
Hey guys :) I moved to Nebraska in January and have yet to find a job. I've had several interviews but obviously, none went through. It's getting vital that I find one and I'm losing motivation here. A part of me is afraid it's due to my large appearance that may be stopping me from landing the job. Perhaps that's just insecurity talking?

Anyone have suggestions of places to look for work, or perhaps know a place hiring? Any suggestions are appreciated.


  • djohnson_143
    djohnson_143 Posts: 21 Member
    I doubt its because of you large apearance. Don't be down on yourself. Jobs here are pretty good compared to other cities. You will find one. First National Bank might be hiring and if you work at the one downtown, the have great workout programs that are free for employess. Personal trainers that teach bootcamp classes, zumba, etc. My hubby works there and him and alot of his coworker have lost weight.