Help! I'm on a plateau. Any ideas?

I'm thinking about going back on the Attack phase for three days. I have 10 pounds to go and have been stuck at the same weight for over 10 days. Cravings are BAD!!! Cereal, chocolate and peanut butter cravings are the worst and I miss the crunch of things like crackers and croutons. Please let me know if you've been here and what broke you out of the plateau. Thanks!


  • julieuz
    I've done a mini-attack phase twice now to jump start my weight loss again. I did it after vacation (where I didn't gain any weight, but didn't lose either) and again this week. I lost 7 pounds in the two weeks following vacation thanks to a four day attack and I've lost about 2 pounds this week thanks to a three day attack. I also try to increase my exercise during those periods to further kick my weight loss into high gear. Best of luck!
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I did a three day attack about midway through my cruise phase and didn't loose a darn thing.. then the next week I lost like 3 lbs!!

    I decided to just stick with the cruise plan and increase my optional activities as much as I could. It worked!
  • Keepinggoing
    Are you drinking enough water? :smile:
  • ginnyz1
    Are you drinking enough water? :smile:
    I think so - i fill up my 32 ounce mug 2-3 times a day, water with meals, a bottle goes along when I walk CharleyTheWonderdog. I do feel thirst sometimes so that might be part of it. Thanks to all of you for the tips.
  • Keepinggoing
    If you actually feel thirst, I would guess you need more fluid. I am not claiming to be an expert, but from experience I have found that upping my fluid intake has helped with so many things. I read a relevant book recently - Your body's many cries for water - you can get it on Amazon, might be of interest! :drinker:
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    The same happened to me... stalled at my weight (near the half way mark) for three weeks... I started to crave, question why... but kept going. I increased my exercise to offset the cravings. I caved a couple of times but not in large quantities and then ... the weight-loss began again! Now I am more than 1/2 way to goal and feeling better than ever!

    Don't give up... keep going!
  • blondepsychobrat
    blondepsychobrat Posts: 55 Member
    I also hit a plateau at like 4-5 weeks into the diet. I did intermittent fasting (leangains style) for a couple days off and on, that seemed to break it for me. I also cut out any dairy products and fake sugars.