I did a whole 5K today!

sed1217 Posts: 228 Member
It took me 59 min, but I got through it!! I'm run/walking a 5K on Oct 8. I want to try to get down to 48 min or less by then. So excited!!

Anyone else a runner (or like me a run/walk/stumble/crawler, haha)?


  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I am. I followed the Couch 2 5K Program when I did mine..and when it came to race day, did mine in just over 28 minutes. I'm doing my first 1/2 Marathon in a few weeks..:bigsmile: Congrats, and keep it going. You can do it!
  • TNDamisi
    TNDamisi Posts: 45 Member
    Congrats, both of you! I started running back in April, but I didn't really take it seriously until a couple of months ago. I've signed up for a 5k towards the end of October and i'm really looking forward to it. I can run/walk 3mi in about 45 minutes, but i'd like to get my time down to 30 minutes. I don't think that'll happen before my race, but it's still a decent goal for me to work towards.
  • I second the congrats to both of you! I have only walked a 5K. I started C25K last fall, but fizzled out after a couple weeks. I have been going to the gym regularly since July 1, and just got myself (yesterday) up to 20 minutes going a good speed on the elliptical trainer. I was only able to do 5 minutes when I first tried it around August 1. My increased endurance has had me thinking about starting the C25K program again. Biking is my real love, though. I need to find some epic bike ride/race in my region :)
  • Congrats on your 5k! I am going to run a 7 mile race on saturday not sure how I will do but trying is all that matters.