Anyone in love with their mutt as much as me?



  • sarahlou1045
    Our Zakk also spends most of his time on his back showing off his rather large shiny balls... they remind me of Black Puddings... :laugh:

    My OH is very proud of our boys black balls! He's a white Staff so they tend to stick out :laugh: :laugh:
  • katiepatati
    katiepatati Posts: 48 Member
    I have a 2 year old rescue dog called Max. He is a mix between a labrador and staffy I think. Rescue home wasnt too sure as he was just dumped with them.

    His best habits have got to be his ability to sleep in ANY position .. he sleeps upside down on the sofa with his head dangling off the edge or in the tightest space between me and my partner, even if all his bony legs are kneeling into our bellies. We also go on runs together in the woods although he always thinks theres something we are running towards!

    Worst habits, not being able to look after his toys - squeakers, ropes, tuggers - anything.. he will destroy and make it look like the factory it was made in, in the lounge. He is also hates cars .. when walking next to a road, he will "go for" every car that goes past. He loves going in our car to the beach/woods but has a real phobia/dislike to moving cars on the road. Thankfully our back garden goes out onto a field so we take him out there everyday so no need to go on the road but it would be lovely to walk him round the streets. Has anyone else had this problem and found a solution?
  • smaugish
    smaugish Posts: 244 Member
    Best habits - only dog i have ever seen who can lie on his back and hold a ball between his two paws and juggle it about and chew it! He is also the biggest sook in the world and just wants cuddles. Not the vicious child eating monsters that the press like to portray!

    That sounds just like my girl! :laugh:

    We have two, Spike and Boudica.

    Spike is our grumpy old man, he's coming up for 8 years old and is some sort of cross. We're pretty sure he has Parson's Russell and Staffie in him, though. His joints are starting to go a little bit, he's had problems with his hind legs since he was a pup, and every now and again they'll get really tight and painful and it's heartbreaking to see him limping along :( He also occasionally needs help in and out of the car and up onto my parents bed, where he sleeps on a blanket by their feet.
    His names include: Spike, Spikey, Pike, Pikey, Spicocles, Spikacus, Spartacus, Spicicles is twice as niceicles

    Best Habits- loves giving kisses and cuddles- but as long as you come down to him! He's never been a lap or 'get up on the sofa' sort of dog- though he does have moments, and he has a chair with a blanket on that's all his :wink: He's also really lovely with children; he seems to instinctively know that they're little and he could knock them over, so from the moment we got him he sits down and waits patiently for the little one to come over to him and give him a stroke. He normally rewards them with a gentle lick of the hand and a massive wag of the tail.

    Worst Habits- he's the best actor in the world. Even given the aforementioned joint problems, he knows exactly how to milk it, especially where my mum is concerned. He'll be running around like he's three months old with no problems, jumping and fetching balls and having a whale of a time. As soon as my mum is around- he's limping, he's whimpering, he's holding up his 'poorly paw'- anything for some sympathy and a cuddle :laugh:. He does the worst farts known to man. They are killer. And, mainly because he's still a full dog, he's a bit of a nightmare when there are other full male dogs around. But that comes with the bollocks.
    He also doesn't like- people wearing high vis jackets, delivery men with parcels, motorbikes, helicopters, lorries, horses, planes, birds, cats, cyclists or buses. :wink:

    Boudica's our exocet missile 8 month old Staffie pup. She's quite long legged for a Staff, but she's a full one as far back as great-grandparents; she takes after her granddad in colouring (white with brindle patches) and her mum in her long-leggedness. Because of her massive, floppy ears and bumpy Staffy head, we think she looks like Dobby from Harry Potter, so one of her nicknames is Booby the House Pooh.

    Best habits- She's wonderfully affectionate. It makes me laugh when I read stories about Staffs being nightmare dogs and monsters from hell, because Boo will be lying next to me, on her back, wagging her tail and chewing a cushion, before she does an amazingly acrobatic sort of twist and curls up into my armpit with her head in my lap. She loves giving kisses and having cuddles, and she's very, very obedient (she knows sit, stay/wait, down, over, come, 'go get it' and 'go see'), and ridiculously clever.

    Worst habits- the clever thing isn't always good though, haha. We used to feed her her dinner in a nice bowl I bought for her. But Spike gets his dinner on a plate... so Boudica wants her dinner on a plate. She'll refuse to eat it from her bowl, but as soon as you tip it onto a plate, she scoffs the lot :laugh: She's a typical woman- she's bossy, she talks a lot and likes shoes! I've never known a dog to be so vocal- if you haven't paid her enough attention she'll tell you off, she purrs when you stroke her, she makes funny little oinking noises, and my brother swears he heard her quack once. She SNORES like I've never known, and since she likes sleeping in my room with me (sometimes up by my head) it's really hard to sleep at times. :laugh: She's also very naughty with chewing things, especially shoes, and... well, there's a reason one of her nicknames is 'Boo the Poo'. She does the smelliest poohs ever, although she's not had an accident in the house for a while.
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    I work in a school and the children know me as the dog lady! I have 3 dogs - two came to school with me to do an assembly to all year groups last year - hence the title!

    My oldest is an 8 year old Springer called Toby. He is still missing his friend, our old lady cocker who died over the bank holiday - very sad. He is a lovely dog, who can always tell when you're not well. I haven't had any strawberries, raspberries or tomatoes from my garden as he can always tell they're ripe and gets to them first!

    I also have 2 labradoodles - Charlie is nearly 3 and is the black dog in the photo and 5 month old Chloe who is chocolate. Charlie is in the local dog training club's Display Team - last weekend we did 2 events, Saturday and Sunday, :smile: she loves being the centre of attention and checked that she had an audience before she moved!! Show-off!

    The team consists of a very small yorkie and a huge irish wolfhound and all sizes and shapes inbetween - we all have a great time. The display includes all the elements from the silver and gold awards done as an arena display. Chloe comes along and is loving being part of the group - even if she is only at bronze level herself! One day she'll join the big dogs!

    Toby does the parades - he loves dressing up and marching through town, but stays home for the events - he is a springer who doesn't like too much noise!!! We're now planning the Santa Parade for November!

    My teenage daughter is learning to be a puppy trainer as part of her Duke of Edinburgh Award so she joins us for all these mad activities with people who are as mad as I am! After all we would be taking the dogs out anyway - we might as well enjoy ourselves with our friends - 2 and 4 legged!

    Charlie helps at puppy class - she is so patient with the puppies - she shows them that a big black dog can be a friend. She is also learning doggie dancing - but she is so very slow! She can do most of the moves, but we're having a bit of fun trying to link them to a song - not so hot on dog choregraphy!

    Chloe has re-landscaped the garden - she is into digging and emptying pots - so that she can chew them!

    Worst habits - chasing cats - we have a neighbouring cat who teases the dogs every night! The cat always wins!

    I agree with the comment that a dog is not your whole life but that they make your life whole!
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I have two blue staffies Boss (boy) and Blue (girl), from the same litter. Boss was the runt and Blue the first born. I only went to get Boss but fell in love with Blue so reserved both when they were tiny, They are nearly 7 and are so cute. They like to play rough, be fussed, but are very well behaved.

    Boss dribbles a golf ball for fun and Blue well she likes food and can hear the cupboard being opened from 200yards up the garden!

    They keep me fit as they are aways on the go, and both get jealous of each other when one is getting fussed. ~They make me laugh every single day and I can never tell them off. They have destroyed my lawn and tend to mange to get in the vegetable patch and I often find them helping themselves to strawberries and low hanging raspberries and soft fruit (and any thing else they can get their paws on!)

    We dont have kids so they are our babies and they rule the roost really.

    At the expense of seemng mad I think that I actually like my dogs more than I like a lot of people most of the time!
  • Gezza2604
    Gezza2604 Posts: 11 Member
    I would say that many a dog owner/lover prefers canines to humans most of the time!

  • springermad
    I have Bramble and Daisy they are both liver and white springer spaniels and they are rescue dogs.

    Brambles worse habbit is her wind every time she eats she comes bounding over to me looks me in the eyes and burps in my face wags her tails and runs off.

    Daisy's worse habbit is bringing stones in from the garden puts them down and then I tread on them and that hurts lots lol.

    I havent got enough time to mention their best habbits because they are full of lovely habbits and they are the best thing to me and I wouldnt be with out them.

    Give me dogs over people any day x
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I have a dog, his name is Odin and I call him many names, my furry son, duppy, Odie. He loves the name Odie and seems to answer to it more though when I say Odin, he usually knows he is in trouble. I get the puppy dog eyes whilst he army crawls to me and then gives me a big kiss. It makes my heart melt every time lol. Saying that though, even though he is just over a year old, he is a really good dog. He is very clever and obedient and I love him so much!!!

    His bad habits are farting, especially when we have company lol and pulling dirty socks and underwear out of the laundry and runs around the house with them and if he can't get to those, he steals the children's cuddly toys. If we lose anything, it is usually under Odie and as per usal he likes to look very innocent. He is a mongrel, half Staffordshire Bull Terrier and half Border Collie. So he is very muscly and quite bigger than a Staff and very strong, but he is so soft and loving. I love him so much!!!
  • icklekimmy
    icklekimmy Posts: 205 Member

    At the expense of seemng mad I think that I actually like my dogs more than I like a lot of people most of the time!

    haha I am the same too! Those cute wee bully faces will do that to you though!
  • CeleryKass
    What breed do you have?
    One rottweiler cross, one shih-tzu and one staffordshire bullterrier

    What's their name
    Pippa, Gizmo and Seren (in that order)

    What's their worst and best habits?
    Pippa is a food thief inside and out but she is very good at mothering the two smaller younger dogs.
    Gizmo barks at everything and everyone as a means to get attention but he gives the best cuddles ever!
    Seren the baby of the bunch is just an absolutely mental manic little monster at times and does the stinkiest of farts, but she gives the best kisses and keeps my feet toasty warm at night,

    I love my dogs and have fostered for a dog rescue in the past. Such a rewarding "job" even tough the fosters take a little bit of your heart with them when they go off to their new forever homes