Blowing it on the Weekends



  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    struggling here... was trying not to eat back all my exercise calories but I keep blowing it and then some.. late night snacker.. hitting me hard.... HELP last night was a rice cake with pbj ,, little spearmint leaves... JELLLO isn't helping like it used to...rraaa
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    Make sure you get some decent quality protein and healthy fats in with your evening meal. That will help with the munchies.

    A Honied Broiled Salmon Fillet, or maybe Some Greek Yoghurt with Berries and Honey for dessert?
  • richiesidcup
    richiesidcup Posts: 5 Member
    The weekends are toug and so have the Olympics, watching more than doing sport. I try to do a burst of exercise weekend mornings to help balance the rest of the day and tell myself I earnt it.

    P.S. Twigglets rock
  • dblosmith
    dblosmith Posts: 29 Member
    My best friend and I are such bad influences on each other. I've been a bit more successful than him but for some reason we can't help but get Coldstone... or hit up a local cupcake shop... After we get a gigantic burrito. It's got to stop!!!
  • danh6037
    danh6037 Posts: 5 Member
    totally get it!!!! I have the same problem and to fight it, I have posted this quote around the house to remind me NOT to grab something to eat, just because.

    The quote is from Jon Gordon, motivational speaker/author and a great guy;


    Love it!!!
    Good luck
  • babenes
    babenes Posts: 34 Member
    What I do is I set cheat day every now and then. It helps keep on track and calm my cravings so I don't cheat.
  • narrington77
    narrington77 Posts: 98 Member
    I had implemented a "free" day every sunday on the weekends, b/c i'm so strict on myself during the week. That was my motivation for every day i was on plan. Man i want an effin cupcake! I will have one on sunday lol.. however i was getting more lax on my weekends and it would end up starting friday.. ending sunday night.. so i think that really killed my losses since i was losing what i gained over the weekend every week.

    this weekend was the FIRST weekened that i stayed on plan the entire weekend and was able to successfully log a loss. i think you need something to motivate you to want to do it.. then u do it.. my motivation is my cruise coming up in less than a month.. i decided to go a whole month with no free days.. you can do it.. or just allow for a day to put logging calories and dieting to the side for a break...
  • psiphiorg
    psiphiorg Posts: 24 Member
    Even when I know I'm eating more than I should for the day, I always keep track of exactly how much I'm getting. That way I can adjust the following day or two to even it out. One day recently I went over my goal by about 800 calories, but averaging out over a few days I was right on target.

    Or if I know ahead of time that something "big" is coming up (maybe we're having a party at work, or there's a special event coming up at an Italian restaurant), I can adjust a day or two ahead so I don't even need to feel guilty during the event itself because I've already compensated for the cake, ice cream, or lasagna that I'm enjoying now.
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    I weigh in on a Friday so that whatever happens on the weekend I have some time to try and rectify it - weighing in on a Monday would not be a good idea LOL

    I'm trying to go dry for a while - I drink socially a lot. A crazy amount. And I gfigure while I am revved and psyched it would be good to cut out the empty calories. Not forever, ohhhhh no, just for a while. I went for a chinese meal on Saturday and ate myself stupid - I think because I didn't feel bad about it and enjoyed it it meant that Sunday was ok, no guilt and back on it.

    Of course I am in the first flush of 'isn't being healthy BRILLIANT!' - ask me the same question when I have been doing this for 6 months+ ;)
  • veegreen
    I kind of have it the other way round. I'm as good as gold at home but struggle in the week in an office full of McDonalds and cake eaters. I'm a trainer so there's always a stash of biscuits talking to me too :-/