What are your goals?

How hard are you willing to work to get the body you want?


  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    I need to los 33lbs and tone up and be fit.

    My running goal is to be able to run a marathon.

    I also want to be flexible and be able to actually touch my toes hah

    Not be self concious and feel like the biggest person in the room...or feel judged if I eat a chocolate bar.

    mainly look good, feel good, be healthy and be able to set a healthy example to the kids I will one day have.
  • My goal is to be healthy. I would like to lose about 25 lbs. I don't weigh myself so I find it hard to track my progress. I joined about a week and a half ago and I feel better. I need better exercises as I have only been walking. I would also love some food advise. I eat healthy, but would like to feel more full.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    My goal is to lose 30 pounds. My trouble has always been nutrition. I have no problem exercising....sometimes do it 2x/day but it is usually to compensate for my lousy diet. I'd love to hear the nutrition plan you used. Congrats on your loss!
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    My goal is to lose about 40 lbs. I want to become more active. I also want to be able to make healthier choices for myself and my family. Would also like to tone and start doing some free weights again.
  • I want to be healthy! I would like to lose 50 lbs. I know it will take a little while, but I am ready to do it. I have wanted to lose the weight for so long now, it is time! I just need that little push now and then. I need someone to give me that inspiration. My husband says he loves me no matter what I look like, but I want to feel better about myself! I would love to make some friends here, that will keep me motivated!
  • I want to be healthy! I would like to lose 50 lbs. I know it will take a little while, but I am ready to do it. I have wanted to lose the weight for so long now, it is time! I just need that little push now and then. I need someone to give me that inspiration. My husband says he loves me no matter what I look like, but I want to feel better about myself! I would love to make some friends here, that will keep me motivated!

    I know where you are coming from. I joined MFP yesterday and I have had a weight problem my entire life. I am sick of it. I want to love myself. I want confidence. My boyfriend tells me i look good and he loves me no matter what, but if you dont love yourself then you can really never let someone else love you. I would love to help motivate you. Please add me as a friend if you would like.
  • Thanks everyone for sharing your goals! Let's make our goals quantifiable.


    I'm excited to support you all! In order to streamline everyone where we can freely post pictures, results, recipes, challenges, free meal plans, nutrition news and updates, fitness goals, and give you my undivided attention I will need to know who is really serious about seeing extreme results.

    If you are serious please email me at traceesmith80@gmail.com.

    P.S. Please don't email me if your not serious. I'm looking forward to helping you get extreme results so I need to know that your 100% committed. This is what I do and this is what I love!

    Thank you all! Good luck! Enjoy your journey!

    My Best,
  • BBickers0831
    BBickers0831 Posts: 7 Member
    I have been on MFP off and on for years... I started years ago at 225 and at my lowest was 178. Since that 178 I have moved, gotten a new job and a new amazing boyfriend! I then gave myself a goal to stay under 200 and did well for several months. I hit the 200 mark this week and decided I couldn't live my normal like without counting calories. I am fairly active but I don't WORKOUT, if that makes sense. My goal is toget back to my 178 and hopefully 180, I am the MOH in my Bff's wedding in 10 days and although my dress fits I am finding myself wondering how great I would look in my dress at 180lbs???

    My GOAL is to just get back at it and STAY at it!
  • I want to Loose 20 lb and be more fit and Star this Way. I am up and Down all the Time and i cant Jeep the Snape.:( so i am thankful for all the Support i get and for extra atvice:)