Healthy, vegan, low-carb nutella

londongirl2012 Posts: 149 Member
I made this today when craving something chocolatey yet healthy,

enough for 1 generous serving!

(10g) 2 tsp tahini
(1-2g) 1/2-1 tsp cocoa powder
1 tsp splenda
(10ml 2 tsp soya milk

combine in a small jar/dish and microwave on low heat for 10-20s if needed
will be nice and creamy when mixed and perfect spread on a banana, toast or a cracker

each serving of this spread contains: 70 calories, 1g carbs, 6g fat, 2g protein, 1g fibre, 11% daily calcium,
(as well as some magnesium, thiamin, zinc, iron and vitamin E, (B12 and D if using fortified soya milk))

let me know if you like it if anyone tried this recipe! thanks :)

btw could add some melted dark choc if feeling indulgent (and less milk maybe?)

and use any other nut/seed butter if you don't like/have tahini

See my profile pic of what it looks like spread of a cracker, not sure how to add pics, sorry!

if not watching your weight/carbs use sugar. agave or honey for a nicer taste
