BDSM & Leather.....need I say more

This is my life and will always be. I am looking for lifestylers who are using mfp. Hell I am also looking for a gf. DISCLAIMER: I am not making this post to find or get sex and play . I am making it because I want to meet people, hear stores and give support to people in my community. Support and Flirting is highly encouraged because who doesn't like someone flirting with them and everyone could use a cheerleader or a whole team of cheerleaders


  • AlexandraLynch
    Bi female dominant.

    I actually found MFP due to discussions on Fetlife. (laugh)

    Being thin will make it easier for me to top, give me a wider range of partners, and let me look good in things like corsets and leather pants.
  • babenes
    babenes Posts: 34 Member
    Gay submissive male...

    I just found these forums a country let weeks ago. I had the application on my phone for almost a year now. List 100 lbs.
    Wanted get fit for my health. Plus easier for me to find detailed someone else who dominant most ones find looking good so. Eone who is fit. Also make it easier for me to be tied up lol :-)
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    Pansexual kinkster, with a monogamous partner. As stated above, BDSM is a huge motivation for my weight loss. Having harnesses look better on, being able to do sexier rope bondage, being able to top more confidently. All of it!
  • humanbeing1993
    humanbeing1993 Posts: 11 Member
    Kinkster here. I can't say that BDSM is a huge motivator for losing weight to me, but it's made some aspects of my scenes easier and/or able to go longer. I'm looking for people that log on a daily(or close to daily) basis to help keep me on track too. I made it through nearly 6 months of daily logging starting in January of this year, but then missed a day. Since then I've been kind of blah about the whole logging process and not really motivated to keep up on it. I'm back on track logging now and want to keep it up. Add me as a friend if you'd like. I'm open to possibilites.....
  • VaporsWorld
    VaporsWorld Posts: 441 Member
    Bi submissive. Although I haven't been into guys for quite sometime. There are many reason for my weight loss, this is one. I would like to make friends within the community.
  • MsMarlaMae
    MsMarlaMae Posts: 144 Member
    Gay leather *kitten* here! My partner is the same, and also logs daily.
  • theraevyn
    theraevyn Posts: 12 Member
    Kinkster here as well. Kink hasnt been my motivator - just getting healthier and being more active. I might know more than one person on this thread personally. :D

    I'm looking for people who log in daily to keep me motivated. I may not make calorie goal regularly yet - but I'm trying to get back in the swing of logging every day again. Feel free to add me!
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    Bi-submissive here. Collared, live the lifestyle 24/7. Feel free to add me as well
  • Imajicat
    Imajicat Posts: 114 Member
    Thank goodness there's kink on MFP!

    Pan - Domme... feel free to add me.

  • babenes
    babenes Posts: 34 Member
    Seems im the only gay male kinkster here :-(
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Femme top.......switch for the right woman ;) - you know what's motivating me right now? I've got several hundred ££££s worth of rubber that just doesn't fit anymore - I want to get back into it....

    On a more serious note I found that my weight gain affected my head space, how I expressed myself sexually. It felt like the more weight I piled on the less sexual I became, the more I sublimated most of my desires. I think I was using the weight to cover up both physically and mentally. Now that the weight is slowly starting to come off my desire is coming back and with it the dynamic that I used to operate in. At one point in my life I would never have believed that I could live without kink or, more accurately, I could turn away from it. My weight gain was tied up with so many mental squicks I had going on and I'm only now starting to unravel them.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Pansexual Kinkster/Sub. Found my love on Fetlife of all places. :tongue:

    Boyfriend loves rope play, as do I, but everything looks better smooth. Also, we have hesitated on play with others as we are not both 100% with strangers as our current appearance stands. Sadly, he's lost as much in a few months as it's taken me a year to lose.
  • Recovering_for_cupcakes
    I'm a collared 24/7 sub. :-) I'm happy happy happy to have new MFP friends too! Feel free to add me but please check out my goals first and make sure you're good with them. I'm working on staying healthy for my Sir who want's me around for a long time. It's great to have new kinky friends on here.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Wow, interesting. Never thought to look for kink here.

    I'm a bi-sub in a three-way relationship. My playlife is a huge motivating factor in losing all this weight. Putting the weight on has had a serious impact on my ability to play and even wanting to play (i didn't). And I know my male top isn't so keen on me being heavier. Part of the psyche of putting on weight was for it to be a barrier and i came off the scene for a number of years. Boy did I miss it!

    Also, i have some gorgeous corsets and dresses which don't fit me anymore and i can't get a decent pair of hold up stockings to stay up :(

    Its funny, I was just thinking earlier today how i wished there was somewhere i could share my weightloss and kink stuff together.

    Anyway, i log every day and am around a lot during the day, so feel free to add me :)
  • dharmawrites
    dharmawrites Posts: 25 Member
    Support and flirting are very good things! The kink in my life is a bit quiet these days but overall I identity as a femme top/domme queer woman who is more into service and control than things that create physical pain, though that can be a lot of fun as well.
  • lniffa
    lniffa Posts: 718 Member
    Bi-sub here, flirting is always welcome.
  • pinkkeith
    I'm a sub myself. Wouldn't mind some friends.
  • theinsanityofme
    theinsanityofme Posts: 44 Member
    Haven't had much experience, but defo pushes my buttons. Sub.
  • johzephine
    johzephine Posts: 3 Member
    Pansexual masochist / bottom here. Kink is not a motivator in my weight loss.

    To add some controversy, I'm afraid weight loss will make me less sexual, this feeling has been a big preventer in me becoming motivated to take losing weight seriously in the past. I am very open about my sexuality & my interests, with a great deal of confidence, and it's gotten me into trouble before. I'm afraid being thinner will make me even more of a target for harassment.
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    This group is the best! I love you guys! Makes me feel great to know that there are kinky people everywhere!

    Bi female sub/bottom/masochist here, in a monogamous relationship with a (wonderful dominant and top) man. We don't live the lifestyle 24/7, but we do lots and lots of kinky play and sometimes have 'D/s' days where we do stay in role.

    Kink has been somewhat of a motivator for my weight loss, since there's a significant visual side to it. My main reasons are to look and feel better, but looking better in lingerie and feeling better while tied up are also a factor. I'm somewhat taller (nearly 5'8") than most of the women I associate with, and it makes me feel less feminine somehow. Losing weight has made me feel smaller and more feminine, and that really helps with getting into the proper head space.