90 day challenge

Hi, my name is Shalla. I am taking the 90 day challenge with TurboFire this coming Monday. (Sept.17) I am so excited and I would love for anyone who loves TurboFire or is thinking about getting TurboFire to go with me on this journey as I take a step in the right direction. We all deserve to love ourselves. We have to know what makes us happy. To be honest I'm happier when I exercise, I feel like I'm trying my best to make a change within myself. Working on you first is the key. You come first, you have to come first. You can't help anyone if your not helping yourself. So are you going to take this challenge with me? I hope your saying YES! :)

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  • Hi! I couldnt agree more with u! I have ordered turbo fire and am waiting for it to be delivered which I'm hoping will b Monday but as soon as it comes I'll begin it. I'm so excited to start it! Have u done it b4?
  • dwn2erth
    dwn2erth Posts: 144 Member
    Hi I've got 'Turbo Jam' Same trainer .. I'd like to use it along with your group. I'm also doing 'the shred' and NR4Lw (New Rules for Lifing to Women) If I could I'd like to work this into my cardio days and just follow along with your group.. At some point I may get strong enough to just utilize this only. Would you mind if I followed along with you?
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    HI Everyone!
    I'm going to start it tomorrow- Definitely need a group to keep me accountable to push play and finish! I've never done it before and I've not been very good in the past at staying with a dvd workout. I've always preferred the gym and live classes. (which I still have my gym membership)

    Looking forward to having this group! Thanks!
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    I've never done TurboFire before but I have done ChaLEAN Extreme.

    I would love for you to join in with me on this journey! I think together we can help support one another :) I heard Turbo Jam is very fun and effective. How long have you been doing Turbo Jam?
  • LMartin1130
    LMartin1130 Posts: 4 Member
    I am starting the 90 day challenge on Monday as well! I look forward to seeing everyone's results. Let's keep the support strong!
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    WOOO! Are you as excited as I am? I totally agree with you about keeping the support strong.
  • OK Ladies!!!

    I am going to get off this couch in 15 minutes and despite my achey and complaining body...I WILL do my schdeuled workout.
    Its HIIT 15 today plus the Tone 30 I think. Never did it before, first time it shows up on rotation. OK I ache because I overdid it on Tuesday with extra cardio.

    Lesson # 1 ... Don't do too much too soon. lol. I make the same mistakes over and over every time I start trying to lose weight.

    If you have not done TF before and you plan on starting on Monday and haven't been active...you may want to consider the Prep Schedule on the book. I tried a trial run my first week with just 3 workouts then I did the scheduled one. I can tell you...it is not easy. My ankles were tweaky these 2 weeks.

    The workouts have really good music and the HIIT workouts aren't unreasonable like Insanity. But pace yourselves.
    Don't get hurt.

    Wish me luck...5 minutes till HIIT...
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    Yes I totally agree with you on everything you just said. One thing I have to say is I find once I start working out (warming up) my muscles and everything stop aching and I feel so much better afterwards so no regrets. Stretching helps a lot. I have problems with my knee so I'm over joyed to have Turbo Fire stretch classes. It's like Heaven sent! Good luck on your workout today! Burn it up baby!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Would love to join you. Planning to start the prep schedule tomorrow.
    I'm from Scotland so in a very different time zone. I'm 47 and have never been REALLY big but have never been happy with my body either. I've lost half a stone but want to lose 7-10 pounds more but more importantly want to stop binging/ overeating and feel full if energy.

    Really excited about this group. Hope we can stick together for the whole journey.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    YES! Welcome to our support group! Happy to have you here with us on all of our journeys. Good luck on everything your trying to accomplish and know that we are here to support you through it all. The high's and the low's.
  • Thanks! I actually did get up. Lol. It was actually Sculpt 30 not Tone 30 and I didnt have the right band. i had one that was too light and one that was too heavy and ended up using 4 and 6 lb. dumbells. So funny, because last year I could use 8 lbs. for triceps and 10 for biceps...I even had to modify push ups with planks because I have Carpal Tunnel syndrome in one hand...ah the joys of being almost 40...hahaha.

    But these 2 workouts are good together btw, in case you look at it and get put off. It's a good match. It's actually the long ones I dread...them 45 and 55 ones.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    LOL, I'm glad you did. Did you feel better afterwards? I know what you mean because when I did ChaLEAN Extreme I had little to no weight. I only had the band that came with it and as you know that's only 5 pounds thats nothing so I didn't really get a workout when it came to my arms. Very disappointing but I loved the cardio workouts. So I'm pretty happy to have a program that uses the bands and not weights. I haven't looked at any workouts other than fire starter how many workouts do you use the bands in? & to be honest you look very young to me I truly thought you were around my age.
  • Wow now that's a compliment! Thanks!!!

    I'm not sure how many of them use the band. This was my first encounter with one that did. Oh and I managed to borrow Rev Abs from a friend and previewed one workout today. I tried the short ab workout and found it hard. But that's mostly because I have a big belly on me right now and even when I was lighter, I could do plank work better than V sits or leg ups.

    I'm not sure if I want to do a hybrid or if I'm going to stick to the TF for 90 days. I think I will and just use other DVDs when I need a change or get bored. Just to see what the 90 days can actually do.

    I did the 55 EZ disc today and I dread the idea of 55 minutes but that workout is actually pretty fun. I think so far my fave is 55 EZ and HIIT 20.

    Food is my problem. I have a hard time with it. My food diary reflects it too. Lol.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    I understand what your saying. When I think of a workout being 55-60 minutes I'm like ugh and you dread it from the beginning. I always say just work your hardest and when you get tired take a break and get back to it. It's reenergizing.

    Are you taking about Low HIIT 20? If you are I agree! I did the workout yesterday because I was curious to see how HIIT works and my thighs we're definitely on FIRE! I'm glad your enjoying TurboFire keep up the good work!

    Now when it comes to food I know all about that LOL. Food was my best friend. It's funny how food can be your best friend but your enemy at the same time. I guess what I've been learning for a while now is your in control of your body and it has to do what you say. We have to train ourselves. Your body is going to want whatever your depriving it of. I had an ultimate weak spot for Hot cheetos. Every time I want chips I ran to the store and bought me a couple of bags and I wouldn't stop eating them until they were gone then I'd want more. For about a month now I cut them off completely and I'm trying to find something better. So far I've run into Indiana Popcorn-White cheddar popcorn and they are delicious! You see that as my snack on my food diary. To me it's like you don't have to necessarily cut anything out but you have to know when to stop at some point. Eat a little here and there and save the rest for later. Take baby steps.
  • Lol, funny you should mention those Cheddar popcorn cuz we snuck a huge bag in the movies on Friday when we watched Lawless. They are sooo good. Saved money and butter.
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    LOL, did you have it in a huge bag? Ahaha when I go to the movies I usually always bring my own snacks cause they are waaaaay over priced LOL so I take a huge bag (purse) with me and throw whatever I want in it. It definitely saves money! How was the movie?
  • yeah HUGE bag...It was actually pretty good. Tom Hardy is pretty interesting.
  • MelissaOnPurpose
    MelissaOnPurpose Posts: 111 Member
    I am starting the Firestarter class schedule tomorrow morning!!! 0700 is my goal. Any morning exercisers here?
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    I usually walk in the mornings and do cardio (TurboFire) in the afternoon between 12 and 1.
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    I'll be doing TF in the mornings before work- that's the plan! :)

    Then I'll be walking at least 15 mins during the work day and maybe do a class at the gym if I'm feeling energized (or crazy!) :)