
kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
Hello Everyone,

Just checking to see how everyone is doing. Today will be Day 4 for me and my fiance. Day 3 was a lot easier than the two first ones (in the cardio/sweat sense) although we did feel our legs being very sore. My knees are hurting a little more than I would like to but i'm hoping it will just pass. Trying not to do too much intense when it comes to jumping jacks or butt kicks to give my knees some time to recuperate! I'm still doing the modified push ups although I feel like i'll never be able to move on from that! I still need to take some breaks while doing them too! I still hate the side lunges/lifts and lunges/biceps but I get them done! We're still planning on pushing through atleast until the weekend without breaks since we know if we miss a day, then it's harder for us to get the motivation to do them afterwards so we're gonna push ourselves until we really do feel like we need a day off physically and not just because we don't want to do it!

How is everyone else doing?


  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm going strong, also. This was Day 6 for me and I feel stronger. I'm still not burning high calories even though I'm pushing myself. I'm using 5 lb weights except for the side lunges/raises (I use 3 lbs for this exercise). I do as many regular push-ups as I can before going to modified. Also, to prevent knee/shin issues, I don't go as high intensity on the butt kicks and jump rope which has helped to cut down on that pain.
  • I was doing pretty well last week (my personal goal is to do it three times per week because of my schedule/foot problems...also why I cannot do it right away in the morning), but this week, my dad's been sleeping by the time I get home from my part-time job and so I didn't want to do jumping jacks in an old creaking house! Ahaahahahaha. If he's sleeping again tonight, I'm gonna have to tell him too bad, so sad I think.
  • Doing pretty good here - finished day 3 this morning and it was much easier. I love that the video is broken down into 3 segments, and those 3 segments are broken down into 3 segments (weights, cardio, abs). Today i was able to stick with the bicycle crunches the whole time - something i couldn't do the first two days. I'm also not as sore today as I was yesterday.

    Very excited to see what kind of progress I can make in the full 30 days. Already in a week and a half some of my clothes that were snug are fitting more comfortably. Still haven't determined if I'm going to try to do 30 straight or take a 1 day break each week.
  • Doing pretty good here - finished day 3 this morning and it was much easier. I love that the video is broken down into 3 segments, and those 3 segments are broken down into 3 segments (weights, cardio, abs). Today i was able to stick with the bicycle crunches the whole time - something i couldn't do the first two days. I'm also not as sore today as I was yesterday.

    Very excited to see what kind of progress I can make in the full 30 days. Already in a week and a half some of my clothes that were snug are fitting more comfortably. Still haven't determined if I'm going to try to do 30 straight or take a 1 day break each week.

    Way to go with the bicycle crunches!!
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm hangin' in there! Took the day off yesterday since I had worked out 5 days in a row (and was sore for most of them!). But this afternoon, I'm back at it! Keep up the good work, everyone! :)
  • lauralogan2010
    lauralogan2010 Posts: 20 Member
    Doing pretty well! I have only done 2 days, but I feel good and have enjoyed seeing a liiiitttlle bit of definition in my arms. I feel like the beginning of the workout I feel so weak and that I won't be able to do all of it, but by the end I wonder why I was being such a wimp! Jillian's commands help- when I want to give up is about the time she keeps saying things like "don't quit on me!" "that is fear leaving the body", etc. Haha!

    How often are you all weighing/measuring? I am a little OCD about it, but it really backfires because if I don't have any results from day to day I get discouraged. What do you all think?

    Great work everyone! You're all doing great!
  • SaraSapp
    SaraSapp Posts: 26 Member
    I'm also 2 days in. Tonight will be day 3. Like Lauren said above, I also start out being super weak and thinking I won't be able to make it all the way, but by the end I am pumped up and feel great! I think my least favorite is the squats with the arm raises. I'm using 5 pound weights (not really by choice, but it's all Walmart had.) and I end up having to only use one weight during that move.

    So, last night I noticed that the girl who is doing the advanced moves totally cheats during the lunges/bicep curls! Haha! She does the bicep curls, but she's not lunging! Anyone else see that?
  • SaraSapp
    SaraSapp Posts: 26 Member
    I'm also 2 days in. Tonight will be day 3. Like Lauren said above, I also start out being super weak and thinking I won't be able to make it all the way, but by the end I am pumped up and feel great! I think my least favorite is the squats with the arm raises. I'm using 5 pound weights (not really by choice, but it's all Walmart had.) and I end up having to only use one weight during that move.

    So, last night I noticed that the girl who is doing the advanced moves totally cheats during the lunges/bicep curls! Haha! She does the bicep curls, but she's not lunging! Anyone else see that?

    Oops, sorry, I meant Laura!
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    I'm also 2 days in. Tonight will be day 3. Like Lauren said above, I also start out being super weak and thinking I won't be able to make it all the way, but by the end I am pumped up and feel great! I think my least favorite is the squats with the arm raises. I'm using 5 pound weights (not really by choice, but it's all Walmart had.) and I end up having to only use one weight during that move.

    So, last night I noticed that the girl who is doing the advanced moves totally cheats during the lunges/bicep curls! Haha! She does the bicep curls, but she's not lunging! Anyone else see that?

    Ohhh i'm curious!! Definitely gonna keep my eye out on the advance moves tonight!! hehehe!
  • Godsendlesslove
    Godsendlesslove Posts: 12 Member
    I'm hanging in there. It's getting a little easier but I'm still on level one. I dare not look at level two yet. I'm going to stick with it though.
  • lauralogan2010
    lauralogan2010 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm also 2 days in. Tonight will be day 3. Like Lauren said above, I also start out being super weak and thinking I won't be able to make it all the way, but by the end I am pumped up and feel great! I think my least favorite is the squats with the arm raises. I'm using 5 pound weights (not really by choice, but it's all Walmart had.) and I end up having to only use one weight during that move.

    So, last night I noticed that the girl who is doing the advanced moves totally cheats during the lunges/bicep curls! Haha! She does the bicep curls, but she's not lunging! Anyone else see that?

    Oops, sorry, I meant Laura!

    heehee! Oh, that is okay! I knew what you meant. Good job on the 30DS! I hope day 3 goes well for you!
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm also 2 days in. Tonight will be day 3. Like Lauren said above, I also start out being super weak and thinking I won't be able to make it all the way, but by the end I am pumped up and feel great! I think my least favorite is the squats with the arm raises. I'm using 5 pound weights (not really by choice, but it's all Walmart had.) and I end up having to only use one weight during that move.

    So, last night I noticed that the girl who is doing the advanced moves totally cheats during the lunges/bicep curls! Haha! She does the bicep curls, but she's not lunging! Anyone else see that?

    Yep, I spotted it the first day and can't miss it anymore. I love how Jillian says they never cheat when she's up there - hahaha.
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Doing pretty well! I have only done 2 days, but I feel good and have enjoyed seeing a liiiitttlle bit of definition in my arms. I feel like the beginning of the workout I feel so weak and that I won't be able to do all of it, but by the end I wonder why I was being such a wimp! Jillian's commands help- when I want to give up is about the time she keeps saying things like "don't quit on me!" "that is fear leaving the body", etc. Haha!

    How often are you all weighing/measuring? I am a little OCD about it, but it really backfires because if I don't have any results from day to day I get discouraged. What do you all think?

    Great work everyone! You're all doing great!

    I decided to not weigh or measure for this whole 30 days to see what big results I get. I don't want to get discouraged by not seeing movement so I figured I'd just use my eyes to see any changes until 30 days. :)
  • SaraSapp
    SaraSapp Posts: 26 Member
    Doing pretty well! I have only done 2 days, but I feel good and have enjoyed seeing a liiiitttlle bit of definition in my arms. I feel like the beginning of the workout I feel so weak and that I won't be able to do all of it, but by the end I wonder why I was being such a wimp! Jillian's commands help- when I want to give up is about the time she keeps saying things like "don't quit on me!" "that is fear leaving the body", etc. Haha!

    How often are you all weighing/measuring? I am a little OCD about it, but it really backfires because if I don't have any results from day to day I get discouraged. What do you all think?

    Great work everyone! You're all doing great!

    I decided to not weigh or measure for this whole 30 days to see what big results I get. I don't want to get discouraged by not seeing movement so I figured I'd just use my eyes to see any changes until 30 days. :)

    I agree. I'm not going to measure until I'm done with 30 days. Hopefully, I'll start to feel it in my clothes until then.
  • SaraSapp
    SaraSapp Posts: 26 Member
    I'm also 2 days in. Tonight will be day 3. Like Lauren said above, I also start out being super weak and thinking I won't be able to make it all the way, but by the end I am pumped up and feel great! I think my least favorite is the squats with the arm raises. I'm using 5 pound weights (not really by choice, but it's all Walmart had.) and I end up having to only use one weight during that move.

    So, last night I noticed that the girl who is doing the advanced moves totally cheats during the lunges/bicep curls! Haha! She does the bicep curls, but she's not lunging! Anyone else see that?

    Oops, sorry, I meant Laura!

    heehee! Oh, that is okay! I knew what you meant. Good job on the 30DS! I hope day 3 goes well for you!

    I couldn't wait until tonight to finish day 3, so I went home over lunch and did it! I am SOO sore!!!! Thankful for our little support group to keep me honest and motivated. Only 27 days to go!
  • lauralogan2010
    lauralogan2010 Posts: 20 Member
    Doing pretty well! I have only done 2 days, but I feel good and have enjoyed seeing a liiiitttlle bit of definition in my arms. I feel like the beginning of the workout I feel so weak and that I won't be able to do all of it, but by the end I wonder why I was being such a wimp! Jillian's commands help- when I want to give up is about the time she keeps saying things like "don't quit on me!" "that is fear leaving the body", etc. Haha!

    How often are you all weighing/measuring? I am a little OCD about it, but it really backfires because if I don't have any results from day to day I get discouraged. What do you all think?

    Great work everyone! You're all doing great!

    I decided to not weigh or measure for this whole 30 days to see what big results I get. I don't want to get discouraged by not seeing movement so I figured I'd just use my eyes to see any changes until 30 days. :)

    I agree. I'm not going to measure until I'm done with 30 days. Hopefully, I'll start to feel it in my clothes until then.

    Thank you, everyone! I think I will join you in that. I weighed myself today and had not had any change (don't really know what miracle I was expecting), but I will hold off until the end of the 30 days so I don't get discouraged and drive myself crazy. Thanks for sharing your advice! :)
  • This kind of feels like when you're trying to decide whether or not to find out what the sex of your baby is when you're pregnant... do I check my weight & measurements during the middle of it, or wait for one big surprise at the end :)

    I'm going to do my measurements weekly - weight and inches - since I want to keep a track of that on MFP anyway during the time that it takes me to reach my goal. While I was going to do pictures weekly, I think i might keep it more realistic and just do them monthly, which should coincide pretty nicely with when the 30DS ends.
  • Think I need to reset. My little one has been sick and we've literally gotten no sleep so I skipped yesterday and don't have the energy now at 9:30pm when I'm supposed to also be studying for a test tomorrow... Though I am pleased with how much I can "feel the burn" after just 1 go at it!

    I guess after my test I'll restart tomorrow and have a Day 1 do-over. Trying not to feel like a failure already lol
  • Day 3 for me today which I know if I can get past today then I'll stick with it!! My legs are killing me already but it's definitely worth it!! Thanks for the motivation girls! WE GOT THIS!!
  • kikiallain
    kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
    I saw what you were talking about how that girl stops when she's doing lunges. Makes you wonder what they are doing when the camera is fully on the other person... but yes funny that Jillian then says how they never cheat when she's not looking...

    We completed day 4 yesterday. My knees are starting to hurt a bit so i'm a bit worried but I don't want to stop so i'm just doing less intense jumping. Hopefully it'll go away. We decided we were gonna try to push and do as many as we could before taking a day. The 30 DS was never meant to be done completely in 30 days. People say you should take one day off a week to let your body recuperate. So that's all we're going to do because more than a day off and I feel like i'd have a hard time getting into it as intensely! So our plan is to go until saturday or sunday and take one of those days off from it and then get right back onto it.

    For weighing in.. i'm also weighing in once a week and then measurement at the 15th day and the very end just to be able to track how much I lost in the first 15 days and then the last 15.