What do you use as motivation?

Here it's 5:30 AM and i'm just getting ready to start Day 3. While I enjoy the video - the idea of facing JM first thing in the morning is not always pleasant. I come on here and check out the boards, see that some of you have just finished, and it motivates me to do it too. I really think this group will be instrumental in me sticking through this thing for 30 days.

What helps to motivate you each day? Or do you ""Just Do It"???


  • SamEriksson
    For me it's knowing that by exercising every day I'm one step closer to reaching my goal (I have quite a bit of weight to lose). Almost daily I've been noticing slight changes in my body, even though I've only began exercising last week ( I do both Power 90 and 30DS). I've gained muscle in my arms, it's easier to get up from a chair, my balance has improved and I feel overall better.
    What motivates me is not only the idea of a healthy future life, but also the refusal of going back and living like I did in the past.
    The past was full of misery and ache and I don't ever want to feel like that again.
  • andie2013
    I look at the mirror and I remember how I want the person staring back to go away or at least part of her. haha.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    There's a good chance I'm going to an amazing beach at the end of October. I'd really like to look back at the photos and enjoy them.
  • crystalirene12
    crystalirene12 Posts: 58 Member
    Thats what I am talking about @ chooriyah. I am going on a cruise at the beginning of November. I would like to look somewhat decent in a swim suit even though it will be winter time!! ;)
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 151 Member
    I make myself do it! I think about coming on here and not having done it and feeling dissapointed by not being able to log it in! The accountability that this group and other MFP supporters give me pushes me to do it. Plus I have my fiancé doing it with me so we just get our butt off the couch and do it! It's 27 minutes in total so we have no excuse we can fit it in!! So I just don't let myself procrastinate too much with it!
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    The group helps me stay accountable. Also, I may be crazy, but I think I'm seeing results already. I am doing an additional work-out during lunch but this might be helping to get me to where I want to be.
  • lauralogan2010
    lauralogan2010 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm not sure that I can pinpoint one source of motivation, because sometimes I feel like I am just telling myself "you have to do this!". I have tried to make peace with the weight I am currently at, but I have to say that seeing pictures of myself really motivates me. I do not feel like the girl I am seeing in pictures. I'd like to be freed of this extra weight so I can look the same way I feel on the inside- which is happy! I also printed out a checklist for each 10 day cycle that I've taped to my desk at work so each day I can see the progress I've made- keeps me accountable!
  • Godsendlesslove
    Godsendlesslove Posts: 12 Member
    What motivates me is looking back at the weight that I've lost before starting 30D shred. Im anxious to see how 30D will perfect my form. Also, what motivate me is the feeling I get after eating; I feel like the food will just sit there and turn to fat if I don't get up and exercise .
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    @crystalirene1 - you can do it! it makes me sad that I will have minimal photos from the last five years of my life cause i hate 90% of those taken with me, and my hubby has learnt that it is much better to not put them up on facebook and have to face my wrathful untagging...

    in terms of motivation, i also find it really helpful to think about the fact that i'm going to exercise after work during the day, plan it in as an absolute certainty, and not sit down or do anything at home until after i'm done the video. i know that if i turn on the tv and sit down for "5 minutes", that will almost certainly be the end of the motivation. it also helps that i currently have an hour slot between me coming home and hubby coming home (can't face the idea of him seeing me do the lunges, particularly with the orange juice bottles i have in place of the weights).

    that being said, schedule was derailed by grocery shopping yesterday, and i still managed to do it while he was safely in the kitchen, cooking supper. wahey for awesome men!
  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    My motivation got upted last night as I was looking back through pictures of just this year and I couldn't believe the way I looked and how much I have changed in the past 3 months and how much more I can do. No plans on stopping EV-ER!