Recent conversation with my trainer



  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    I did some reading in (not exactly scientific like I prefer :/ ) but it appears that I may be a mesomorph. Maybe a tad endomorph, but I really think its more classic meso. I'm considering looking into this more because I don't want to just follow some "fad" :)
  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Well the endo/meso/ecto idea certainly isn't a fad. It was created in the 1940s by a guy called William Sheldon. (BAZINGA!)

    I remember learning it at school.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    I mean more along the nutrition lines like eating for your body type. Not that I am able to find much for meso/endo lol
  • cca1229
    cca1229 Posts: 23 Member
    Great info! Thanks for sharing!
  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    I love your story! I was talking with a trainer several years ago and complaining that even though I was in the gym 3-4 times a week doing strength training, and hiking and biking also, I was not loosing weight. I was eating a mostly paleo diet (at his recommendation) and still not loosing weight. He gave me the whole "but dont use the scale, use your clothes, blah blah. I wanted to do this but I felt like my clothes were not fitting any differently)

    Anyway, he got sick of me blubbering or something and just blurted out that it was because I was an endomorph, he said it in such a hurtful way I actually went home and cried. I felt like I was diagnosed with "fat body" We ended up talking about it later (he was and still is a friend, not just my trainer) and I continued to go to the gym until I had an injury. I look back at pics of me from that time and damn him for being right, I had muscle tone and looked fit.

    I guess this is a long way of saying that it does work. The results came slow and really hard to measure. After my injury I couldnt exercise and lost the definition at a fast rate. Damn! I have learned that eating is very important and you cant just rely on exercise to make it happen. Im back to exercising now and really working on the eating part.

    Keep us posted on your progress. FYI, i just started to EMTWL and after only 1 week of upping my calories by an extra 500, I have lost a pound, the first one I've lost in 7 weeks of eating at a lower calorie level.
  • nevaeh1984
    Hi, great story!

    Just one question, doesn't MFP count veggies as carbs? I've noticed that on days when I don't eat (traditional) carbs, bread/pasta/rice they're still a relevant part of my intake...

    Anyway, I'll definitely try to do that for a week or two to see how I feel with that type of diet!
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Great information! I want to read more about this. Just based on the brief description you gave here I might be a mesomorph. I have always been naturally athletic but then I ate and drank more than I should had and stopped doing physical activities for various years that my weight kept going up n up n up.
    That could explain why once I put my mind to it I was able to lose the weight fairly quickly and put on muscle mass.
    great story n keep up the good work!!
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    nevaeh - my trainer told me to only eat starchy/sugary carbs (bread, pasta, rice, etc.) only on days I work out and immediately after as my body is in burn mode and would burn through those carbs much quicker than a non-workout day. I can ask Randy about the carbs in veggies and if those are burned any differently than carbs in starchy/sugary foods. In my mind, a carb is a carb is a carb regardless of where it comes from, but maybe not.

    A reason why I must break my relationship with the scale.....Friday morning it still said 162.8 (day 3 of it being this low). I had a great workout with Randy and then was able to get in a really good run later on Friday. The longest I've been able to run constantly without having to walk a bit and then run again. Saturday morning the scale said 165.6. I'm chalking it up to water retention since i worked out/ran on Friday. I did a 2 hour yoga workshop (having never done yoga before) and it was wonderful. I totally suggest it if you've never done yoga and are looking for some variation. Randy attended it as well because he wants to start incorporating some yoga into his sessions. He also mentioned some TRX training in a few weeks. Has anyone ever done that before?

    Today I must drink lots of water since I didn't really drink as much yesterday as I normally do, get my 2 protein drinks in and with any luck, I'll be able to get a run in. The scale was 166.8 today and I'm really cheesed off about it because now I don't know if that 162.8 all time low was a result of the scale being moved slightly or if it was really true and this scale fluctuation is from water retention (I'm really hoping this is the case).

    I meet with Randy 2-3x a week and am happy to take questions to him if you have any.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member

    I meet with Randy 2-3x a week and am happy to take questions to him if you have any.

    I am so happy you say this :).

    May I ask where he finds reliable sources for information? I apparently don't have the google skills to do it myself :/
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    Some websites from my trainer: This website gives the nutrient information in foods. Kind of a fun site to peruse and also gives the nutrient breakdown in foods.

    While the scale went back up for a couple days and is slowly making it's way down, I am noticing other changes. I'm sleeping WAY better than I was before. Last night was the first time in a long time my lower back didn't hurt regardless of the position I was in and wasn't cranky this morning. Some slacks that fit a smidge snug in July are needing the occasional tug up. I've been trying to walk/jog on the days I don't see Randy and last night I jogged 15 minutes straight. Mind you, some people walk faster than I jog, however, I wasn't gasping for air and probably could have gone further if I didn't have a deep muscle bruise on my left thigh thanks to the corner of the couch (hence the slower than usual jog).

    I'm better about my food choices these days (at least I think so). I've also started hiding veggies in my food or eating them raw with whatever lean meat we are having. I'm not a lover of veggies but I'm eating more than I was before. 3pm is generally my witching hour when I'm wanting a snack and lately I've noticed I'm not having that.

    amonkey - I owe you an answer on reliable websites. I'm meeting with Randy tonight and will ask him.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    congratulations on the NSV's!

    Thats great on the jog too! Don't feel bad about speed, I am very fit and only weigh 108#, but I JOG (I can't really run at all lol) at a snails pace! You have me beat for even doing it!

    I should eat more veggies. . .I just don't. Good for you for being healthy!

    Thank you! :D
  • sweiland1
    sweiland1 Posts: 183 Member
  • crystalwelshroberts

    I'm better about my food choices these days (at least I think so). I've also started hiding veggies in my food or eating them raw with whatever lean meat we are having. I'm not a lover of veggies but I'm eating more than I was before. 3pm is generally my witching hour when I'm wanting a snack and lately I've noticed I'm not having that.

    I find cheese helps almost all veggies... Since I moved to fewer carbs I totally crave sugar less! The higher percentage of fat keeps me full longer too...

    I also raid the 'low carb' recipes online looking for small treats without sugar... There are lots out there

    Thanks for posting all this info, it is so gracious of you to share Randy with us :) You must feel so fortunate to have him as a resource. Continued blessings :)
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    Lord knows I love me some cheese, but I have to watch the amount of sodium I have as I retain water a whole lot more than before I donated a kidney.

    I'm totally hunting online now for low carb treats to have as snacks. I subscribe to Cooking Light however it's mostly meals they cover and not so much treats. I love treats. Alot.

    And I don't think Randy minds being 'shared' :)
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    I love your posts and updates. :smile:

    I know there are some threads on MFP about low carb snacks.... here are a couple of websites I have found that offer some lower carb ideas.

  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member
    I am an endo and vegetarian and carb addict! I may never lose all this fat because I have tried to go lower carb many times and have never had luck. I eat rice on a very regular basis. Pasta is a staple for me as well. I come from a Lebanese family...rice is huge! I also eat more carbs due to being a vegetarian and I am slowly headed towards vegan. ....MORE CARBS.

    I can't torture myself my lowering my carbs. I have learned that and I guess I will be taking the S L O W approach to weight loss! UGH!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Met with my trainer over the weekend and she pretty much said the same thing! I'm burning about 1800-2100 calories a day, but was only eating 1200-1400 usually. She had me up my cals to 2100 and after only three days, waist is already smaller! My break-up with carbs is also difficult LOL
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Thats great. Its rare to find a trainer who is willing to be upfront and honest about the need for proper fueling of the body. KEEP him or her!!!
  • 202685tracy
    202685tracy Posts: 42 Member
    I like what your trainer has to say. My train says to eat 1200 calories, which I CANNOT do.
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    shilsholebay - let me ask Randy what he suggests. He may have some suggestions.

    kelsey - yay!!!

    I'm having a hard time breaking up with carbs as well. I do notice I feel so much better when I'm under in carbs for several days in a row.

    I haven't brought out the tape measure to do measurements because, quite frankly, I know the jiggly is there and I'm not really sure I want to know how big it is. I have a toxic relationship with the scale and that's been determined and I'm having a hard time breaking up (however it's gone down a smidge more but not back down to 162.8). I'm relying on the fit of my clothes and my endurance to justify the hard work.

    Masq - thank you for the websites. I'm going to check them out and do some printing.

    I went for a run last night and my warm up walk was a bit shorter, I added 2 more blocks to my route and so ran a bit longer than the night before. My jog was the same pace, however, I tried to increase it enough to make me breathe a bit harder when faster paced songs come on (Lords of Acid Bondage remix is GREAT for this).

    The only thing that really cheesed me off during the run is that garbage day was Tuesday and people still haven't pulled their bins up to their houses and have left them on the sidewalk, so I either have to go into the street and around parked cars (street parking only) or go into their yards and dodge kids' toys, etc. I'd run on the street but with street parking on both sides and people flying through the neighborhoods, sidewalks are safer.

    With cooler weather coming, I'm on the hunt for warmer, comfortable running clothes that won't break the bank. Suggestions?