Tall Ladies! I need suggestions!

Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
So I'm a blogger, and I was going to write a blog about being a tall gal. So far I've only got 2 things about being tall that people of other stature and gender won't know the pain of.

1. Public restroom toilets being so small you have to pop-a-squat to "go".
2. You will never find jeans that are the right length without having to get them tailored.

So if you'd like to help me out, (and be featured in my blog) add your own. I'm going to need at least 10. If you want me to include your name and your blog, post that as well, otherwise I'll just use your MFP name.

Weight loss quips are fine too, as long as it's about being a TALL GIRL! (woman, gal, lady whatever you prefer)


  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member

    seriously, i have never considered dating someone shorter than myself. it's just weird for me, being 6'0", to imagine dating a short dude. thankfully, my man is 6'3" but still.
  • Btmartin54
    Btmartin54 Posts: 69 Member
    People always assuming I play or have played basketball!
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    1) 1-piece bathing suits: they usually stop BELOW your chest.
    2) Dresses with very short skirts that suddenly become shirts with a tutu/weirdly long ruffle

    3) Dresses with what are supposed to be floor length skirts that suddenly take on a laura-ingles-wilder .vibe abecause they graze the top of my (very long) ankle.

    4) Cap sleeves. Now, if you have tiny shoulders, it turns out ok, but most of us tall people don't, so you have a weird semi-sleevelss-with-a-seam thing going on.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Airplane leg room, or lack of it. I was even in first class and my knees were still smashed up against the seat in front of me and the guy kept turning around and giving me dirty looks. I'm 6'2 and hate traveling for this, but I LOVE traveling for all the other wonderful things about it.

    I have a different take on the dating thing because I never cared if I was taller than the guy. I married a man who is 5'8 and both of us could care less about the difference and the stares we get. I think a man has to be very confident to be with a woman who is more than an inch or two taller!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    People assuming that being tall means you can't date a man shorter or that there is something weird about it.

    it just shows a huge amount of superficial ignorance. It's not like how tall you are or who you fall in love with can be controlled

    Would it be acceptable I wonder to tell someone, "urgh, why are you with someone taller than you, how weird, I'd never date someone that tall" yet seems to be ok to make comments the other way around.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    another one.

    People who make inapproriate or random comments about your height. As if they have never seen a tall woman before EVER.

    Them "Ohh, youre tall"

    Me: "No i'm not". (walks off)

    Them: (Stands there feeling stoopid.)

    Why is it ok to comment on a woman being tall or make jokes about living in a grow bag. some women in the group have actually been told they aren't feminine becuase they aren't short.

    Rudeness seems to be acceptable when talking about women that are tall. I tend to respond in kind

    Oh & another poster had someione make a joke "scared, holds hands up to defend themselves" pose when she walked around a corner in front of them. How flicking rude was that.
  • pkiesch
    pkiesch Posts: 259 Member
    Back pain from having to bend over to wash hands/dishes/etc since most sinks aren't very high off the ground!
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    People assuming that being tall means you can't date a man shorter or that there is something weird about it.

    it just shows a huge amount of superficial ignorance. It's not like how tall you are or who you fall in love with can be controlled

    Would it be acceptable I wonder to tell someone, "urgh, why are you with someone taller than you, how weird, I'd never date someone that tall" yet seems to be ok to make comments the other way around.

    I wouldn't judge anyone else who wanted to date someone shorter, I just am not attracted to shorter men. It's a personal preference.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    Another thing about the bathroom is when the stalls are TOO SHORT and you can see over the door to people washing their hands, the mirror, etc.

    Pretty awkward when you make eye contact with someone as you are unbuttoning your pants to do your business...
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    Dresses being too short or not fitting the length of your body properly.
    People asking why you wear high heels if you are already tall.
    Short people marvelling at your height and proclaiming how large you are when they are just really short.
    Changing rooms in shops, their doors being short so you can see over the top.
    Kitchen worktops being low.

    I wouldn't change being tall for the anything though. :D I think there is a lot of good things about it.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    People assuming that being tall means you can't date a man shorter or that there is something weird about it.

    it just shows a huge amount of superficial ignorance. It's not like how tall you are or who you fall in love with can be controlled

    Would it be acceptable I wonder to tell someone, "urgh, why are you with someone taller than you, how weird, I'd never date someone that tall" yet seems to be ok to make comments the other way around.

    I wouldn't judge anyone else who wanted to date someone shorter, I just am not attracted to shorter men. It's a personal preference.

    No, actually you are judging but you just can't see it. Using words like "Weird" is just rude. I would hope that you just HAPPENED to have fallen for someone taller than you but if someone had come along shorter, one would hope you wouldn't have been so superficial to have denied him based solely on that single, uncontrolable factor.
  • pollyp123
    pollyp123 Posts: 3 Member
    Feeling like a dude in a dress when you wear heels! Not that it stops me, of course, I just embrace my inner drag queen ;)
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    1.Wearing heels and having people call you an Amazon
    2. Taking pics next to short friends, they look like your children
    3. Seeing a lot of dandruff on top of peoples heads
    4. "You're not fat, you're just really tall!"
    5. Having your hoo-hah showing on every short dress ever made
    6. Short shower heads
    7. Finally having head room in a convertible
    8. Ground is farther away, so the fall hurts more
    9. How the shortest girls find the tallest guys...
    10. You're screwed for hide and seek
    11. "I'd date you if you were shorter"
    12. Are you a model? Or a basketball player? I know I've seen you before
    13. Every single tall sexual innuendo pick up line
  • _tjejen_
    ceiling fan phobia...I know Im not THAT tall but I still duck just in case :P

    hitting your head on other stuff stuff! I dont know if my mum was trying to get me to move out but she moved the furniture so that you had to walk under the low hanging (very hard) light fitting! bang! OUCH!! (this was 15 yrs ago mind)

    hrm Im sure i have more issues :P
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    6. Short shower heads

    ^^This--Having to do some sort of shower limbo to get your head under the water to wash your hair.
  • trishajo82
    trishajo82 Posts: 68 Member
    People assuming that being tall means you can't date a man shorter or that there is something weird about it.

    it just shows a huge amount of superficial ignorance. It's not like how tall you are or who you fall in love with can be controlled

    Would it be acceptable I wonder to tell someone, "urgh, why are you with someone taller than you, how weird, I'd never date someone that tall" yet seems to be ok to make comments the other way around.

    I wouldn't judge anyone else who wanted to date someone shorter, I just am not attracted to shorter men. It's a personal preference.

    I agree... I don't knock tall women that are attracted to shorter men - I simply am not. My ex was 6'6" and he was the perfect size for my 6'2" frame. Too bad that was the only thing close to perfect about him. LOL

    And ditto to whomever made the flying remarks. I LOVE to travel - but seriously hate getting to "look forward" to having bruises and indents on my knee caps for 2 days after flying. If someone tries to put their seat back into me - I will tell them nicely the first time that I am 6'2" and there simply isn't any room for the seat to go back - if they persist - I have and WILL get ugly with them! LOL

    I am so used to the rude comments anymore... I don't even think twice about it. People are just *kitten*.
  • CoCoRedRider
    CoCoRedRider Posts: 47 Member
    Back pain from having to bend over to wash hands/dishes/etc since most sinks aren't very high off the ground!

    I agree! I dream of building my own home someday to have all counters, sinks, appliances, cupboards, and bathroom mirrors at least one foot taller.
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    Back pain from having to bend over to wash hands/dishes/etc since most sinks aren't very high off the ground!

    I agree! I dream of building my own home someday to have all counters, sinks, appliances, cupboards, and bathroom mirrors at least one foot taller.
    I did that! Bought my house and got them to fit the kitchen 4" higher than standard. It's not nice having to stoop. Does make the wall cupboards difficult for visitors though :laugh:

    Did the same in the bathroom - the guys were working away when their boss came in and started giving them a hard time for putting the shower "in the wrong place". I had to confirm to him that I had told them to raise it up. "Don't be installing a shower for midgets, get it up nice and high - suitable for a 6'6" person at least!" Got them to do the same with the basin and the mirror too. There's not much more annoying than having to crouch to see yourself in the mirror!
  • Narleta
    Narleta Posts: 15 Member
    Walking into the signs hanging from Tim Horton's ceiling. : (
    Having to put the seat back in your Volkswagon and find yourself sitting in the backseat (Police Academy anyone?)
    Beds that are too short!
    Washroom doors that are too short and you feel weird dropping your pants while looking at people. HA
    Shopping for panty-hose... The crotch does not belong at my knees. Why do the manufacturer's lie? I'm 5'11 so I should fit into a pair rated for up to 6'2.
    Shopping for shirts and finding your belly button showing!
  • redbirdsings
    redbirdsings Posts: 38 Member
    mostly i love being tall...BUT

    1) Hearing "we can order that in talls"
    2) Did you play basketball...um no...did you play miniature golf?
    3) Short women that date men over 6'0...I'd like to submit a formal protest
    4) the eternal struggle for leg room....theaters, planes, cars, desks, etc...etc...etc....

    On the Upside....
    1) being able to reach things on the top shelf for the little old ladies in the grocery store and watching their eyes light up when i come around the corner to save the day
    2) Legs for miles :P
    3) Being able to gain the attention of everyone in the room with a single pair of great heels (heads turn)
    4) confidence to carry it off - being a tall woman isn't for everyone - we are blessed breed!