Surprised FBS - What's up with that?!

texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
I have been in the discovery stage of diabetes having been diagnosed as prediabetic in July 2012. When I decided I needed to track carbs instead of points I switched over to MFP. Over the past week or more I have been able to keep my carbs to a modest amount with an overall day just below 100 including yesterday.

My readings have been good until this morning. It's been just over 12 hours since I ate my last food yesterday. I have gone 14 hrs with a reading of 78. Today I noticed I had a slight, oh so slight headache and wanted to see if it was "too" low. To my surprise it was "high" - 120. I don't think I've seen a fbs that high yet in these early days of testing. I am surprised but should I be alarmed? It is still in the "normal" range. I'm having yogurt with 3 carbs no sugar for my breakfast snack.

I'm not much of a breakfast person so I have been eating a snack and a light breakfast which seems to be working for me. I am beginning to understand why I have had heard others dealing with diabetes for a much longer period of time say its a mystery. I slept really well and I don't really have any one thing stressing my mind - praise the Lord. I guess this is just one of those things. I will retest again in an hour or so before I introduce any more carbs to my body. Thank you for reading my ramblings on diabetes.


  • travisseger
    travisseger Posts: 271 Member
    What I usually do if I have an abnormally high or low reading I can't look back and explain, is wash my hands and test again right away. If it is still high, and I honestly can't figure out the cause, I chalk it up as one of those random readings that all of us sometimes get. One reading isn't that bad, it when it becomes a pattern that it starts to be a big deal.

    If I got that that reading under your set of circumstances, I could chalk it up to not eating frequently enough. If I go any longer than about 10 hours without eating, my BG will start to climb. But we are all different, so how your body reacts may be completely different than mine.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    thanks, Travis I appreciate your sharing your thoughts. I'm thinking it was one of those things that happens although I was taken back a bit but not shocked as it wasn't yet over the normal range - w/i an hr it was down to 108 so maybe I needed to get active. :smile: A few days earlier I had gone 14 hrs fasting and it was 78 - go figure.
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    My fasting blood sugar is usually my highest. My pharmacist said the pancreas (I know that is spelled wrong but it is too early in the morning!!) or liver or whatever it is that dumps insulin can often start dumping in the middle of the night while you are sleeping so you can end up having the highest one when you haven't eaten for the longest stretch of time. I used to not eat hoping it would go down but she said you have to give the body fuel to stop it- she said it is luck and engine that starts revving in a car= the way to stop it is to hit the gas pedal quickly! It usually works- just don't take it again for your two hours then it is usually back to norm. It could also be something you have eaten that you are "sensitive" too- I can have somethings that are higher in carbs that don't affect me but somethings send it sky high. Then I just drink lots of water and walk it off!
  • Another website calls it Dawn Phenominon(sp) it is where the liver dumps sugar to get you going in the morning. I agree do not stress over one reading look for a pattern.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    120 is not to bad. Liver dumps due to DP or because you got low in the middle of the night so your body dumped to compensate for that may be the culprit. I agree that not eating will often up your BG. Eating too many carbs or not enough carbs can do it too. Diabetes is often a great mystery and insignificant things can impact our BG. Don't stress too much about it or your BG will go up!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    The headache, or whatever is causing the headache (sinus congestion, allergies, cold, etc.) could have caused the higher reading. Anything wrong in your body, even just pain or discomfort will raise blood glucose levels.