Day 1

jllove871 Posts: 84 Member
Today is day 1, I am not quiting cold turkey I am putting down smelly cigs and picking up odor free electronics. I spent a ton of time yesterday on the site and looking at nasty, I mean nasty pictures of the effects of smoking, I am a little squeemish so this really helps. I signed up for the smokefreetxt app which was easy and so far lots of texts coming in to remind me to BEHAVE, just text quit to 47848 if any of you want to try it. Anyway, wish me luck!


  • bada_bing
    bada_bing Posts: 128 Member
    Congratulations on making a great decision. I see you like the social interaction of helpful people to help you stay quit. I quit 18 months ago with Champix and the assistance of an online smoking cessation forum. It has plenty of reading and interaction (if you want). Please take a look at was very, very helpful. (this is all free, of course)

    Remember it is a journey not an event!

    Stay determined! It is not easy but it is attainable...I smoked for 43 years before finally taking the plunge!

  • jllove871
    jllove871 Posts: 84 Member
    So happy to hear you were succesful, it helps to know people who have kicked it. I will be looking at the link you gave tonight, I am determined this time!
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    I quit on Saturday morning... and (not to jinx it) but i feel great! im sure in the coming days i will crave one but i already promised my 6 year old son that i would quit and the happy look on his face was enough!

    good luck to you!!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Good luck to everyone, no matter what your path! I quit cold turkey but relied on an app called QuitNow to keep me on the straight and narrow. I would look at it to see how much of my health I regained and what my quit stats are (today is day 81 cig free, I've saved $366!).

    I thought Day 3 was my low point, the first week generally sucked, but it keeps getting better, slowly but surely.
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    I am on day 21! Going strong. Remember: Breathing techniques and mind over matter