Over on carbs but under on calories

bassejm0 Posts: 25 Member
So I'm new to low carb dieting, and I've already seen a lot of progress, but I'm a little concerned about my calorie counts. I've been doing Atkins, and it does say to not worry about calories, but I've been scared by all the starvation mode posts on here. I've noticed that some days, I am really, really, really full like couldn't-eat-another-bite-if-I-tried full, but when I look at my food log at the end of the day, I'm under 1200 calories, but I've used up my daily carb allowance. Any ideas? Does this happen to anyone else? If so, do you just eat something else or not worry about it? I'm inclined to not worry about it since it doesn't happen every day, but one day, I had only eaten 900 calories! and that does not seem okay. If I should eat something else, any suggestions? I'd hate to go over on my carbs just to make my calories okay, but I guess I would if I really needed to?

On the plus side, when I wasn't low carbing, I was STARVING like every day at 1300-1500 calories. I'd much rather be where I am now :)


  • Math_Geek
    Math_Geek Posts: 67 Member
    I am no expert. I'm quite new to this low carb thing myself. I have been and sort of still am in the same boat as you are.

    If I sit down to dinner and I have 2 cups of steamed broccoli, 1 cup of collard greens, 1 cup of steamed cauliflower and 4 ounces of grilled chicken breast, that is a TON of food. Collectively, barely 300 to 400 calories and most from the chicken.

    When you take the carbs out of the diet, you replace it with fat, good fat, omega 3 or 6 type fat. Maybe add some butter to the veges. I like to melt some cheese sometimes and put it on the veges. This adds fat and ups the calorie count.

    Some people use coconut oil in their coffee, I don't like it much but I find heavy whipping cream is good, it adds some fat and calories.

    Avocados are a great way to add in some fat, but I get tired of it if I eat it too often.

    I'm still at around 1200 calories a day give or take 200. I'm full and I feel great. The weight continues to seem to melt off. I'm not going to sweat it and just keep doing what I'm doing.

    I bet some of the low carb experts on here will have much better ideas, they have been a tremendous help for me and so supportive. I am a firm believer this works and I know I will eat this way the rest of my life. Hang in there!
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    What are your carbs coming from? Feel like making your diary public for a bit?

    You might consider lowering the amount of veggies you eat and opting for meat in stead. Instead of veggies as a meal, meat as a meal with a side of veggies. Do you have a big salad for lunch? What about a salad with less lettuce but with meat, cheese, eggs, olives and creamy dressing?

    Are you using full-fat dressings? Real butter? Full-fat cheeses?
  • bassejm0
    bassejm0 Posts: 25 Member
    Okay, I made my diary public (please don't judge!). I totally eat crap sometimes, and like I said, it's not happening every day, but in the past I have just gone over on my carbs to add in some calories, but I don't really like doing that. Maybe I'm a little OCD with wanting to stay in the limit? I feel like I get my fair share of fat, but maybe I'm just not used to eating as much of it? Today I made some really delicious alfredo sauce and ate like 3 servings of it so I wouldn't have such low calorie counts, but it kind of made me a bit sick to eat so much of it.
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    If you want to increase calories w/o carbs ycan

    1) eat more foods that are low in carbs but calorically dense , like beef, bacon, nut butters, cheese

    2) Use FAT when cooking, coconut oil, butter, olive oil.

    3) Have a protein shake, 50g of whey isolate protein is 200 cals, and less than 2 carbs. If you blend in a TBS of coconut oil with that you'll get it up to 320 calories. I'd rather eat food than drink it but you can see how that works for you.

    4) Have a Rib-Eye steak.

    5) Stop worrying about starvation mode. a) it takes many, many days of very low calories for that to happen. b) so long as you have fat to burn your body isn't starved for calories, it makes up the deficit by burning your fat. If you find yourself low on energy you'll probably want to eat more that day. If you are feeling well one day you might want to eat less. Go with that flow. If you are eating 800 cal day after day after day while still remaining non-comatose then maybe you need some intervention.
  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    So I'm new to low carb dieting, and I've already seen a lot of progress, but I'm a little concerned about my calorie counts. I've been doing Atkins, and it does say to not worry about calories, but I've been scared by all the starvation mode posts on here. I've noticed that some days, I am really, really, really full like couldn't-eat-another-bite-if-I-tried full, but when I look at my food log at the end of the day, I'm under 1200 calories, but I've used up my daily carb allowance. Any ideas? Does this happen to anyone else? If so, do you just eat something else or not worry about it? I'm inclined to not worry about it since it doesn't happen every day, but one day, I had only eaten 900 calories! and that does not seem okay. If I should eat something else, any suggestions? I'd hate to go over on my carbs just to make my calories okay, but I guess I would if I really needed to?

    On the plus side, when I wasn't low carbing, I was STARVING like every day at 1300-1500 calories. I'd much rather be where I am now :)

    I say if this is once in awhile, okay. But everyday you're not hungry? WOW! I am the total opposite (but I'm an outlier, too!) Are you working out?

    I guess in the end, if you really feel okay, it's all good. However, I would probably add more fat to my food. If your weight loss stalls, then it might be a good idea to do that. I know when I don't eat enough, my weight stalls. So I guess play it by that?
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    Do you exercise at all?
  • bassejm0
    bassejm0 Posts: 25 Member
    Yes, I'm doing the New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women now. I haven't really exercised in the last week because I had my wisdom teeth out and then I got sick for a couple of days too. Also, I'm not really great at logging the exercise since I just now found out how to log something like strength training. I could be doing more cardio :/
  • bassejm0
    bassejm0 Posts: 25 Member
    I think the protein shake sounds like a good plan. I already drink them occassionally, and I don't think they'd make me too full since they're liquid. Thanks everyone!
    If you want to increase calories w/o carbs ycan

    1) eat more foods that are low in carbs but calorically dense , like beef, bacon, nut butters, cheese

    2) Use FAT when cooking, coconut oil, butter, olive oil.

    3) Have a protein shake, 50g of whey isolate protein is 200 cals, and less than 2 carbs. If you blend in a TBS of coconut oil with that you'll get it up to 320 calories. I'd rather eat food than drink it but you can see how that works for you.

    4) Have a Rib-Eye steak.

    5) Stop worrying about starvation mode. a) it takes many, many days of very low calories for that to happen. b) so long as you have fat to burn your body isn't starved for calories, it makes up the deficit by burning your fat. If you find yourself low on energy you'll probably want to eat more that day. If you are feeling well one day you might want to eat less. Go with that flow. If you are eating 800 cal day after day after day while still remaining non-comatose then maybe you need some intervention.
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    Just wondering, not criticizing. Wondering because you're consistently below your calorie goal and if you're exercising and not logging it you're WELL below your calorie goal and that's probably not good.

    I say just try eating more meats and cheeses and fats but do stay within your calorie range. Feed the muscles you're working out. If anything else, get more calories in less time with more calorie-dense foods. That's what I like about it :)
  • MarissaCB39
    MarissaCB39 Posts: 115 Member
    I typically have more calories then carbs. Bacon, cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, butter all of those have high calories and low to no carbs. Also incorporate veggies when completing Phase 1 of Atkins. I'm still in induction, have been for 3 months, and I stay between 1200-1500 calories and 20 net carbs.

    Hope this helped!