Important stuff will go here one day.
Have you been told by a significant other/family member who has never smoked a cigarette in their life that they want you to quit to be healthy and live a long life and then you just feel guilt and it makes you want to --- have a cigarette?
3 months 17 days
It's been a little over three months smoke free now and I've put on about 10 pounds :( going to get back on the food tracking and eating in moderation diet and hopefully by the time this whole Corona virus thing blows over, I'll be closer to my goal weight and smoke free.
Anyone here
Is anyone still using this group?
1 week, no smoking, running everyday= weight gain?
I quit smoking one week ago and haven’t smoked since! My cravings were bad so I picked up running and I have been running everyday. My diet has been decently well, but after this week of running (uphill as well) and mild weight lifting (arms, squats, ab crunches) I noticed a weight gain of 1-2 kg (2.2-4.4 lbs)! I thought…
One week down! Any others out there who just past the one week mark?
Hi everyone, It's officially been one week as a non smoker again for me. (I've tried to quit and failed multiple times in the past) I hope to make myself a non smoker for good this time. I found the first three days to be the most difficult so far. I have gone cold turkey since New Years eve. I was seriously in a crappy…
I joined this group yesterday, but I'm hoping there may still be some active members around. I've been smoking for about 5 years, around a pack a day (some days less, some days more). I am making myself and my health the first priority in my life, so that includes quitting smoking. I've owned the Alan Carr book "The Easy…
Day 1
First day quitting. Feeling emotionally strong to quit today! I've smoked for 10 years (since 18) I've quit for 3 months back when I was 21 so I know I can do it! going to try do abit of exercise when I get cravings and not focus on weight loss to much during the first few weeks. Also using the nicotine gum I've had for…
Why I want to smoke
I don't know how many are still active in here, but I figured I'd go ahead and post and see what happens. I believe that reflection/introspection is a vital component to any successful and lasting life change. I have to be aware of the difficulties, and then apply a conscious strategy to minimize or eliminate them. This…
Tips to fight cravings
Hello, I am on my first full day of no smoking! I am having awful cravings today and find it hard to think about anything else. Does anyone have any tips on how to fight them? I quit for 5 years ago and I don't remember the cravings being this bad.
Is this group still active?
I just quit 5 days ago, I was looking for people to talk to about it. I'm pretty sure family/friends are about done hearing about it, obviously they are wanting to be supportive and are listening politely, but they've never gone through it so the conversation is pretty one-sided.