Welcome to the Challenge! - Introduce yourself



  • Hi I'm Jennifer, Ive been on MFP for a while now, I start using it then get off track and gain all my weight back, plus some. I weigh 210 as of Friday. I'm looking to weigh 150, but My goal is to be a size 8. I have 2 girls ( 3y/o and 10 month old) who keep me on my feet, I joined planet fitness and plan to go 5-6 days a week.
  • Hi. I'm Kim and I am in Fort Worth. I have been on here for a couple of months but have not been good about logging in and keeping track every day. It was a busy summer. But I am angry that I have put the weight back on again! And every time I do it seems I need something new to help me get it off. So I thought I would try this. I am looking forward to the accountability. I hope I can keep it up. Thanks for giving me a place to come. I am hoping to lose about 15 pounds by Thanksgiving.
  • airica88
    airica88 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Erica. I am 24 years old and recently graduated college. I am hoping now my life will get on track and having a set schedule will help me lose weight. As of today, I am pretty frustrated and out of hope so I am hoping this challenge will lift my spirits. I am looking to lose around 40 lbs. and considering I just gained 3 I hope this kicks my butt in gear.

    If anyone would like some support feel free to add me, I know I could use it too!

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Brooke and I'm 24 *will be 25 on Halloween. I've fallen off the bandwagon for the summer, (maintained my weight though) and this is a perfect challenge to get me back into the groove. I work full time night shift (3 12-hour shifts a week) plus I am a part time student so... I live a busy lifestyle but I NEED to get back into shape for multiple reasons.

    Goal : 20-22 pounds by thanksgiving.
    I will post my weight on the chart on Wednesday.

    Good luck everyone.
  • gibnic
    gibnic Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I'm Nicole. I am a 32 year old mother of 4. I have been a member of MFP for quite a while, and my weight loss has been a long journey. I have seen so many people come on here and lose weight quickly, just by working out and eating healthier. This is not my path though I guess. I have been plodding along at a very slow, but steady pace for the last nine months or so. I am down 22 lbs from my starting weight, it is just taking its time in coming off. I am a vegetarian and I eat healthier than anyone I know, but I have a real problem with sugar and I think this has been sabotaging some of my efforts. There have also been a number of changes in my life in the past few months, most notably a new job with a new shift, and I have really slacked off at the gym. So really I am looking for some help getting back into the swing of things. I am almost halfway to my goal and I hope that in the next ten weeks I can drop 15-18 lbs. I am willing to work my butt off for it too! I started off at 197lbs, and I am down to 175. I want to be down to 145 by next May for my college graduation, but it would be awesome to be there by Christmas =)
  • loudebling
    loudebling Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All, I'm Lou - I'm from the UK - living & working in London. Have been on MFP for around 10 months now, have lost around 20 pounds but have plateaued for the last 3 months or so. However am probably the fittest I've been for quite a number of years - ran (or jogged) a 10k race a couple of months ago and have a 10 mile race coming up in October which I'm training for - and cycle to work most days 25k. Off to Thailand for Xmas so would love to be beach ready - this challenge is perfect to motivate me along the way. Aiming to lose 28lb total (currently 182lb) but this initial challenge of 15lb is a great start :o)
  • JustineSane
    JustineSane Posts: 26 Member
    Hey everyone. I have recently suffered a knee injury while playing roller derby. For three weeks I have been unable to work out, and it looks like the recovery could be much longer while I wait for an MRI and possible surgery. I can't even do a full pedal on a recumbant bike. I don't want to gain back all the weight I have lost so I need to keep clean with my eating to make up for the significant loss in my workouts. This will help!
    I am 174 now, so if American thanksgiving is in November (I am Canadian) I think 10% is a great goal by then!
  • This sounds like a great challenge - can't wait - I've been racking up my weight over the past 10 years - I'm 5'6" and went up to 233Lbs - yikes - now I'm down to 212 ... so I have a long way to go goal: 125-135 :)
  • Hi everyone, I am Pam and I live in Northwest Arkansas. I find it easy to start something but hard to keep going; so this is great!!!
    I want to get fit for my big 30 coming up in April.
    Good luck everyone,
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    Welcome everyone! The response to this challenge has been incredible and I'm excited to get it going. It was recommended I also include mini-challenges to help is get from week to week so I thought we'd do both a food and exercise challenge weekly. I will post the first weeks challenges today. Have a fantastic day!
  • Hello, I am Nicole, from Germany. I am up agin and I really need some supportthis time to loose some weight again.
    I lost around 25 lbs from march o june and pretty much gained everything back. ( around 15 lbs) so the challenge is great to get the down again and hopefully stay this way this time. I got sick and on vacation and where eating more than usually, no sport etc.
    so I need all the help I get to stay on a healthy diaet:O)
  • tinawp70
    tinawp70 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm Tina, new to MFP & looking forward to the challenge! I'm 41....turning 42 soon and have been inactive for way too long. Time to shape up, so count me in :)
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Helen, and I'm 42, the working mother of 2, and I have gained 30 lbs or so over the last four years or so just not watching what I eat. I really want to lose it...and I know this challenge will help. YAY! So far, the site has helped a lot just as far as tracking what I'm eating...I find if I have to write it down, it stops me from snacking. Being aware makes a big difference...but it's really hard not to eat when and what my kids do :(. It looks SO YUMMY!!!
  • anie8989
    anie8989 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    My name is Stephanie, I'm 23 years old and I live in PA. I just recently started to really use this site in the past few days and I am so eager to stick with it. I have been overweight my entire life, and now is the time I need to take my life back. My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 5 years, we just bought our own house right before Christmas last year and we have two boys (furry ones). One cat, and a 5 month old black lab puppy who is almost 70lbs! We've been talking about marriage for awhile, and he already said that he wouldn't propose until we've lived together for a year, and a year in coming up fast, and I don't want to look like this when I start to look for wedding dresses, let alone looking like this on my wedding day.

    Good luck to everyone, and I keep thinking, even though this is a challenge with "prizes", it's a challenge for myself to say I CAN DO THIS for me!
  • Good morning. I hope you all have a wonderful start:O)
    I am going to attend a studio class just for the back. because i sit all day and it is a great way just to concentrated on the back.
    but I can`t find anything in my excercise diary. Maybe you can give me a tipp, because english is not my mother tongue:O)
  • pattycakes1978
    pattycakes1978 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Patty and I have been on MFP for almost 2 months and tracking pretty regularly. I have been using a FitBit also. I can do well with exercise and food for a little while but then it's hard to keep up the motivation to do it 7 days a week. Trying to change my food and exercise habits because I want this to be a lifestyle change not a diet. I am lucky that we have a gym at my work and also a gym at my apartment complex. I also live in Minnesota. The winters are hard. This is the first group I joined on MFP and am very excited for this challenge. A little competition will be good motivation.

    Anyone else using FitBit?
  • brandi_69
    brandi_69 Posts: 51 Member
    hi everyone!!! im brandi and i joined mfp about 2 weeks ago...im already down almost 8 lbs....my goal is to get down to about 150-160 range... im only 5'3" but i have huge bone mass and if i go smaller than that i start to look sick....(been there in high school) my goal is to drop the weight, quit smoking and have a healthier me....and i want look like i did in my senior pictures again...lol
  • natashalh1998
    natashalh1998 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi I'm Natasha,

    I joined MFP a while back and did not stick with it, I was not serious enough about my health so I started logging again several weeks ago and I am hooked!! I have lost 10lbs and I already feel so much better and I am exercising more than I ever have! My husband and several family members are now using MFP and are seeing weight loss results too!

    This challenge is just what I need to keep me motivated and to help me push through!

    If I lose the 10% I will be very close to my GW which would be awesome but if not I will still be gaining my health back along the way!

    Good luck everyone, wish you all the best! :)
  • msmimi
    msmimi Posts: 238 Member
    I've been on MFP almost a year now. I regained 8 lbs of my 45 lb weight loss and have been stuck for months. I think this challenge will really get my butt into gear. I need to be a part of something because I'm sorta competitive.
  • merry_abandon
    merry_abandon Posts: 140 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I've been on MFP since June. I lost about 7 lbs at the start, but between having a rough summer and some bad weekends (when I visit home from college), I've stayed at about the same weight for a couple months now. I'm going to be a bridesmaid in my best friend's wedding, which is still a long way off, being in May, but I want to get toned and healthy while I'm at it and as soon as possible!

    We can do this!

    EDIT: Also, do I just insert a new row in the spreadsheet to add my information? I don't want to start messing around on it if I'm doing it wrong.