Week 1 Weigh In 9/2-9/8

"I never regret when I do, but I always regret when I don't."

Let's get this challenge going! :) Post your first weigh-in weight here!
Optionally: What is your goal weight at the end of this 9 week challenge? How many inches would you like to lose? How would you like to improve upon your fitness abilities? Etc.?

Do you have a costume in mind?


  • kittencatt
    kittencatt Posts: 12 Member
    CW: 165.2
    GW (for this challenge):150. That would be about a 1.6lb/week lose, which is tough but I think if I really buckle down on my eating habits I'll be able to reach. Right now I work out like mad, and eat like mad, so my progress has been slow. I'm hoping this challenge will kick my motivation into gear and help me lock down on my calorie intake. :)
    I also want to finish my running program, and be confident enough in my running abilities to jog in public. I have a really beautiful and convenient lake I look forward to jogging around.

    As far as a costume goes, I'm learning towards Tinkerbell! :D
  • Rheenz
    This year sucked and I used it as an excuse to gain A LOT of weight. I hope to lose at least 20 pounds before Oct. 31, 2012. Weighing in at 268.5 and looking forward to taking your money.

    Also... dressing all in gold with a gold construction hat and carrying a shovel. Guess what I am?
  • drzira
    drzira Posts: 29 Member
    Today's weight: 300.0

    I tried four times but the damn scale refused to give me the last 2/10ths to get me into twonderland, lol. Soon, though. Soon.

    My October 31st goal is 270; but I'll accept 275. My weight has been dropping at about 12-15lb/month up till now, so if I keep doing what I've been doing, I will get there.
  • vikingheart
    current weight (as of saturday 9/1): 182.3
    challenge goal weight: 165

    I feel like that's kind of an arbitrary number, but it is around 2 lbs a week. I'm not sure I'll be able to hit it, but aim high right?

    other goals: I'd like to run 3 miles under 30 minutes. Last night, I ran 3 miles in 31:45, and it has been a really big goal of mine to get under 30 minutes.

    I'm also continuing with Muay Thai training. My endurance is pretty good during the strength training exercises, but I'm awful at push ups. I'd like to be awesome at them.

    I think I am going to dress up in pajamas for Halloween and watch horror movies.
  • Katacheese
    Katacheese Posts: 112 Member
    Ok. My current weight is 188. I'm going to put my goal weight as 173. If I can do 15 pounds by Halloween I'll be a happy camper.
    I don't really have a costume or a party to go to. It's a school night and well, I'm a teacher. I would like to squeeze into a sexy red dress that I have and surprize my hubby and that's a size 14. I haven't been able to fit into that in around 15 years. If all goes well, I'll even post a photo! As for fitness goals, I want to be able to do a yoga pushup hovering with my elbows on same plane as my shoulders and move to a upwards facing dog to a downwards facing dog without putting my knees down. I also want to be able to do a one armed plank without shaking.
  • JDhi5
    JDhi5 Posts: 10 Member
    WAY LATE to this party.. but, I've been sick, so suck it.
    weigh in today was bad news : 187 (gain of 2 pounds)
    I would like to be at a solid 170 by the end of this challenge.
    One of my goals is to get out, and exercise everyday, like i used to when i started to lose weight.

    As for costume, I just found out that i will be working..So I'm not really sure. I was thinking of going as Benjamin Button .
    Basically I would go into work an old man, and progressively throughout the night continue to shed layers, and get younger and younger. By last call I would just be wearing a diaper, and a pacifier.
    What do you guys think of that?
  • JDhi5
    JDhi5 Posts: 10 Member
    Rheenz! - gold digger?
  • Rheenz
    @JDhi5.. you got it:) Also... I think your costume is awesome!
  • huskerscooby85
    huskerscooby85 Posts: 103 Member
    Current weight: 230.0

    Goal Weight: as close to 200. as I can get.

    I also want to try to complete the Insantiy Challenge as well as the couch to 5K that I am working on.

    I am starting a new job next week and should be a lot easier to eat healthier and have a work out time. I am excited!!