Welcome to the Challenge! - Introduce yourself



  • YumemiruJin
    YumemiruJin Posts: 133 Member
    Lukas here, just trying hard to drop the weight, my motivation's been failing me lately, so I thought this would help :)

    Starting: 175

    Thanksgiving Goal: 160
  • Hi from nana6799,

    As you can see, I am a grandma of 6 wonderful grandkids. I live in Southern Idaho.

    I have used mfp on and off since January of 2011. I think it is great! I have not been successful.....my fault only. My weakness is chocolate and certain desserts. And using these delicacies for comfort foods.

    I have recently, the last 2 months gained 5 pounds from "make me feel good" eating. My sister passed away 2 months ago. I have been eating too much comfort foods. Any suggestions how to get a hold on this?

    I am really hoping joining the 10 week Trim Challenge will turn this around.

    I am just 5'2" and weigh 10 to 15 pounds (I think I weigh 136lbs) more than I should. I will weigh myself the 19th to see what my starting weight really is.

    I have my own mini gym in the garage. I will work out regularly for a week or two than get in one of these comfort food binges that can last up to 3-5 days. It has been real yoyo for sometime now. I really want to break that.

    Looking forward to hear from any of you out there! :flowerforyou:
  • BANJteam
    BANJteam Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Norma and live in the midwest. I have been trying to lose weight for about a year now and have shed about 28 pounds but still need to tackle a few more. My goal is to have 15 more off by Thanksgiving since we are taking a spurgle vacation to Florida for the holidays!

    These types of challenges keep me motivated! Thank you!.
  • mberko
    mberko Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Monica. I love the idea of community when it comes to such a personal challenge. I've gained back 10 pounds of the initial 30 that I lost. So my goal...lost those 10 unwanted pounds by Thanksgiving. Looking forward to being part of this group!
  • TheRedZebra
    TheRedZebra Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Udo (it's a German name, everyone always asks). I'm looking to lose 15 lbs to get ready for my tennis league's season. This challenge sounds perfect to give me some extra motivation.
  • Hey girls,
    Its an honor being a part of the 10 Week Trim Challenge-Sept 2012. I am a 28 year old lady who joined MFP earlier this morning. Recently married in March, 2012, and gained 40lbs in the last three years. It's a pity I need to lose it though.

    My goal is to attain a weight of 130lb (What I weighed three years ago). Last May, 2012 I was shocked to realize a weight gain that gradually hit 170lb. As a result I urgently put my plans into action and currently on 157.5lbs.
    In part Zumba, Kettlebells, and mostly my current so far one-month-insanity-program happened to contribute to the weight loss experience. To me that is not enough cauz weight can be gained pretty quickly in a matter of days if diet is not properly monitored.

    The reason I am therefore thrilled to join the group as it will be part of my motivation and accountability to achieve a weight loss goal. And in addition to my current teambeachbody experience, I hope all the insane workouts and dieting can significantly contribute to help meet goals.

    Insanity has been my first committed workout experience. My next will be Hip Hop Abs or maybe Asylum if I can.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hi once more,
    Also I am in my 7th week of the Insanity Program. Now on the Max Interval workouts which are truly insane. I look forward to its end but hope I can incorporate a healthier low calorie diet with the excercises to meet my weight loss goals People. Will keep you updated of any more weight loss with time

    Not easy believe me

  • Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie. Over the past few years, I've been up and down the same 15 lbs, and I am ready to lose it and keep it off this time. I started two months ago at 162.8 and ultimately would like to be at 145. Since I'm currently ~159, I'm hoping this challenge will get me there. I was recently diagnosed with celiac, and I have been (mostly) vegetarian for over 20 years. So my diet has been going through a major rehaul. Now I just have to get myself to work out on a regular basis!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    Hi, I'm Raven.
    I've been CONSISTENTLY Using MFP for over 6 weeks. Over those 6 weeks I've lost 8lbs.
    To lose 10% of my body weight, I would need to lose 16lbs. Which is an awesome goal!!! =') !
    So, My goal is to lose 16lbs in these next 10 weeks. I currently weigh 163lbs. So, in the next 10weeks, I'm hoping to be 147lbs!! =)
    I'm totally pumped. BTW, I eat 1200 calories a day. Sometimes I go over though. And I exercise 6x a week. I just started the fitness program TURBO FIRE today =)! Feel free to add me! x
  • Hi! I am Jessalyn. I find it so hard to keep to things if I don't have something close to look forward to. I just get so frustrated that I am not losing weight fast enough. But I have never tried to talk to people on here or join groups. This is exciting!
  • Hi my name is Todd, I am hoping this challenge will be the thing to motivate me. I went to the gym for the first time in 5+ years this week, and stepped on the scale I knew I was over weight, but it showed me I was even heavier then I thought. I have been tracking what I have been eating on MFP for a month or so now with some exercise and motivation I hope to start dropping some of this mid section that goes everywhere with me. I also picked up w fitbit ultra so it is easier for me to track everything...

    Good luck everyone.
  • Hi my name is bonnie and I hope this will help me stay motivated! im having a hard time staying on track. well good luck everyone!
  • HI I'm Barb - a Tennessee girl living in Florida. I've been using MFP since mid June and lost 20 pounds so far. My birthday is on Thanksgiving this year, so it will be a nice present to myself to lose at least 15 more pounds by then! I'm very competitive, so this challenge will be great for me to keep me focused. Let's all get going and get a running start on the first weigh-in!
  • Hello, I hope that I can stay motivated also,cause I have finally reached over the 200 mark!!!!!! So disappointed but really need to do something about it.Good luck to everyone!!!!!!
  • Hi everyone,

    My name is Mary Ann and I am looking forward to this challenge. It may be the extra drive that I need to get up and move even when I dont feel like it:smile: I have put on quite a bit of weight over the years making it up to 238lbs :sad:
    Today I weighed 210lbs so I am moving in the right direction. Long term goal is 135lbs so I have a ways to go. I am still learning how to eat healthier as well as find a workout that works best for me. I just have to keep moving and I am ready to keep moving with all of you :)
  • indiglowstick
    indiglowstick Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Amy.
    It's my senior year of college and over the years I've slowly put on weight.
    I joined MFP in Spring but haven't been keeping up with it like I should, and I gained over the summer. I'm going on a cruise (first time ever!) in December, and this seems like a good motivator to look and feel good during it!
    I really hope I can stick with it.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Hi everyone I am Tiffany. I am a recent college grad. I am seeing losses but they are kinda slow. I am toning up tons and have loss lots of inches! Nice to meet you all!
  • Hi
    I'm Marilyn from Ontario, Canada. I just joined mfp today. I'm looking to loose 35lbs. This challenge will be a great way to kick start my weight loss. Good luck every one :smile: Cheers!

    P.S. Add me as a friend :smile:
  • Hello, I'm back to MFP!
    It motivated me to lose weight. I lost 50 in the end. Now i've gained it all back, and need to start over.
    I would love to have support on here, and I'll give you the same back!
    Wishing everyone a wonderful 10 weeks, lets keep in touch and make this work! add me so we can support one another

  • stagegoddess
    stagegoddess Posts: 101 Member
    i'm currently at 235 hoping to get to 175 by mid april----this could be a great chance for me to keep that number in sight.