Resonable Pregnancy Weight Gain Help

abitzan Posts: 85 Member
I am 21 weeks pregnant and at my appointment last friday the dr told me to watch my carbs because i had already gained more then what she would like to see me gain my entire pregnancy. I started at 208 and am now 232. My dr would have liked to see me gain 10-15lbs the entire pregnancy. Any ideas how to keep my gain under control coming in and through the 3rd trimester. Ideally I would like to gain only another 5lbs.

Please note I am not concerned about what I will look like i am concerned about the health of my little peanut.


  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    You and I are twins - I am 21 weeks, started at 207, and am 232 now. So, I completely understand where you are coming from regarding weight gain and concern for your little one!

    My weight gain slowed a bit once I really got back to logging and watching what I'm eating. I make sure to exercise at least 30 minutes/day, and am trying to limit the carbs too. Unfortunately, I still have quite the aversion to meat/veggies, so healthy eating has been a struggle.

    I don't have any specific advice - just to do your best, eat your healthiest, and try not to worry about the scale *too* much.
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    :smile: I am dedicating myself to the 30 minutes a day of walking or something and trying to limit carbs also. I know that i am embarking on the place in my pregnancy that i should be gaining a little faster now but I am also wanting to stay healthy for everything.

    Good luck to you! i hope your little one comes out perfect. Love the ultrasound pic btw.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I've also gained quite a bit of weight, almost 39lbs@31 weeks. After being upset about the numbers, I just kind of gave it and feel I'm doing the best I can. I eat OK, I do eat out too much and indulge in sweets, but i make sure to get fruits and veggies and watch my calories But I listen to my body and if I'm hungry I eat, the most important thing is a healthly baby. there is some extent that our bodies are just going to do what they need to do to grow a baby, and we will just have to work it off after the babies are born. Just do your best and hang in there :)
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    A small tip I keep reminding my self of is that you are not actually supposed to be eating for two and that's where the common misconception of pregnancy happens. For myself, my midwife told me that I needed to eat only 300 extra calories a day which is equivalent to 2 table spoons of peanut butter and a medium sized apple.

    So what I have been doing is I will eat whenever I'm hungry but will eat smaller amounts and more often. And I watch my sodium and sugar. I also drink ALOT of water and do ALOT of walking because I have two dogs.

    Do the best that you can. The most important part is that the baby is healthy....weight is just weight...and make sure you are eating healthy!

    Good luck :)
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I may not be able to provide you with the answer you are looking for but i want to let you know you are not alone. I have gained about 31lbs at 26weeks and my midwife only wanted me to gain a max of 25lbs. However i watch what i eat and stay under my calories and workout like crazy.

    I think your body just gets to the point where it will do what it NEEDS to do no matter what you do. As long as you try to eat healthy 80% of the time and workout 30 min a day then you are doing the right thing! I think as long as you do that then you will have an easier time dropping hte weight after the baby.
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    Thank you everyone for the constructive help!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    If it makes you feel better, I gained a ridiculous amount of weight with my first pregnancy (~60 lbs), but the only time my OB mentioned anything was when I gained too much between two appointments (one month apart). I had gone on a cruise, and it was a total food fest, so it made sense. She told me that if I'd gained too much at my next appointment, she'd put me on a special diet. By the next appointment I think I had maintained, which was between 21 and 25 weeks. But point being, she was more worried about the rate of weight gain rather than the overall amount.

    I hope that helps!
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    For me, it's really psychological, and tracking helps. If I stay within 2000-2300 calorie range I don't seem to gain much. My biggest gains have been when I go above 2300. I'm 5'9", and I found I had to do a lot of fiddling around with the settings to get the calories to a place where it worked for me. Originally, when I had it set to gain 1/2 pound (2300 calories), I found myself eating 2600-3000. Then I set it to lose 1/2 pound (1700), and found myself actually getting closer to the 2000 (maintenance)-2300 (small gain) range. By the way, I don't think there's been a day I've eaten under 2000. There is just something psychological for me that slows me down from my feeding fest when I see the red number going over where "it's supposed to be" early on in the day. Maybe I am weird, but it seems to be working ok for me. (For context: I gained 9 pounds the first 9 weeks of my pregnancy, but now I am at week 26 and my total weight gain so far is 18.)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Unfortunately, I've gained a lot quickly too.

    I'm 19 weeks and up 21 lbs already. I started overweight (~180), and now I'm pushing 200 :(

    I've been tracking my intake since the beginning, and I know that the weight I've gained hasn't been from overconsumption. I kept my maintenance calories for the first trimester, and +1/2 lb per week for the second sofar.

    I think a lot of my gain in the first trimester was from bloating and water weight. The extra progesterone can make you retain fluid like nobody's business.

    Just do your best to keep your calorie intake under control. Track your food, eat good quality foods, and stay as active as you can.
  • only1chell
    I went to the Dr. yesterday and they told me that I have gained 14lbs throughout the entire 21 weeks of pregnancy. Because my BMI is really high, they only wanted me to gain 10-15lbs for the entire pregnancy.

    Thank you so much for sharing your stories! I thought I was alone and feeling depressed. My #1 concern is the baby!

    Thanks again!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I think a lot of my gain in the first trimester was from bloating and water weight. The extra progesterone can make you retain fluid like nobody's business.

    Just do your best to keep your calorie intake under control. Track your food, eat good quality foods, and stay as active as you can.

    I never thought of that with regard to the progesterone. I would think later on in pregnancy, as you gain amniotic fluid and the baby and placenta grow, that makes sense, but I never thought of the rush of hormones that hits you early on.
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    Thank you ladies for helping me to see that there are others in this "boat also".
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I am 26 weeks along and I gained 42 lb already :(
    I set my calorie goal to 2400 , which is 0.5 lb gain per week. Although I fluctuate between 2100- 2600 kcal, I am right on or below my set calorie limit on a weekly basis. So I have no idea why I'm gaining 3 times as much as I am supposed to gain based on calorie intake.
    Now it is mentioned I wonder if the progesterone suppositories have something to do with it. I gained 30 lb during the first trimester , why I was taking those, and my gain slowed down a lot since.

    I am very sad about the weight gain, but not that surprised. I gained 72 lb with my first pregnancy. At 6 weeks post partum , I was still in35 lb surplus. I always been a bit of the heavier side, but practically i really became obese due to my first pregnancy.
    I finally lost my baby weight and some more just prior to this pregnany.

    This is my last pregnancy ,and can't wait to get back to my fitness routine and start to lose again.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I think a lot of my gain in the first trimester was from bloating and water weight. The extra progesterone can make you retain fluid like nobody's business.

    Just do your best to keep your calorie intake under control. Track your food, eat good quality foods, and stay as active as you can.

    I never thought of that with regard to the progesterone. I would think later on in pregnancy, as you gain amniotic fluid and the baby and placenta grow, that makes sense, but I never thought of the rush of hormones that hits you early on.

    It doesn't take much in hormones to totally change your body. My progesterone levels were high early in pregnancy (normal, but on the high end), and I really believe that's why I got so puffy so fast. I gained 16 of my 21 lb gain in the first 12 weeks. I wasn't eating excessively and stayed hydrated also. It just happened.

    Doc said it happens to many women along the way.

    I think that as long as you eat a reasonable amount of food (enough but not excessively) and get all the nutrients you need, you shouldn't worry about the scale so much.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I think a lot of my gain in the first trimester was from bloating and water weight. The extra progesterone can make you retain fluid like nobody's business.

    Just do your best to keep your calorie intake under control. Track your food, eat good quality foods, and stay as active as you can.

    I never thought of that with regard to the progesterone. I would think later on in pregnancy, as you gain amniotic fluid and the baby and placenta grow, that makes sense, but I never thought of the rush of hormones that hits you early on.

    It doesn't take much in hormones to totally change your body. My progesterone levels were high early in pregnancy (normal, but on the high end), and I really believe that's why I got so puffy so fast. I gained 16 of my 21 lb gain in the first 12 weeks. I wasn't eating excessively and stayed hydrated also. It just happened.

    Doc said it happens to many women along the way.

    I think that as long as you eat a reasonable amount of food (enough but not excessively) and get all the nutrients you need, you shouldn't worry about the scale so much.

    Interesting about your gain! Yeah, I am trying not to worry about the scale. It's hard because I gained so much last time. I also sold all my maternity clothes from my first pregnancy because I started at a US size 12 or 14 and ended up wearing all L/XL or size 16/18 maternity clothes! I tried on a pair of my maternity pants before I listed my clothes on craigslist, and, not counting the belly, they were really big on me. So I figured I would need all new maternity clothes anyway. (I bought a new dress on clearance at Kohl's and ordered a few things from Old Navy but plan to troll craigslist someone selling their S/M maternity lot.) But point being, I am concerned that I am going to gain a lot and then regret having sold all my old maternity clothes :( I just have to think long term!
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Oh man, the maternity clothes! I ended up buying all new stuff and for, in my opinion, way too much money. I have spent more on maternity pants than I ever spent on regular pants. It kind of pisses me off that they can charge so much for something you will where so little, but I have decided to justify the cost as something that makes my life easier and hence happier. (I feel like I would have no patience for finding clothes to fit my 5'9", sometimes small, sometimes medium, sometimes large (really, I am all those different sizes in maternity clothes) frame via Craigslist. Also, where I live (in NYC) there is a bed-bug epidemic, so I have become super wary of used things.

    Sorry, I apparently just needed to vent about maternity clothes! :-)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Oh man, the maternity clothes! I ended up buying all new stuff and for, in my opinion, way too much money. I have spent more on maternity pants than I ever spent on regular pants. It kind of pisses me off that they can charge so much for something you will where so little, but I have decided to justify the cost as something that makes my life easier and hence happier. (I feel like I would have no patience for finding clothes to fit my 5'9", sometimes small, sometimes medium, sometimes large (really, I am all those different sizes in maternity clothes) frame via Craigslist. Also, where I live (in NYC) there is a bed-bug epidemic, so I have become super wary of used things.

    Sorry, I apparently just needed to vent about maternity clothes! :-)

    Ugh tell me bout it! All the maternity tops I wore in early pregnancy are now a little too tight on me. It SUCKS.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Oh man, the maternity clothes! I ended up buying all new stuff and for, in my opinion, way too much money. I have spent more on maternity pants than I ever spent on regular pants. It kind of pisses me off that they can charge so much for something you will where so little, but I have decided to justify the cost as something that makes my life easier and hence happier. (I feel like I would have no patience for finding clothes to fit my 5'9", sometimes small, sometimes medium, sometimes large (really, I am all those different sizes in maternity clothes) frame via Craigslist. Also, where I live (in NYC) there is a bed-bug epidemic, so I have become super wary of used things.

    Sorry, I apparently just needed to vent about maternity clothes! :-)

    Ugh tell me bout it! All the maternity tops I wore in early pregnancy are now a little too tight on me. It SUCKS.

    I think the few companies that sell maternity clothes know that women NEED this stuff, so they feel like they can charge an arm and a leg for it. What also irks me is that the quality isn't always that great. I have some shirts that started to get nubby looking after only 3-4 washes. I tried not to buy too much, but it's hard, especially when the weather changes. I bought jeans around 25 weeks that I was told the denim would stretch out 2" (the legs were a bit snug when I bought them, but the next size up was huge) and they did not stretch at all. :grumble: I wore them as long as I could, but at 33 weeks I had to cave in and buy a new pair (at a different store!). Now I have 5 weeks left and it has suddenly gotten very chilly and I'm bursting out of my old Lululemon and North Face jackets that I thought I could make work until the end. I may end up trying to find a cheap coat at WalMart to get me through the last few weeks of pregnancy and the first bit until my warm fall/winter coat fits again.

    ETA: I agree about not wanting to put in the effort to find used clothes online! You never know what you'll end up with!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Oh man, the maternity clothes! I ended up buying all new stuff and for, in my opinion, way too much money. I have spent more on maternity pants than I ever spent on regular pants. It kind of pisses me off that they can charge so much for something you will where so little, but I have decided to justify the cost as something that makes my life easier and hence happier. (I feel like I would have no patience for finding clothes to fit my 5'9", sometimes small, sometimes medium, sometimes large (really, I am all those different sizes in maternity clothes) frame via Craigslist. Also, where I live (in NYC) there is a bed-bug epidemic, so I have become super wary of used things.

    Sorry, I apparently just needed to vent about maternity clothes! :-)
    We must shop at different stores (that or everything is just more expensive in NY) because my maternity jeans were at least $20 cheaper than my normal jeans and I found plenty of maternity tops and capris on sale/clearance for no more than $20 each.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Oh man, the maternity clothes! I ended up buying all new stuff and for, in my opinion, way too much money. I have spent more on maternity pants than I ever spent on regular pants. It kind of pisses me off that they can charge so much for something you will where so little, but I have decided to justify the cost as something that makes my life easier and hence happier. (I feel like I would have no patience for finding clothes to fit my 5'9", sometimes small, sometimes medium, sometimes large (really, I am all those different sizes in maternity clothes) frame via Craigslist. Also, where I live (in NYC) there is a bed-bug epidemic, so I have become super wary of used things.

    Sorry, I apparently just needed to vent about maternity clothes! :-)

    Ugh tell me bout it! All the maternity tops I wore in early pregnancy are now a little too tight on me. It SUCKS.

    I think the few companies that sell maternity clothes know that women NEED this stuff, so they feel like they can charge an arm and a leg for it. What also irks me is that the quality isn't always that great. I have some shirts that started to get nubby looking after only 3-4 washes. I tried not to buy too much, but it's hard, especially when the weather changes. I bought jeans around 25 weeks that I was told the denim would stretch out 2" (the legs were a bit snug when I bought them, but the next size up was huge) and they did not stretch at all. :grumble: I wore them as long as I could, but at 33 weeks I had to cave in and buy a new pair (at a different store!). Now I have 5 weeks left and it has suddenly gotten very chilly and I'm bursting out of my old Lululemon and North Face jackets that I thought I could make work until the end. I may end up trying to find a cheap coat at WalMart to get me through the last few weeks of pregnancy and the first bit until my warm fall/winter coat fits again.

    ETA: I agree about not wanting to put in the effort to find used clothes online! You never know what you'll end up with!

    Even the stuff I bought at Motherhood Maternity ($$) was rather crappy quality! Honestly JCPenney and Old Navy were the better bets for being affordable and for quality matching the price. I never did well with maternity jeans, so I will probably stick to dresses and more casual pants for when I am not working. Thankfully it doesn't get very cold here in the winter (usually), so coats aren't a big deal.

    A lot of consignment shops apparently won't deal in maternity clothes because people will borrow things from other people, then sell them, and the original owner will come to the store demanding their stuff. So buying used stuff in person is a rarity, at least by me. There are people on craigslist who are selling individual maternity items, but it's so much effort to go through meeting up with a person and then possibly not buying anything. That's why I sold my old stuff as a lot - I didn't want someone going through and picking and choosing - but I priced it to sell that way so that they could justify it if there were a few pieces they didn't like or that didn't fit.

    I think I am going to end up buying a majority of my stuff new again, and then I'll sell it as a lot afterwards.