
Our follow member "stayathomezoo" (Jen) made a great recommendation to introduce ourselves. So I've created a post on it.

Please feel free to tell everyone a little bit about yourself, for example, your age, goals, weight loss challenges, current weight, goal weight, term,hobby, location etc....


  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    Jocelyn here, I live in beautiful central Florida, I am 32 happily married and have 2 cats. I am Real Estate Broker and work part time with my husband helping people buy homes. I lost about 20 lbs on the SBD in 2008. I stopped smoking and gained it back then some. Exactly 1 year ago this week i was up to 230 this is when I started walking daily and counting calories by using MFP. I did the 30 day shred in Jan - Feb and by April I was down 80 lbs!!! I was at 155! Then over the summer I gained 12 lbs. I just can't seem to get back into it, hince the reason I started this group I need to try shaking my routine up a bit.

    Current weigh 167 @ 5'6" tall
    My 1st and original goal is to be 145
    My ultimate goal is 130
    I want to lose 5 lbs a month
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    My name is Margie. I'm a SAHM of 3 boys. I was 308 on January 1, 2012 and I weighed in at 265 September 3, 2012. I am looking to loose weight and get in better health. I've been doing low carb but not high fat like atkins suggests. I really haven't followed a published diet per say. I think doing South Beach may help me get over the hump I'm on. I look forward to having others to do this with.
  • KimberErin
    KimberErin Posts: 66 Member
    I've been dong research on this diet just figuring out if I actually want to do it and if I actually can, and its absolutely doable.. I'm excited to join this group! Feel free to add me.

    I'm 5'10 and 170 right now but we'll see where I'm at on the 17th :)
  • I actually started SBD at the end of July. So, I am in Phase Two now. I am truly enjoying the program and although I have a long way to go, I think it is totally doable. Brand new to MFP. Looking forward to exchanging ideas with others who are living this lifestyle.
  • I actually started SBD at the end of July. So, I am in Phase Two now. I am truly enjoying the program and although I have a long way to go, I think it is totally doable. Brand new to MFP. Looking forward to exchanging ideas with others who are living this lifestyle.

    How great that u already will be able to fill us in on how u did ...and help newbies...I only did P1 once...back in 2008 and I remember it a\s easy. I mean, I did look forward to fruit and oatmeal...but while on P1 I was seeing so many positive changes that I did not mind it...afterall, it was only for two weeks...and that is certainly doable.
  • 4given4life
    4given4life Posts: 81 Member
    Hi everyone! I just joined the group today. I've been researching options for me since I believe I could quite possibly be insulin resistent. I found the South Beach Diet book at a local discount bookstore today for only $3! I think this would be perfect for me. I know the first 2 weeks are going to be extremely tough for me.

    I am a full time college student at the age of 36 with 2 kids. I've been married for 9 years this Thursday and I'm looking to start the diet (or what's to become my way of eating lifestyle) on Monday. I've been working out 3-6 days a week for a long time now and trying to watch what I eat with no success. I weigh 211 at 5'5", this is WAY too much for my body frame. It's the most I've ever weighed. :-( My goal is to get down to 155 with an ultimate goal of 138ish. I'll just see how I feel once I reach my first goal. Can't wait to interact with some other people who are reaching for the same goals.
  • Welcome! You sure do have a busy schedule. I just know (from first hand experience) that following the SBD is going to give that blast of energy (not to mention good health and weight loss) to get you through your crazy schedule much easier.

    Today I made a pass through the fridge and tossed out anything not on the list of foods to enjoy Phase one. Now I am able to do that cuz I live with a four legged little girl. Just be sure you have the right foods ready to go on Monday that YOU can enjoy.

    That is my advice to everyone, actually. Planning ahead is going to be our best friend...Planning and Prepping will be our best friends.

    And Happy Anniversary ... you are giving you and your family the best possible of good health!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi, there ...... I'm Mary Ann ..... live in lower NY with a grumpy husband & an even grumpier cat ...... my daughter lives in San Diego ..... I work part-time at an animal hospital, love to read mostly scifi, watch football & hockey & Food Channel ...... and go to the gym 5-6 days a week for cardio, weights and yoga.

    2008, diagnosed with diabetes, weight approx 195#
    2009, started South Beach, weight approx 185#
    2011, joined a gym, weight approx 155#
    2012, began MFP, current weight between 147# and 150#, depending on how much potato salad & cake I've eaten :laugh:

    My goal weight is 140# ...... Phase 1 will be a great kickstart to reaching that .....

    JUST DO IT !
  • eddysuchydvm
    eddysuchydvm Posts: 110 Member
    Hi, I'm Eddy! I'm 32, a veterinarian, and live in Oregon with my husband and our 2 dogs and 4 cats.

    I absolutely LOVE South Beach. Honestly, it's the only way I've ever been able to lose weight...carb-free is the only thing that works for me. Although I've never been diagnosed, I'm positive I have insulin resistance. We have a lot of people in my family with Celiac's, so being IR is not a surprise.

    I've been as high as 210 and as low as 123. I'm currently at 183 (although maybe higher since I fell off of the wagon about 10 days ago...). My goal is to lose 5 lbs a month.

    My primary reason for losing weight is that we have been TTC for a long time now with only one miscarriage to show for it. Being IR definitely affects ovulation, and that's my biggest problem. So I'm going this route both because I know it works for me, and I truly believe its what I need to do to have a baby :)

    I'm starting acupuncture for fertility on Tuesday, and I expect she'll want me to change my eating habits appropriately...likely in the direction of SBD, so I'll already be a day in when we start!

    Anyway, I'm a huge fan of this plan...can't wait to do this with you guys!
  • needmorecoffee
    needmorecoffee Posts: 8 Member
    have you run SB by your doc? I know that my husband is diabetic and when we talked to his doctor about it she supported it mostly but warned that phase 1 was not for him because he needs more carbs and fruit than some one who doesnt havent have issues.

    I did validate that it was safe and such with a physician and a nutritionist before i jumped in. Both gave it a thumbs up for someone w/ no special dietary needs to start out with. :smile:
  • needmorecoffee
    needmorecoffee Posts: 8 Member
    And an introduction...sorry. Sarah here born and raised in Austin TX. Still here with no desire to leave (except for when its super summer and its over 100 for 45 days straight) I am 32. Live with my 15 year old daughter, my husband, 4 cats, 4 gunnie pigs, and 1 dog.

    This journey started in April. I finally got up the gumption and will power to stop smoking. I slowly started to replace my smoking habit with a walking habit. It felt pretty good and gave me a confidence boost I guess I needed. About a month ago I decided it was time to get serious about getting healthy and taking control over my own life. I started at 286, about a month ago, my goal is to be 175. So I have just over 100 to go....this is going to be a fun journey.

    I initally started just counting calories but didnt feel like I was making much progress. A few years ago I did SB and lost 20 lbs and lost motivation....I am pretty head strong this time around about making some life long changes. While I am not diabetic my husband is and honestly I do not want to have to live like that. So here I am today 5 days into phase 1.

    Outside of the change in eating habits I have also commited to walking at least 45 min 3 days a week for an inital goal. The job I have allows me to sit for a vast majority of the day. So far I have been able to stick to my goals and exceed them, my end goal is to be able to actually jog with out feeling like i may die! Ill get there some day!!

    So for now here goes nothing, it will be a long journey for me but Im pretty sure that I can do this too! :smile:
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    My name is Vickey, and I live in a far North suburb of Chicago. I am in a relationship, no human children and 4 canine children. I am a dog trainer from June-November and an Income Tax Preparer from December-April.

    I like the concept of SB because it is not as restrictive as Atkins, but I do feel better when I limit carbs. I am a big fan of NROLFW and just need to be a little more disciplined with my diet. When I'm good I'm really good. When I'm bad I'm pretty darned bad.

    Starting weight - 155
    Current weight - 139
    Goal is to further define my body and reduce body fat

    I am happy to be a part of this group.
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    And an introduction...sorry. Sarah here born and raised in Austin TX. Still here with no desire to leave (except for when its super summer and its over 100 for 45 days straight) I am 32. Live with my 15 year old daughter, my husband, 4 cats, 4 gunnie pigs, and 1 dog.

    This journey started in April. I finally got up the gumption and will power to stop smoking. I slowly started to replace my smoking habit with a walking habit. It felt pretty good and gave me a confidence boost I guess I needed. About a month ago I decided it was time to get serious about getting healthy and taking control over my own life. I started at 286, about a month ago, my goal is to be 175. So I have just over 100 to go....this is going to be a fun journey.

    I initally started just counting calories but didnt feel like I was making much progress. A few years ago I did SB and lost 20 lbs and lost motivation....I am pretty head strong this time around about making some life long changes. While I am not diabetic my husband is and honestly I do not want to have to live like that. So here I am today 5 days into phase 1.

    Outside of the change in eating habits I have also commited to walking at least 45 min 3 days a week for an inital goal. The job I have allows me to sit for a vast majority of the day. So far I have been able to stick to my goals and exceed them, my end goal is to be able to actually jog with out feeling like i may die! Ill get there some day!!

    So for now here goes nothing, it will be a long journey for me but Im pretty sure that I can do this too! :smile:

    First of all congrats on quiting smoking!!!!!! That is a huge health benefit in itself. My husband and I quit 4 years ago on the 11th and it was really hard, but like they say "if there is a will there is a way". After reading your post you have gotten me more motivated to do this. You are on day 5 and still with great motivation, I can see your "gusto" in your writting, if that makes any sense?!?!

    I am so glad you have decided to join the group, we all have to start somewhere, with over 100 pounds to lose you will be mighty proud and feel so much better once you get to your goal. I too started with a 100 pound goal. I was 235 when I started this last September and I have 30-35 more to go. Unlike you when I quite smoking I filled the void with food instead of a walk. Kudos to you and look forward to hearing more about your weight loss!!!!
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    My name is Vickey, and I live in a far North suburb of Chicago. I am in a relationship, no human children and 4 canine children. I am a dog trainer from June-November and an Income Tax Preparer from December-April.

    I like the concept of SB because it is not as restrictive as Atkins, but I do feel better when I limit carbs. I am a big fan of NROLFW and just need to be a little more disciplined with my diet. When I'm good I'm really good. When I'm bad I'm pretty darned bad.

    Starting weight - 155
    Current weight - 139
    Goal is to further define my body and reduce body fat

    Hey there Vickey! We were friends on MFP before you joined the group, you obviously got my invite and accepted!! With very little to lose the SB should get you started in the right direction, quickly. Phase 1, as you know will be the hardest for all of us, but will also get us feeling better and used to choosing the better food choices. So glad to see you in the group and look forward to hear updates of your progress.

    I am happy to be a part of this group.
  • Hi Everyone!

    My name is lisa. I am 41 years old, married with a 4 year old daughter! I live in Brooklyn, New York and I am a Middle School Guidance Counselor. I am currently 200 lbs and would like to go down to 160. I was diagnosed with HYPOTHYROIDISM by my Gynecologist! Imagine that! Anyway, I decided to muster up the courage to introduce myself. I needed to find something to help me to lose some weight. I have been kinda depressed because of this diagnosis. I figured something was off because I couldn;t understand the quick weight gain. I joined MFP earlier this year and was trying hard to be diligent. I fell off the exercise wagon and was beating myself up. Recently, I came back on board and was surfing groups when I came across this one. I was reading all the post and I noticed that all of you are very supportive and non judgemental of people. Another thing is that when I cam across the "SB Challenge", I was intrigued! I felt that I finally found a challenge that I can do. My birthday is on 10/21 and I want to make that one of the markers to see how much weight I lost. I know that 10/28 is the marker and I will continue up to that date and onward. I want to eventaully wear a bikini and just start enjoying "me" more.

    I can imagine most of you are saying that I am in a profession that encourages student to become more positive about themselves, yet I have none for myself. This is the reason why I want to start changing this way about myself by doing this challenge. This eating lifestyle is what i need to get myself off of this low self-esteem track that I am on....

    I just want to thank you guys for allowing me to vent and amping me to prepare for this journey. I am going to need all the encouragement I can get, LOL... Take care...
  • 4given4life
    4given4life Posts: 81 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is lisa. I am 41 years old, married with a 4 year old daughter! I live in Brooklyn, New York and I am a Middle School Guidance Counselor. I am currently 200 lbs and would like to go down to 160. I was diagnosed with HYPOTHYROIDISM by my Gynecologist! Imagine that! Anyway, I decided to muster up the courage to introduce myself. I needed to find something to help me to lose some weight. I have been kinda depressed because of this diagnosis. I figured something was off because I couldn;t understand the quick weight gain. I joined MFP earlier this year and was trying hard to be diligent. I fell off the exercise wagon and was beating myself up. Recently, I came back on board and was surfing groups when I came across this one. I was reading all the post and I noticed that all of you are very supportive and non judgemental of people. Another thing is that when I cam across the "SB Challenge", I was intrigued! I felt that I finally found a challenge that I can do. My birthday is on 10/21 and I want to make that one of the markers to see how much weight I lost. I know that 10/28 is the marker and I will continue up to that date and onward. I want to eventaully wear a bikini and just start enjoying "me" more.

    I can imagine most of you are saying that I am in a profession that encourages student to become more positive about themselves, yet I have none for myself. This is the reason why I want to start changing this way about myself by doing this challenge. This eating lifestyle is what i need to get myself off of this low self-esteem track that I am on....

    I just want to thank you guys for allowing me to vent and amping me to prepare for this journey. I am going to need all the encouragement I can get, LOL... Take care...

    Welcome! I think we will all find much encouragement here. Glad you came aboard!
  • That is one AAAAAAAAAAAAAAdorable doll baby you have. So happy to have you join us. I am starting tomorrow. My name is Nanc (short for so believe in this kicks the cravings OUTTA will start to feel amazing by the third or fourt day.

    Ask questions at any time you need help! If you do not have the book, you can find it on South Beach Diet Supercharged...and there is a look inside part.

    The app for iphone is $1.99.

    BTW gang, I am starting tomorrow. Will open my diary for anyone that wishes to take a peek.
  • (I moved this over from another thread)

    Thanks so much to Determined for starting this group!

    Hi, my name is Nanc and I am excited as well to be in this group. I actually began Southbeach in June of 2008 ... I was 175 and did lose 40 pounds...kept most of it off...I am up to 140 (ugh, maybe a little more...afraid to look)....but for sure not more than 145.

    Just want to let u know, you learn new eating habits...well, I did, And if I am at 145 (I will weigh in on our first day), that is only gaining back ten pounds since my lowest of 135 just last June of 2011*.

    Phase one is tough...but it goes fast. And after the first couple three four days, you start to feel really energized. The supercharged book is still the "bible" if anyone is looking for the book. The app is good and will help out a lot. I have it also, but have not looked at it too much.

    It is not just sugar we will be giving up on P1 but also starchy veggies either. It pretty much is lean protein, veggies (no corn, or potatoes...and when potatoes are allowed it is sweet potatoes)...corn is a no no...I always fought that one...I was not a perfect Phase 2'r. Also, low fat and non fat dairy allowed...cottage cheese, FAGE yogurt is great and skim milk ricotta and skim milk. I was never a star pupil but I am going to do better..I will make sure I go over everything again in the days ahead.

    Getting your kitchen ready for the first day, September 17th, will be very helpful. Temptation should be gone by then, or locked up and out sight by your spouse. Or however u wish to do it.

    I will tell u this, it really gets rid of the cravings...the two weeks on phase one. So going without those two weeks is so worth it. If we stick together and know we are all doing it at the same time, it will be a snap.

    Ask me any questions and I will help out the best I can. I have the book and all the cookbooks put out by Southbeach. It is a healthy approch to weightloss and I believe the best program out there.

    PS Feel freee to add me as a friend if you are in our group.

    * Now that I think of it, that is actually a lot (possibly ten pounds in just over a year). I will weigh in on Sept 16...gulp.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    hi everyone :) i love the itroductions and reading all your stories, thank you for having me along on this journey. My story is quite plainly 2 months ago i was obese (according to my bmi) depressed and on a spiral going down hill. So i started watching what i ate and joined a gym since then i have lost 6 kg (12 pns) and have bought the supercharged book. Very impressed with the diet so here i am, i was pretty sick of my boring menu and today my first sbd day, i have eaten so well i cant believe it, such varied and interesting diet, yum x other than that im a mum 2 great kids 8 & 6, a beagle (hes on a diet too) 2 cats a hubby and lots of other pets. Im a registered nurse and after working full time have just gone part time, which i need, so i can spend time with my family and actually look after myself. Anyway i have managed to input my data on the spreadsheet i had to convert everything lol as i talk kilos and cms as im an Aussie too anyway a big gudday from me and I'll see you all on the site lets do it girls !!! :happy:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Nice to meet you, Claire !

    We're glad you could join us ........... great that you've taken charge of your food & exercise ....... nice that you are enjoying experimenting with some new meals too.

    I'd gotten into a bit of a rut ........ was eating ok, but had allowed some questionable foods to creep back into my life ...... but I'm whipping that back into shape.

    I've got a cat named Radar who wakes me up too early each morning ..... and a daughter who lives in San Diego ..... and a semi-retired husband who is sitting on the couch this very second complaining about everything under the sun ...... geez, they sure do get grumpy when they get old ....... but that's ok ...... I'll be going to the gym soon for cardio, weights & yoga ..... and beautiful peace & quiet :bigsmile:

    Hope you have a good time here ...... happy losing !

    Mary Ann in NY