

  • annmedford71
    annmedford71 Posts: 32 Member
    :bigsmile: Im glad to find a support group for Bipolar and weight loss. It will be nice not to be judge. I was on Lithium for two years it screwed up my thyroid. Finally off and two weeks ago mmy throid numbers are in the proper range. I still have 5 other meds they have me on. I was on Serquil for one year and put on 50lbs. Was 200 and went al lthe way to 253. I did alot of diggng into all my meds to find out what to expect. I started a week ago and have lost 1 lb.Glad to see the scale finally move.
  • Hi Everyone. This is my first post in a forum. I have bipolar II and have been on Celexa/Lexapro and Seroquel for 12 years now. The meds have made me gain 50lbs--I went from 100 lbs to 150 lbs--50% of my weight and even with tons of exercise could not lost weight. Just about a month ago I started MFP and so far I've lost 6 lbs! I think the meds make you hungrier and eat more and you don't notice. I think I was eating about 2000-3000 cals a day. So far, MFP has really worked and I hope it keeps working. My psychiatrist is really unsympathetic about the weight loss. I think drs really need to tell patients about the weight gain side effects.

    Welcome to the forums...glad you are here!

    My personal opinion on all the "lovely" (sarcasm) meds we get put on, is that they alter our brains (of course, as that's what they're suppose to do) however the downside is that our brains may no longer realize "Hey! You're full!" when eating. Or causes serious apathy, so we just don't give a darn.

    But here's the real kicker, especially in regards to the doctors who give us the meds: everywhere that I have read, when it comes to side-effects of medication, it's written that "your doctor has weighed all the side effects and has decided that the pros outweigh the cons" (well, not quite *that* wording, but y'all get my meaning.)

    I'm glad that you've hooked-up with MFP and are saying "the meds will not rule my weight" because even on medications, we CAN lose weight and get healthy. It's just some days may feel rougher than others.

    Keep taking your meds, be good to you, and keep up the good fight! We're here with ya! :smile:

    Thanks LyssaJ1!
  • Hi Everyone. This is my first post in a forum. I have bipolar II and have been on Celexa/Lexapro and Seroquel for 12 years now. The meds have made me gain 50lbs--I went from 100 lbs to 150 lbs--50% of my weight and even with tons of exercise could not lost weight. Just about a month ago I started MFP and so far I've lost 6 lbs! I think the meds make you hungrier and eat more and you don't notice. I think I was eating about 2000-3000 cals a day. So far, MFP has really worked and I hope it keeps working. My psychiatrist is really unsympathetic about the weight loss. I think drs really need to tell patients about the weight gain side effects.

    I just want to specify that I currently take 15 mg of Lexapro and 100 mg of Seroquel each day. I know the Lexapro has definitely made me gain weight; I've been taking it for 12 years now. I've been taking Seroquel for about 6 years now. My psychiatrist thinks the Seroquel can cause weight gain. I know I'm on a pretty low dose of Seroquel.

    With all my experiences with meds and weight gain, I think exercise is not enough. One really has to watch what one eats. Only by counting calories have I actually been able to lose weight. I wasn't able to lose weight only by exercising a lot. I didn't realize how many calories I was eating and how much I'd actually have to exercise to lose weight.

    I don't think we hear enough about the side effects, including weight gain, of antidepressants in the media. Pharmacological companies make A LOT of money of these drugs. I think if these side effects were known more, the meds might not be as popular. Ultimately, though, I think we need to make changes to our society that improve the lives of people with mental illness, changes that don't just involve meds, although meds can help people a lot.
  • :bigsmile: Im glad to find a support group for Bipolar and weight loss. It will be nice not to be judge. I was on Lithium for two years it screwed up my thyroid. Finally off and two weeks ago mmy throid numbers are in the proper range. I still have 5 other meds they have me on. I was on Serquil for one year and put on 50lbs. Was 200 and went al lthe way to 253. I did alot of diggng into all my meds to find out what to expect. I started a week ago and have lost 1 lb.Glad to see the scale finally move.

    Glad the scale is moving--good for you! Can I ask how much (mg) of Seroquel you take?
  • HELP!! So don't know if this is the right place to post something like this but I have bipolar 2 (along with ADD, lovely combination) and I feel like I may be heading toward depression again. I DON'T want this to happen because I am doing so well at my weight loss and if I plunge into depression, I will probably just give it up. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I want to prevent it soooooo bad. I really, really don't want to mess with my meds again either. I suppose I'll have to go to the doc and figure it out if it gets too bad, but wondering if you all have found something that helps you, non-medication wise, that helps you "not go there" (i.e. diet, exercise, etc). Sigh.
  • LyssaJ1
    LyssaJ1 Posts: 240 Member
    HELP!! So don't know if this is the right place to post something like this but I have bipolar 2 (along with ADD, lovely combination) and I feel like I may be heading toward depression again. I DON'T want this to happen because I am doing so well at my weight loss and if I plunge into depression, I will probably just give it up. Anyone have any suggestions for me? I want to prevent it soooooo bad. I really, really don't want to mess with my meds again either. I suppose I'll have to go to the doc and figure it out if it gets too bad, but wondering if you all have found something that helps you, non-medication wise, that helps you "not go there" (i.e. diet, exercise, etc). Sigh.

    I take Super B Complex by Nature Made. I also walk...every day, or at least every other day. When I find myself dwelling on whatever could trigger depression...I go do something helpful/healthful for me. I.e. I read funny comic books.

    I hope you're able to pull yourself out of it, but above all else, take care of and be good to you!
  • gazz777au
    gazz777au Posts: 157 Member
    I still welcome FR's from sufferers
  • annmedford71
    annmedford71 Posts: 32 Member
    When I was on Seriquil I was taking 100 mg three times a day. I was a zombie.
  • When I was on Seriquil I was taking 100 mg three times a day. I was a zombie.

    Yes, Seroquel makes one really drowsy at first.
  • arachniagirl
    arachniagirl Posts: 64 Member
    When I was on Seriquil I was taking 100 mg three times a day. I was a zombie.

    Three times a day? I'm surprised you weren't asleep all day - typically Seroquel is given only at night due to it's sedative effects. I can't imagine trying to take it during the day as it puts me out for sure. No wonder you were a zombie...
  • arachniagirl
    arachniagirl Posts: 64 Member

    My personal opinion on all the "lovely" (sarcasm) meds we get put on, is that they alter our brains (of course, as that's what they're suppose to do) however the downside is that our brains may no longer realize "Hey! You're full!" when eating.

    That was a big problem for me before starting Topamax. I could sit down and eat a big meal and afterwards I was still hungry. My body was full but my brain kept saying "hungry". Half the time I felt like I was starving, it was so hard, I would try so hard to stick to a diet but I just couldn't do it.