Ruduction in Thyroid Antibodies (Hashimotos disease)

moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
Hi everyone, I just want to share a bit of my story in hopes that it will help others. I have struggled with Hashi's for 5 years. My antibodies at their highest were 4500 I had adrenal fatigue, stomach problems, very low body temp, severe inflammation, lethargy, brain fog, and tremendous weight gain. In the midst of my Thyroid and adrenal issues I started menopause at 37 years old. Here I am now 5 years later and I am recovered from my adrenal fatigue and my antibodies are almost non-existent, I have lost some of the menopause weight and at 43 I am finally post menopausal. What happened I had struggled for years with these issues?

Well, I in the last 9 months embraced a gluten free diet, started taking cod liver oil, Armour Thyroid and DHEA (10mg) as well as estrovyn, no more wine or drinks (except on occasion), I stopped taking estrodoil and progesterone and got away from levoxcyl and cytomel and let nature take her course with my menopause issues. Today I am free of the stomach issues, lethargy, brain fog, low body temp, my inflammation is way down etc. The gluten free diet does work but, it takes time to rid your body of all of the issues you struggle with. This is a major adjustment to your thinking but, you will thank yourself in the end. I am now awaiting my recent antibody test and I think I should be in the 100's or less. I have attached a link to an article on Hashi's and gluten free. Eating clean at least 80-90% of the time is working well for me. Just have patience with this it is a lifestyle change and not a miracle weight loss done overnight. I still have 20 pounds to go but, I know I can do this. I also practice yoga and walk a couple of miles a few days a week and sleep at least 7-8 hours a night. Be kind to your self and your body will reward you.

oops typo in my title should have been Reduction :wink:


  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    Agree!! I've been gluten free and on Armour since January -- my antibodies were in the 800's... now in the 100's. I also got off of cholesterol meds and blood pressure meds since then.

    it was really not hard to get off of gluten -- I eat plenty of fresh food and somewhere around 1500-1800 calories per day - so I don't feel deprived without bread and pasta.

    It's worth a try to anyone struggling with Hashi/Hypo.