Less IS More!



  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Tuesday - Legs
    20 squats
    30 lunges
    40 toe touches
    50 second wall squat
    100 jumping jacks
    50 second wall squat
    40 toe touches
    30 lunges
    20 squats

    This workout should be done in one setting. You can take 30 second rest between each exercise
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    8/20. Exercises done. Managed not to drink my calories.

    So, instead of making a coffee with steamed milk yesterday, I chose to make a chocolate mousse with milk (angel delight) anyways its a lot higher in calories so not an everyday thing.

    Did the exercises those Jackknives hurt, managed the 40 in reps of 10. Also did my wii zumba too, bonus.

    Tonight I have golf, so will be doing these either late or hopefully if i plan well before i go to golf.

    Have a lovely day.
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Tonight will be a bit rough with all of those legs after my C25K- but I will do it! I am off to the salon to get my hair highlighted and ready for classes next week. BLONDE!! Yay!!!

    You can do it everyone!
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    I will do my exercises everyday but as for not drinking calories I don't think I will be able to do that I drink coffee and even black it has calories ...
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member

    Hope you have a fab day.

    8/20. Exercises done. Managed not to drink my calories.
    8/21 Went to golf but didn't get to do all the exercises (sorry). Managed not to drink any calories (yay 2 days)
    8/22 Exercises done. But had a cappuccino so didn't pass today.

  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Good morning!!! Here is today's challenge:
    Do 3 sets of 15

    Butterfly Crunches - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=5ZBXpwsJHT0&NR=1

    Windshield Wipers - (side to side is 1 rep) http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=3RjBYZJVytw&feature=endscreen

    Bird Dogs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS332XrXLzc&feature=related

    Torso Twists - This video has 2 versions - the first one shown is with your legs on the ground. Do this version. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePe8OemOZh0

    Alternate Toe Touches -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QAMiK8Fqsk&feature=related

    As for my personal week, it has been pretty crappy. In fact, worse than my week at the beach: I have not been eating as well or working out and hitting our daily challenges. So, I am sorry I let you all down and hope that you are doing better!!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I have started a new thread under motivation- it is not part of this challenge, but if you want to take a look and list some NSV goals, here you go:

  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Here is today's workout and please remember I need your daily/weekly tally and weigh in tomorrow! Thanks.

    Saturday - total body

    3 sets with 12-20 reps depending on ability level (30-60 sec rest). We are doing this as a circut workout so you will do 1 complete set of the 8 exercises before you start the 2nd set. This is designed to work your entire body and have max burn in a short time. You can determine what your ability level is on how many reps you will be doing of each exercise.

    - Jump Rope for 2 minute for starters and 3 min for advance (if you don't have a jump rope air jump like you have one)
    - Fusion Glide (1 count is doing both right and left side) http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=5SsajHuCEr4&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PL5095738D47309BAE
    - Incline push up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9TocAxv-Qk&NR=1
    - Burpies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DVzT5mqeew (the end of this video show an alternate version of this if you have bad knees) If you think this is easy ad a jumping jack at the end of each burpee
    - Tricep Dips http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKjcgfu44sI
    - Alternating Superman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-d7akq040w
    - Jumping Jacks 45 - 90 seconds non stop
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    8/20. Exercises done. Managed not to drink my calories.
    8/21 Went to golf but didn't get to do all the exercises (sorry). Managed not to drink any calories (yay 2 days)
    8/22 Exercises done. But had a cappuccino so didn't pass today.
    8/23 No exercise and had a cappuccino rubbish
    8/24 No exercise and had a cappuccino rubbish
    8/25 No exercise and had a cappuccino rubbish

    Weight this week 250.6

  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome to the last week of August! Congrats to everyone that has stuck it out for this far. We only have 5 challenges left. This week we will test your strength and creativity.

    Monday - create your own tabata workout

    With this being the end of the month I hope you guys are ready for this task. We have done several different type of exercises in different routines. Today you need to create your own tabata style workout. This system is the 20 second exercise followed by 10 second rest. Your work out should have 4 different exercises and go for 8 minutes. Each rotation of the 4 exercises should take 2 minutes. That means 4 complete rotations.
    20 sec exercise 1 - 10 sec rest
    20 sec exercise 2 - 10 sec rest
    20 sec exercise 3 - 10 sec rest
    20 sec exercise 4 - 10 sec rest
    Repeat this 4 times - tell your team what 4 exercises you picked and post in the format above. Remember it is 20 seconds of one exercise with 10 secondary read followed by a different exercise. YOU DO NOT REPEAT THE SAME EXERCISE 4 TIMES AND THEN MOVE TO THE NEXT.

    Report back to your team on what you created for your tabata style workout.

    At a different time test your limits on squats! How many can you complete non-stop? Report back to your team

    Weekly challenge - Miles and burns
    With this being the end of the week I am going to challenge everyone to get some mileage in! August has been a tough month for weight for most of us and hopefully this will help you blast past your old weight.
    Monday, Wednesday and Friday will all be days that we record our miles and in return Tuesday and Thursday will be our burn days.
    The points possible for this challenge are endless! The miles challenge counts for full points on miles that are either walked, run, or you use the elliptical. The distance bikes is counted for HALF THE MILEAGE. That means is you bike 10 miles your team earns 5 points. Partial miles count also so record the full amount!
    The burn challenge points are divided by 100 of your burn. Therefore, if you burn 1217 your team will earn 12 points. Make sure you post the entire calorie burn and not just the points earned.

    I should be off to a good start today, off golfing a proper match, but it should start the miles thing off!

    Shel x
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Shelley, you beat me to it!

    Come on ladies- let's rock this week out!!!! Last week for the challenge- we can do it!
  • pleytem
    pleytem Posts: 79 Member
    8/20.No exercise drank calories
    8/21 No exercise drank calories
    8/22 No exercise drank calories
    8/23 Did the exercise drank calories
    8/24 No exercise drank calories
    8/25 No exercise drank calories

    Weight this week 237 for no loss not surprised this week was a total bust I exercised just not the pre-planned.My job is really really tough right now we are in the heat of negotiations and have went out on strike 3-4 x's I have a huge area so it puts me on 24/7. That is why I am drinking protein shakes because I spend so much time on the road with no set schedule I can't wait until we get a contract ughhh My week looks calm for the 1st time in months so I am going to really try to take advantage of it and pull my weight :) here's to a great week !!
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    We have all been a bit slacking the last week or two- Let's get back into it!

    Tuesday - (5-4-3-2-1 total body workout)

    5 minute
    - Any cardio you want (walk, run, elliptical, bike)
    - If you are at home do 1 min high knees, 1 min jumping rope (do the motions if you don't have a rope), 1 min jumping jacks, 1 min run in place, 1 min butt kicks

    4 minutes
    - 1 min lunges --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2n58m2i4jg
    -1 min mountain climbers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyeZM-_VnRc
    Repeat for 4 mins (should be 2 rotations)

    3 minutes
    -10 pushups/ rest for 30 seconds (can modify)
    - 15 tricep dips/ rest for 30 seconds - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0326dy_-CzM
    - Repeat for the total 3 mins

    2 minutes
    - 30 seconds regular squats
    - 30 seconds jump squats - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeZxFZ7sTac
    - 30 seconds regular squats
    - 30 seconds jump squats

    1 minute
    --- Plank or sit ups

    This should be a total of 15 minutes. Take breaks for water as needed but try to complete the full workout in 30 mins.
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    Wednesday - circut training (24 mins)

    This will workout will have 2 different sets of workouts that we will do for 12 min each.
    How it works: Do all of the exercises in circut for 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest. Repeat circut A two more times. Rest for 1 minute. Do circut B three times.

    Circut A
    Push ups
    High knees
    Elbow planks to extended arm plank

    Circut B
    Mountain climber
    Wall sit
    Fast feet
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi everyone,

    So had a really bad binge week last week had a week off work; didn't plan meals and ate out a fair bit and ate cake & puddings vice slipped back in.

    Anyway my son went back to school today so back to the normal routine, kind of confused whether the challenge is still carrying on? Shel
  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I think the challenge was only through August, so it is now over. Not that you can't continue to use what you learned and incorporate it into your life.

    Frankly, our team was strong the first week and then a few people kind of fell off the boards due to life.
  • maryj2367
    maryj2367 Posts: 219 Member
    I feel i need to come an apologise to my team. I was in ny for the month of August and was trying to log on asap. But things got very stressful. I sprained my ankle very badly and i ended up with hardly no internet and so i couldnt log in or update my f/v im so sorry for letting you all down. And letting myself down. I pretty much stayed the same the month of august though i did eat right i was unable to workout because of the ankle. i did walk alot. now that im home I amd getting back into workouts and in need to go to the dr for arthritis. i need to see if i have RA rhumatoid arthritis. I just wanted to come and apologise and i hope you all did good and if you decide to join another weight loss team consider me for a team mate. thank you girls. Keep it coming off!!!!