
Here is where you can post a little about yourself and what you are looking to gain from this group. Lets start off with me..

My names Sara 28 from Mass. I live in a small town pretty much my whole life so there really isn't to much to do. In my spare time I like to read, dance, sing, hike, kayak, swim, walk, camp, have a fires, pretty much I'm open to just having a good time. I live with my wonderful boyfriend and my dog chevy.

I used to exercise regularly but after a bad car accident last year things haven't' been the same. I really just stopped moving all together. Then of course sets in the depression which brings the emotional eating. So what I am looking for out of this group is to become motivated again and start making healthier decisions. I am looking to make friends that will help encourage and support me because I believe that together anything can be accomplished.


  • Hi my name is Jennifer. I'm 30 yrs old and live in Texas. I found out I have Diabetes 2 yrs ago. So I struggle with my eating habits everyday but I want to turn that around. My motivation is my family. I have a wonderful supporting husband (Brian) and a 18 month old son (Logan). I want to be around for them so I have to control my Diabetes (and weight) better than I have been doing.

    It is very nice to meet you. I hope we can support each other through this journey.
  • I am Heidi, age 44. Also from Mass. I can not seem to get control of my eating (and drinking for that matter). I have a great group of friends that I do a lot of fun stuff with but it involves a lot of dining out and beer. I do great Mon- Thur then something comes up where I cheat then I get hungrier and I keep eating bad & it is a downward spiral. I now find myself 20-25 pounds above my ideal weight for 5'2. The kids are back in school and I start a job next Monday so no excuses this time. I need to be held accountable for my actions and hopefully encourage others along the way
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I am 33 and from Ohio. I had a pretty good start on MFP back in August 2011. I worked really hard and lost 27 lb by February 2012. But then I gained it back. I'd say I've probably gained 10 lb back. I continued working out so some of it was muscle gain but I really would like to lose at least 8 of the 10 lb to be where I want to be. I just started strength training and also do some cardio each week but nothing as intense as I used to do. I used to do Jillian Michaels, Insanity, etc. I think those were great but I'm not sure if they were attainable long term for me. If anything, they just taught me to enjoy working out again. I've been pretty consistent with exercise. It's usually diet that is my downfall. I am addicted to chocolate and peanut butter. Those two things can be pretty bad once I get started. So gotta work on that.

    I got "restarted" on MFP back in June 2012. I got a new username and decided this was it. My weight has been pretty consistent since June but I do want to work on this last 10 lb.
  • onebluesock
    onebluesock Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Laura. I'm 29 years old. I'm originally from Canada but am currently teaching English as Second Language in Taiwan. I just moved here and am trying to adjust to the new life and culture. Though many people in the country would say that their diet is quite healthy I find myself surrounded by convenient noodle restaurants and dumpling venders. Where I live, it is very convenient and very cheap to eat out. I really want to find my way through the fried food and unlimited rice to more healthier choices.

    I hope to find a great group of people here to join with on this slow but steady journey of getting healthy.
  • Welcome to the group everyone it was wondetful to read all you intros. Im looking foward to having a great group
  • sakraf
    sakraf Posts: 10 Member
    I am the old lady of the group -- 63 -- and it's about time I take control of my weight. I am very active, but found out a week ago that my blood pressure was out of control -- 190 over 100. Never happened before. So I need to make changes, and fast. This was my wake-up call that I knew would come sooner or later. I am now on medication, seeing a nutritionist, and trying to figure out why my blood pressure spiked. Duh! My weight? I am praying that is all.

    Love the idea of a weekly weigh-in. It will keep me honest. And early in the week is best, since I will be thinking about the scale over the weekend. :love:
  • KettydeDios
    KettydeDios Posts: 125 Member
    Hello, my name is Ketty. I am a New Yorker that love live, challenges, and the outdoors!!! I love anything that keeps me moving and sweating! Yes, I said sweating...I love to workout, in other words, I enjoy being active! My downfall is that I tend to get depress tooooo often; that is when my emotional eating kicks in and whatever I have accomplished goes out the window. However, this time around, I have made peace with some of the things that were hurting me and in a way and I am finding out who I am as a valuable and beautiful person.

    I was looking for a challenge like this. And I agree with you, before we love someone, we have to love ourselves, the best gift anyone here can give to oneself is that accomplishment that despite the obstacles and emotional beatings,:smile: we made it all the way to the finsh line!!!!!!!!!
  • Hi there everyone. I am a 38 and have been struggling with my goal weight for over three years. Everytime I think I have it all figured out with workout routines(p90X mixed with Slim in 6) and eating clean..BAM! Something triggers me to end my efforts. I have decided to commit myself this time. I have those last 15 pounds to lose and finding it really difficult to shed.

    I would have to admit that my weakness is red wine. I enjoy a glass while I take a bath, watch a movie and while I cook and organize my weekly meals. Now imagine cooking all day, to then relax in the tub followed by some down time watching your favorite movie..oops. There goes the 2 pounds I lost plus 1. I keep saying to myself that red wine is ok..but in all honesty, I realize now that it has been sabotaging my success. I am hoping that finding this group will help me keep motivated as I can help motivate others.
  • Hi there my name is Sierra Sky and I live in Colton South Dakota my problem seems to be full blown menopause like my metabolism has completely shut down........... I would like to lose 30 pounds or so is my goal I am fairly new to the site just want this to work for me. I have noticed that in dieting I was not eating enough calories the past 6 months so I am positive and focused and my motto is FAILURES NOT AN OPTION
  • Hi, I'm Kat and i am 22 years old and have always struggled with my weight. The last few years have been very hard on me as I am now the biggest i have ever been. I am in college to become a preschool teacher and I am also engaged to a wonderful man who is working to lose weight with me. I have several medical problems (Thyroid, PCOS, Anxiety...) that cause my motivation and weight loss to decease quickly, but this time i am just fed up with being obese and am ready to be a loser. :D
  • Hi My name is Alison and unlike everybody else in this group I am not living in America but in Scotland. I find it hard to stay motivated and am always find some excuse to eat and tell myself I am not really eating as much extra. Usually not to bad during the week when I am out at work but at the weekend I tend to eat more. :~(( Trying to stay positive and reckon if I can stick at it for a month I will have cracked it. Had lost 42 a couple of years ago and have more or less STS since then but need to lose about 52 lbs to get to a nice weight where I will not feel so fat and frumpy.
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Christa. I am an almost 40 year old working mom of two (Cooper-12 and Callie 6). I am originally from Madison, South Dakota (Hi SIERRA SKY-how long have you lived in Colton?)

    I've been married for 13 years and my husband is a Middle School Social Studies teacher, who also coaches football, tennis, helps with my son's hockey team and umpires baseball in the summer months.

    My son is a very busy boy who has been playing hockey since he was 4 and lives and breathes it. He also plays football, basketball and baseball :)
    My daughter is just starting in gymnastics and dance.

    I've always put my husband and children's needs in front of mine and decided now that my kids are getting older, it's my turn!

    I started running back in 2009 and in that year ran numerous 5K's, a 10K and even an 1/2 marathon. I was at my lowest weight of 125 and felt the best I ever have. I want to get back to feeling that healthy and happy again, not necessary that weight, but about 130-135.

    I've done a Warrior Dash and a Mudzilla mud run this summer and have become addicted to them. I'll be doing a Color Run in Des Monies in October.

    Here's to STARTING OVER!!!!
  • Mrshunts
    Mrshunts Posts: 160 Member
    Well Hello Everyone!

    My name is Janelle (everyone calls me Jae). I am 28, whoops I just had a birthday 5 days ago, I am now 29 years old, married 5 years, and from Washington, DC.

    I used to be small, but that was back in high school years almost 12 years ago. The weight just came on slowly.....I do not like what i see in the mirror, however I am always cute!! (if that makes sense)

    I am really tired of going back and forth, I used to be on WW for a year, and can't believe I ONLY lost 30 pounds. It SHOULD have been much more, but most of that year i was not doing what i should i have been doing.

    I found MFP and canceled WW maybe a month ago now. I really like MFP. I have the exercise thing down pretty much, I don't really LIKE to do it, but i know i NEED to do it. The problem i have is the food. There are ALOT of foods that i don't like or can't eat, which makes putting healthy meals together tuff. I am fried Chicken girl, and trying to only have it ONCE a week. until i can make it every 2 weeks, and so on and so on.....

    In my spare time I LOVE to LINE DANCE, its the best thing EVER!!! i've doing it for about two years now, its burns calories and is FUN!
    I also love Zumba!

    I have been on MFP for around 40-50 days, somewhere like that.....and i'm not where i should be! So hopefully this group be good...although i've been here a few, This week TO ME is like ~starting over~, i've committed to taking my lunch to work everyday, and cooking dinner every night ( or at least not eating fast food ).
  • sdnwood
    sdnwood Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone. Growing up I was skinny as a rail, but after hitting 40, and several lovely life altering surgeries, my weight is out of control. I joined Myfitnesspal a couple of years ago and did great! Lost all the weight I wanted to, but the last two years have been pretty rough and I'm an emotional eater, so...all that weight, it's back again. Hopefully this group (starting over) will be the help I need. By the way, I'm 54, married for 34 years, two adult children and four grandchildren.
  • Hi all! My name is Jackie. I'm 37 years old and have been overweight my whole life. There was a brief period in my 20's where I managed to get in shape for about 5 months but relapsed when my daughter died. I have a disabled son and there aren't many activities we can do, so that's led me to live a more and more sedentary life and really gain a lot of weight in the past few years.

    I've finally had enough! I can't wait to be thin and healthy enough to walk around half the day and hang out with friends again! I'm looking forward to having a group to help me stay accountable to myself and meet my goals.

    Nice to meet you all and best wishes. :)
  • jvac9397
    jvac9397 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi my name is Vanessa. I'm 41 and am tired of being tired. I tried MFP 2 years ago but never stuck to it. I feel like I'm always starting over. I've been looking for a group to join that will help me reach my goals and stick to it. I do well during the week but as soon as the weekend comes, it all goes down hill.

    I'm looking forward to having support from people like me just trying to get this done.

    Good luck to all of you.
  • SandieM7
    SandieM7 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Sandie, I am 56 years old and live in Virginia. I am the classic yo-yo dieter. I have a couple of friends I've made at the gym I work out at that have had tremendous success with MFP. They have lost well over 100 lbs. each.....they have motivated me to "start over". I seriously need to lose 50-60 lbs. This is the first time I've used this program. I actually signed up with the program in July but never got started....yesterday was my first day. I'm very excited about this. I've always worked out pretty hard so that part shouldn't be too much of an issue. I will say, it's encouraging to work out when you see how many additional calories are added to your daily hour of spinning added over 600 calories...WOW. I did not use all my calories yesterday or today since the cardio added a ton of extra calories, but I'm hoping that will help the lbs. to come off a little easier.

    Good luck everyone.....there's safety in numbers....:laugh:
  • Hello everyone, my name is Kimberly. I am 28 years old and new to MFP, I can not seem to get motivated or inspired, so I was hoping this group could help. I really don't have much to say being that I am not excited about this, but know I need help. I am a healthy eater but need to work on my portion control. My doctor told me I need to lose weight and a friend recomemed this site. I am an outgoing person who loves to be active but can't seem to get a set schedule with work, with my schedule changing all the time, I find myself not working out very often any more. My doctor wants to see me again in 6 weeks to check on me, hopefully I will have some good results for her.

    Best of luck to you all. :smile:
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi all, my name is Alison, and I'm 23 years old. When I was younger I was very active with dance, but when I stopped in college, well, all I've done is gain weight since. I've been yo-yo dieting for the past 3 years. I'll do well for a while, but then school picks up with homework or finals or something and I get off track. I gain whatever I lost back plus some. I'm still in graduate school now, so the habits haven't changed, but I want them to! My grandma recently lost 18 pounds (and counting!). She has been my motivation to start over and actually lose the weight this time.
  • Hello all,
    My name is Jenn. I am 26 and the mother of a 3 year old. I am engaged to a soon to be army man haha. I currently go to school fulltime online and teach my son preschool during the day.

    I have been a "Big girl" all my life. I honestly don't even know what it is like to be thin! I can't wait to get there. 19 lbs down and goin! I have just started working out for the past two months and am beginning to love it. When I started I went for 4 minutes on the Elliptical and was dying. Now I go for 60 minutes almost every day. I am finally seeing results and this time... I will finish! JUst like we all will! I look forward to becomng friends with all of you!! :)