women. I'm just trying to find an intelligent, fun, kind, attractive woman with whom I get along quite well. The last thing I want to do is filter out my possibilities further.

    Lots of men become angry, bitter and boring once they hit 35+. Beer belly, not active, etc. Probably looking for a "mother" to take care of them after a divorce, etc. Certainly one of the reasons I decided to get fit was to slim down so I'm not perceived as one of those men.

    Women don't typically turn angry and bitter, but they do let themselves go. I really need someone who will play tennis/golf with me, or go bike riding, cross country skiing (I can take the tram from my apartment to the bottom of the mountain), etc. Lots of women around 35 or so don't make time for activities, and it shows. In their defense, they are oftentimes alone raising a child or two, having to work a full time job, etc. But that's me, too. I'm doing all of those things, and I find time.

    The 29 year old I dated was very mature, well traveled, etc., more so than the 47 year old. So it really varies. On the other hand, I doubt I could date anyone much older than me, and my preference is for younger. I feel younger and more energetic when I'm around young people. 29 year old women are still looking to accomplish something in their lives, and I like that attitude. 45+ year old women, at least here in the Czech Rep., are oftentimes looking for someone to retire with. Not my style.

  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    I get a fair amount of attention from the 50-55 crowd and I don't like it.
    I want someone at a similar life stage as me, wants to settle but not already there.
    Wants a family but not already been there done that.
    I'm hesitant to go too much younger than but but ideally I like the 29 to 40 age range.
    If a 45 yo man came along who was energetic and adventurous and still had a hankering to be a dad..I'd certainly not turn him away.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am 35 but I tend to attract guys 27-32 mainly because I look and act like I am in that age range. I don't base who I am attracted to on their actual age but on the age they act.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Age is but a number. My parents are 10 years apart. I personally would not go below 21. I'd feel like the creepy older perv. As for the other end, I think 7 years older would be my limit. Ultimately it's maturity and personality to me. I am still a kid at ♥ and I would want to be with someone who shares that view. I couldn't be with someone who is 100% all work and no play.
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I've been known to chase an older woman every once in a while. When I meet a girl, I can size her up in a few seconds and immediately tell if I want to pursue something romantically with her or not. If I meet someone and she's 10-15 years older, but is a knockout and has fake boobs and money, I'll certainly be attracted. Shallow.. perhaps. But it's the absolute truth.

    I'd much rather date someone older and very attractive than younger and just average.

    However, I don't think this is the norm. My neighbor had a party a few months back (not the hot Spanish neighbor, but another one) and their niece was in town visiting. She was 19 and just graduated high school. I thought she was nice, but definitely wasn't interested. Well, let me tell you, a lot of men at the party (most were in their mid-late 40's) were all over her. I guess I'm just a little different than most.
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    Y'all knew I would have to throw my 2 cents in here! Not really sure where that y'all came from since I am a New Yorker .. anyway .. I am 39 with a 25 year old. While it is still rather new .. we started dating in March, the age difference certainly brings another level to play into the relationship, but it doesn't define it. At least not anymore. In the beginning I was very hung up on it .. he couldn't have cared less how old I was. We act rather similar .. lol .. I don't know what that says about us. But there are some 25 year old men that I know I would never in a billion years date. So it definitley depends on the person.

    If the person is looking into your age range to begin with, then he is probably more mature.