3 days in - HUGE weight gain

Alyxw Posts: 50 Member
Hi people,

Well I am three days in to my new lifestyle and I love it already. It has been challenging at times but I am committed. One thing I didn't expect to see was a significant weight gain. I am now sitting on a 2kg (4.4lbs) gain in weight after 2 days. I am sure this is not actually going to be a trend, but I am thinking my body may still be adjusting to it's new and improved fuel sources. Has anyone else had this experience and do you know why it happens? I am not to worried and it won't deter me but I just want to understand what is happening I guess.



  • reneeeeeh
    Not really an answer to your question but I am about to start 30 days of paleo and read that you shouldnt weight yourself until the end of the 30 days.. Kinda sounds like it may be normal to put on weight in the first few days otherwise they wouldnt say dont weight yourself..
    Just a thought :)
  • hilary57
    The weight gain may have nothing to do with the change in lifestyle ... then again, it could be. But women can fluctuate 5 pounds just because. And then there's the possibility that the change has caused a bit of constipation ... which is normal until the body adjusts to not having as much gunk to pass along. If you are feeling good, I wouldn't worry this early in the game.
  • overfences
    overfences Posts: 96 Member
    Consider that it takes 3500 calories to create a lb of fat. Have you eaten an extra 15,400 calories over the last couple days?


    Then it's not fat. :) Drink enough water (a gallon a day is good), eat right, keep within your calorie range, keep moving... you will see results.
  • Cdposey26
    Cdposey26 Posts: 35 Member
    I did my first weigh on Sept 7th after starting paleo on Aug 7th, I lost 25 lbs the first month and feel awesome. I haven't decided if I want to do weekly or monthly weigh ins. I am sure after 2 days its not a good indication, I would stay away from the scale at least for a couple weeks then check back in and I bet you see a good difference.
  • Alyxw
    Alyxw Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks I think I will ditch the scale and if how I feel is any indication then I'm winning :-)
  • Alyxw
    Alyxw Posts: 50 Member
    I did my first weigh on Sept 7th after starting paleo on Aug 7th, I lost 25 lbs the first month and feel awesome. I haven't decided if I want to do weekly or monthly weigh ins. I am sure after 2 days its not a good indication, I would stay away from the scale at least for a couple weeks then check back in and I bet you see a good difference.

    wow that is an awesome weight loss in one month - way to go
  • Cdposey26
    Cdposey26 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks, I have been working hard at exercising everyday. The thing is the food part on paleo has been pretty easy so far and I feel like I eat tons everyday so I never feel hungry. I have a long way to go though still.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Primal/Paleo works in totally different ways to a traditional plan. Remember this is more a lifestyle change than a quick fix diet. I don't find that I can 'eat whatever I want' as many Paleoer's do (and by that I mean not worry about portions etc) and I definitely need to stick with logging my food but you should yield a loss. I think that putting the scale away and not focusing on weighing is a much better plan. I weigh maybe every 6 weeks. Yeah it's difficult to not be curious but it makes the results a lot sweeter.

    Remember that you are increasing your fat's and protein (usually) and decreasing your carbs. You will see good results if you can keep your carbs below 100 grams per day. You do need to amp up your workouts though.
  • Alyxw
    Alyxw Posts: 50 Member
    I just wanted to pop back in and say I have ditched the scale - there is no longer a scale at home and I weighed while visiting someone last week and have completely lost the initial gain and another 2kgs (4.4lbs) from my start weight in just over a week :-)

    I really do feel better not worrying about the weight and just knowing that this is right for me but having that little peek still did give me a great boost.
  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    Try to ignore the scale and go by how your clothes feel. Pounds/kg are just numbers and mean nothing. Your aim should be a more healthy lifestyle, and the added perk is your body changes, you feel great, and look even better. Keep up the good work!
  • renkatrun
    renkatrun Posts: 111 Member
    I just wanted to pop back in and say I have ditched the scale - there is no longer a scale at home and I weighed while visiting someone last week and have completely lost the initial gain and another 2kgs (4.4lbs) from my start weight in just over a week :-)

    I really do feel better not worrying about the weight and just knowing that this is right for me but having that little peek still did give me a great boost.

    Terrific! I use the scale to check things - it fluctuates 2 pounds from day to day sometimes... So glad that the paleo eating is working for you!