
FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
Good morning!

I thought we could start a thread where we share our workouts so we can get ideas from others who swim here. Here's my workout from this morning:

warm up - 150 swim, 150 kick, 150 pull, 150 swim (I say 150 SKPS for short)

set #1

8 X 25s @ :30 IM order by 2s (so 2 X 25s fly, 2 X 25s back, 2 X 25s breast, 2 X 25s free) - these are "build" which means you start off slow at the beginning of the 25 and end up sprinting at the end of the 25

set #2

400 IM (100 fly/100back/100breast/100free) @ 6:50
1 X 100 free @ 1:25
300 free @ 4:15
2 X 100 free @ 1:25
200 IM @ 3:40
3 X 100 free @ 1:25
100 back @ 1:45
4 X 100 free @ 1:25

set #3

8 X 25s @ :30 - sprint half a lap, easy half a lap on 1-3 and 5-7; #4 and #8 are easy

cool down: 200 easy

total: 3,200


  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Ou I can already see this is going to be my favourite thread! Sounds like a great practice !

    This is what we did this morning (whole team tapering down for swim meets so great for those who are just starting out!)

    Warm Up:

    2 x (different stroke each time):
    200 kick
    200 pull
    200 drill
    (total: 1200m)

    Descending 1-4 (choice):
    4 x 25 kick
    4 x 50 swim
    (total: 500m)

    Main Set:
    25 crazy hard
    25 easy
    50 crazy hard
    25 easy
    75 crazy hard
    25 easy
    100 crazy hard
    25 easy
    (total: 350m)

    Work on turns:
    1 x push off wall (hard), 3-4 fast dolphin kicks, 3-4 strokes (free or fly)
    1 x push off wall on back (hard), 3-4 fast dolphin kicks, 3-4 strokes BACKSTROKE.

    2 x each:
    Face wall, push off bottom into flip turn, repeat above.
    Do again but do backstroke this time.

    Go to middle of pool and do 25s, focusing on your turns (do twice as well).

    1000m warm down, choice. Yes, 1 thousand lol.

    Total time: ~1h 30m.

    Enjoy !

    Edit: No pace times for this practice.
  • JohnnyCalvin
    JohnnyCalvin Posts: 20 Member
    30 minutes...alternate between 25 meters free and 25 meters breaststroke...
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Here's another fun practice:

    Warm up:

    400 IM drill
    300 pull (50 free, 50 back)
    200 kick (25 breast, 25 choice)

    Main Set:

    8 x 100 on 1:45 or rest 20 sec
    #1 & 5 first 25 fast, 2&6 second 25 fast, 3&7 third 25 fast, 4&8 last 25 hard. The remainder 75 is slow, to make pace time.

    8 x 50 on 1min or rest 10 sec
    Even numbers are IM order: #2 fly, 4 back, 6 breast, 8 free
    Odd numbers are choice.

    25 sprint, 25 easy. However many you want. No pace time.

    Warm Down:
    100 easy
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    I went for distance last night:

    500 swim
    200 backstroke
    150 kick
    150 pull
    150 swim
    500 (1 lap slow, 1 fast, 2 slow, 2 fast, 3 slow, 3 fast, 4 slow, 4 fast)
    500 reverse of above
    200 backstroke
    500 swim down
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi...just joined the is my workout:

    Warm up 100

    ( I do 2 of each 1 free, then 1 breast stroke)
    2x25 swim 50
    2x25 pull 50
    2x25 kick 50

    2x50 swim 100
    2x50 pull 100
    2x50 kick 100

    2x75 swim 150
    2x75 pull 150
    2x50 kick 100

    2x100 swim 200
    2x100 pull 200
    2x50 kick 100

    2x75 swim 150
    2x75 pull 150
    2x50 kick 100

    2x50 swim 100
    2x50 pull 100
    2x50 kick 100

    2x25 swim 50
    2x25 pull 50
    2x25 kick 50

    2x 25 without breath
    Cool down 100


    I started swimming again 2 months ago, I could barely do 1000 yards, this is a great improvement.
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 507 Member
    Hey all! I haven't gone very far in the pool in recent yrs, but found myself visiting in-laws w/ my wife over Christmas... in England. During the day, I had alot of time to kill. Therefore, I went to the pool one day and just went for it. The main set I did is posted below, but the total meters was roughly 7,000. Its basically the same set 3 times through.

    Main Set: all intervals based on short course meters

    1x (PULLING)
    1x400 on 4:20 (moderate pace, build effort throughout)
    4x100 on 1:30 (descend 1-4)
    8x50 on :50 (descend 1-4 and hold #4 pace on 5-8)

    1x (IM - Individual Medley)
    1x400 IM on 5:00 (moderate pace)
    4x100 IM on 1:45 (descend 1-4)
    8x50 IM order by 50 (first 25 easy, 2nd 25 sprint)

    1x (FREESTYLE)
    1x400 on 4:20 (start slow, faster each 100)
    4x100 on 1:15 (go hard, holding 1:05 pace or better)
    8x50 on 1:00 (descend 1-4 & 5-8 - #4 & #8 should be a sprint)

    I then put my arm back in its socket and went home. :)
  • IsNull
    IsNull Posts: 8
    30 Min workout

    10 sec rest between parts:

    200 Free
    100 Breast
    5 x 100 IM (Fly, Back, Breast, Free)
    100 Breast
    200 Free
    100 Free kick w/fins
    100 Fly kick w/fins
    100 Free kick w/fins
    100 IM(Fly, Back, Breast, Free)
    100 Free
    100 Breast
    100 Free
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    ok this one is for the less ambitious swimmers in the group !!

    it covers 18 lengths of a 33 m pool, and takes me about 25 mins - the time slot I usually have - its a mix of drills and laps - and I've been using it this month, and so far it seems to be helping me get faster/stronger... any way at least, I can remember it and I can remember how many lengths I have done using it

    length a = anything warm up

    then 6 breaststroke variations:

    b = breastroke legs only
    c = cupped hands only
    d = double leg kicks only
    e = everything together
    f = faster
    g = go for it

    then 4 on front crawl

    h = hips and head position slow warm up
    i = increase the pace
    j = just arms
    k = kicking only

    then 2 butterfly drills

    l = legs only fly
    m = more butterfly

    then 4 on backstroke

    n = nothing fancy backstroke
    o = only legs
    p = pulling arms
    q = quick as you can

    r = relaxing anything

    (then if I have time, i do sets of 2 or 4s and try to time them, if the clock is working!)

    I'd be interested on comments from more experienced swimmers - does this seem a good routine? I have more time this thursday and I plan to simple do 2 laps of all the elements (and take a float for the drills, I usually dont bother).
  • I do

    200 free warm up
    500 IM
    200 back
    200 free arms only
    200 free legs only
    500 free/back
    100 breast arms
    100 breast legs
    50 fy
    50 breast
    100 free cool down

    This is 2200 meters
  • riftknight
    riftknight Posts: 21
    My workout at this point in time goes something like this:

    600m breaststroke warm-up

    3 x 200m pulling ladders (600m)
    breathing changes each 25 I go 5, 7, 9, 11, 11, 9, 7, 5

    8 x 75m stroke drills (600m)
    (r arm, L arm, both arms; Butterfly on M,W,F and Free on T, R)

    12 x 50m kick (600m)
    1st 50m breast
    2nd 50m butterfly
    3rd 50m free
    4th 50m back
    rinse and repeat

    12 x 50m swim (600m)
    1st 50m hard
    2nd 50m easy

    3000m ~ 1 hour
  • Thanks for the workout idea, did this one today, it was challenging and took me 90 minutes. I'll have to build more strength. I can do 25 meter butterfly but don't have the strength right now to do more than that.

  • riftknight
    riftknight Posts: 21
    Hi Melinda,

    That's wh i do the 8 x 75 sets training butterfly. I realize now that I may not have explained well enough that the first length is right arm, 2nd length is left arm and 3rd length is both. Try doing them on a 1:20 or 1:30 interval. See if that helps!
  • Great advice tried his today and it was much better
  • riftknight
    riftknight Posts: 21
    If you're game for it, modify the 75's to do breathing ladders along with the stroke drill. ie, first 75, every other stroke, 2nd every 3rd, 3rd every 4th, so on and so forth. It will build up your power and speed in the fly.
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    I was just planning my workout for tonight. Thought I would share. :happy:

    Warm Up
    200 Free easy
    8 x 75 kick, drill, swim
    200 pull

    Main Set
    10 x 100 free @ 1:50 & 50 breast @ 1:10

    Warm Down
    300 easy free

    Total 2800 meters
  • CathyPot
    CathyPot Posts: 9 Member
    Here's one:

    500 Warm-up - mix it up
    8 X 50 - odd Kick, even Swim build
    5X100 @ 1:40
    100 ez
    5X100 @ 1:35
    100 ez
    5X100 @ 1:30
    100 ez
    6X50 - odd stroke, even free

    3000 meters
  • tdhighfill
    tdhighfill Posts: 200 Member
    that is about my speed. great job!
  • tdhighfill
    tdhighfill Posts: 200 Member
    30 minutes...alternate between 25 meters free and 25 meters breaststroke...
  • Swam on lunch break today. Quick short sets:
    300 Warm Up
    300 Swim with fins
    100 Kick no fins; streamline position
    200 Pull with paddles and buoy
    50 kick, 50 drill, 50 swim (4 times through; drill = finger drag, catch-up & head-up)
    4x150 Swim
    2x150 Pull with paddles and buoy
    4x25 No breath freestyle
    100 Cool down

    2500 meters in less than an hour
  • tdhighfill
    tdhighfill Posts: 200 Member
    Swam on lunch break today. Quick short sets:
    300 Warm Up
    300 Swim with fins
    100 Kick no fins; streamline position
    200 Pull with paddles and buoy
    50 kick, 50 drill, 50 swim (4 times through; drill = finger drag, catch-up & head-up)
    4x150 Swim
    2x150 Pull with paddles and buoy
    4x25 No breath freestyle
    100 Cool down

    2500 meters in less than an hour
    :flowerforyou: in less than an hour. yay you! especially the pull w/ paddles and buoy! impressive.