Day 1- Could use some help on figuring out minimum calories

Hi Everyone- I am 47. I live in Michigan with my DH and 2 boys. I have 80 lbs to lose. I just started Atkins - today was Day One of Induction. Before starting, I just finished my "pre-diet"- for the past two weeks I did a low carb diet (under 50g), completely cut out grains, starchy veggies and refined sugar, but kept all fruits and non-starchy veggies. Came in around 1500 calories a day. Learned A LOT. The problem is, although I feel better, I did not lose an ounce. Nada, No inches-nothing. That's okay, I can adjust. The point was to get ready for Atkins, Here is my problem. I am at the end of day one of Atkins. I am stuffed. I ate just under 20 net carbs, protein at every meal, all the veggies, did not limit my healthy fats, and I am still under 1100 calories for the day (even with adding a Atkins advantage bar I really didn't want). I know we are not suppose to count calories, but I don't want to shoot myself in the foot either by eating too few calories. How important is it to eat 1500-1800 calories a day? Thanks!


  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    I would be interested in knowing this too - I am re-starting Induction Day 1 today bc I fell off track.....
  • Pelly57
    Pelly57 Posts: 169 Member
    This is what I did.

    Net calories: 1500
    Carbs: 5%-19g
    Protein: 40% 150g
    Fat: 55%-92g

    Now, I don't always make all the numbers. MFP just isn't designed for Atkins. I do strive to keep the carbs under 20 (actual carbs, not net carbs) and my nutritionist wants my protein to be no lower than 75g, I try to shoot for at least 100g. I also try to keep the calories about 1200.

    I think that as long as you are eating your healthy carbs, proteins and fats, the diet will still work. Calorie deficit is still calorie deficit.
  • Thanks! I manually changed the nutrition goals for Atkins in MFP goals. I track net carbs by adding fiber tracking. It shows up right next to carbs and I net them out myself. Feel free to friend me, I have my food diary open (at least for now) and you can see how I do it. Hopefully, this is helpful. Have a great day! :happy:
  • angiepower
    angiepower Posts: 5 Member
    I've just done my first week of induction and have lost 8lb my calories equal out to roughly 1600 a day, carbs come in at 20 per day hope that helps....I do measure and weigh things like cheese and cream as I think it's easy to go over on them type of things.

    Hope that helps
  • Thanks Angie! I have increased my calories and will have to see how it goes. Day six for me -I have no net loss yet- I gained 4 lbs the first few days and and basically back where I started now. Hopefully, I will get the balance right.
  • Ash2712
    Ash2712 Posts: 19 Member
    I keep under 1300 calories, but I have to admit some days I find that I stay lower because I am so full I do not want anything else, I also have days were my energy is low and I bump it up a little to help. You will figure out what works best for you. My mother in law didn't watch the calories at all when she was in the first 2 stages and she still lost 60 pounds! But she figured out what she needed and when she did, everyone is going to be a little different. Good luck
  • Dian_MT
    Dian_MT Posts: 4 Member
    I could be wrong.but if you go to your settings and goals,and fill out all your info.carbs ect. And activity level it will give you a good idae of your calories. Bmi or bri .somthing like that .ll.not everyone is the same.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
  • kassandracat
    kassandracat Posts: 30 Member
    I read on the Atkins website the minimum for women should be about 1500 the max for us is usually about 1800. I usually eat about 1300-1700, sometimes around 1200 & have been consistently losing weight :) I am also "4'11" so I thougt 1500 was a bit much for me, but Atkins is the only diet plan I have ever used that allows me that many cals a day.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    I'm doing the 1972 version of Atkins, so I don't even count calories -- though it would be interesting as a point of comparison with other types of eating plans.

    '72 induction counts only carbs -- "net" wasn't invented yet.

    Thing is, I tried the newer version of Atkins using "net" and I didn't lose substantial amount of weight. Not like 10 years ago when I lost 20 lbs on the 1972 version (found the book at a yard sale).

    So I am back to the 1972 version. I started saturday and I'm down 5.6 lbs. After day three with zero carbs hunger goes completely away, you have no cravings whatsoever, and you almost have to make yourself eat.