
Hello Everyone,

Just thought I would introduce myself here. My name is Steve. I've been on MFP for a while now. I lost a ton of weight on the whole "conventional wisdom" thing. I put myself through P90, P90 Master Series, and P90X filled on up on lots of carbs, low fat, etc. It was fine until the progress stopped and I hit a huge plateau.

For the last 2 months I've been following Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint and the results have been amazing. Since ditching grain and embracing fat, I've knocked off almost another 20 lbs, and almost another full pant size in the last month. My body fat has been dropping so much that my wedding ring fell off! The astonishing thing is that I have scaled back from working out 6 days a week at a very high level of intensity to going for daily walks, the occasional sprint, and lifting weights a couple times/week. I'm feeling better and my mood has been fantastic. Eating this way honestly feels like someone shot me full of pure sunshine...and it isn't actually difficult!

I'm not hungry anymore and I can easily go much longer between meals. I've also got to start exploring the wonders of a farmer's market, grass fed meats, and EV Coconut oil.

I'm hoping to be an active part of this group and learn a lot of delicious Paleo/Primal recipes.


  • renkatrun
    renkatrun Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome! Hope you have great recipes to share...
  • KittyMarie13
    Welcome! I'm fairly new, too, but loving how good I feel eating Primal. I'm still working on maintaining the right carb totals for weight loss; I do good a few days and then come across something that puts be over that I wouldn't have expected to be so high in carbs. Still learning, but there are a lot of great people in this group and tons of good recipes floating around. If you use pinterest my board is here: . I follow a lot of the people in this group and snag whatever recipes I come across that sound good. Otherwise I'm fond of,, and for good recipes.
  • des104gr8ness
    des104gr8ness Posts: 15 Member
    Hello I am new to PALEO/PRIMAL...

    I am hoping to get some information here.. I am a little weary about high protein since i get Kidney stones but I am going to do my research and do all i can for this to succeed.. I already feel better in the couple of days i have been doing it..

    Looking to loose the 60lbs and then get strong and fit in the process..
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Just thought I would introduce myself here. My name is Steve. I've been on MFP for a while now. I lost a ton of weight on the whole "conventional wisdom" thing. I put myself through P90, P90 Master Series, and P90X filled on up on lots of carbs, low fat, etc. It was fine until the progress stopped and I hit a huge plateau.

    For the last 2 months I've been following Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint and the results have been amazing. Since ditching grain and embracing fat, I've knocked off almost another 20 lbs, and almost another full pant size in the last month. My body fat has been dropping so much that my wedding ring fell off! The astonishing thing is that I have scaled back from working out 6 days a week at a very high level of intensity to going for daily walks, the occasional sprint, and lifting weights a couple times/week. I'm feeling better and my mood has been fantastic. Eating this way honestly feels like someone shot me full of pure sunshine...and it isn't actually difficult!

    I'm not hungry anymore and I can easily go much longer between meals. I've also got to start exploring the wonders of a farmer's market, grass fed meats, and EV Coconut oil.

    I'm hoping to be an active part of this group and learn a lot of delicious Paleo/Primal recipes.

    Welcome! That's a great success story. So glad primal has been working for you. There's a great group of people on this board and you'll find plenty of help with recipes, I'm sure. Just post what you're looking for. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Welcome. My husband and I are also having great success with primal (and love marksdailyapple). So many health benefits on top of the weight loss. We've been through so many iterations through the years, but this form of health seems to be something we can embrace long term as a way of life and not a "diet". And I find MFP is a great tool to manage the eating part of the plan. Was glad I found this group and look forward to stealing all the recipes I can.